Kanako Yasaka


Avatar of Mountain and Lakes (Faith)

The usual outfit of Kanako from the world with squabbling gods on the mountain. A prosperous god who wants to control faith.

Avatar of Mountain and Lakes (Faith)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

True Purpose of a Shrine
VA: Morinaga Lika
The Raging Divine Soul
VA: Nishida Nozomi
Wind God of the Mountain
VA: Arai Satomi

Character Information

Temperament: Kakkoufuu

Kakkoufuu (a Touhou LW original) refers to a wind caused by high-density air flowing down from a higher altitude. An apt temperament for Kanako Yasaka, who awakens divine wind. Kanako is endowed with Metal Phase, to create Qian (heavenliness), and Sun Essence, as a god. The cold and silent Metal Phase resists Earth Phase, because earth bears metal, but it is weak to Fire Phase, because fire refines metal. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of creating heavenliness

The ability of Kanako Yasaka from the world with squabbling gods on the mountain. It is essentially the same as our version of Kanako's ability. However, the Kanako of this world may be involved in the cause of the prolonged incident of the mountain gods. Kanako is a classical god with a long history, but she is also a progressive god who actively adopts new things. This could be because she is a god who entered Suwako's country later, or it may be just her personality. The Kanako Yasaka of our world would actively incorporate various scientific technologies while calling them technological innovations and utilizing them in gathering faith. But what would have happened if Kanako had focused on technological innovation even before coming to Gensokyo? Or if she had been pursuing technological innovation during the prolonged incident? This could have led to Kanako having a long and drawn-out confrontation with Hakurei Shrine and the Youkai Mountain. In our world, it seems Kanako made the arbitrary decision for Moriya Shrine to enter Gensokyo. But what if she had gained sufficient understanding and approval from Sanae and Suwako? The three gods would have been well prepared to confront Hakurei Shrine and the Youkai Mountain. The Kanako Yasaka of our world may have thought that she did not need that much power, but it is possible that the Kanako of this world thought differently. And although Kanako is a powerful god (with declining faith), she is not in a position to openly enter Gensokyo without permission. Without the approval of Yakumo Yukari, the other sages who manage Gensokyo, or a being of the same rank, the Moriya Shrine's entry into Gensokyo would not have been possible. Who decided that this world's Moriya Shrine could enter Gensokyo? How did they make that decision? And for what reason? For now, the answers to these questions remain a mystery.



The Spread Shot of Kanako Yasaka from the world with squabbling gods on the mountain (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a freshly cut onbashira. Onbashira are wooden pillars used for festivals that function as a symbolic renewal of the shrine. When an onbashira is cut from the sacred forest, it represents the beginning of the festival. The onbashira from the mountain reaches the village after overcoming various difficult trials.

  • Tsunaokiba & Great Anayama Turn
  • Kiotoshi (Upper Shrines)
  • Miwa River Crossing
  • Tanakoba & Great Hagikura Turn
  • Kiotoshi (Lower Shrines)
  • Shimekake

The Spread Shot of Kanako Yasaka from the world with squabbling gods on the mountain (a Touhou LW original). This attack recreates the festival where the onbashira are paraded around and erected. The onbashira that were moved from the mountain to the village are paraded around the various shrines and then arranged to become sacred pillars. This spectacular festival is the most exciting part of the divine ritual.

  • Onbashira Storage
  • Onbashira Greeting
  • Onbashira Processing
  • Divine Dragon Waltz
  • Cavalcade
  • Raising the Onbashira
God Sign: Beautiful Spring Like Suiga

A Spell Card of Kanako Yasaka from the world with squabbling gods on the mountain. She attacks with clear spring water. Moriya Shrine is deeply connected with water. Water is the source of all life, so water-related deities have been strongly worshipped since ancient times. However, this is only one aspect of these gods. When a god of water becomes violent, they become a god of floods and water hazards. Gods of water have been worshiped so fervently and for such a long time because they clearly portray the dual nature of divine spirits―harmony and violence.

  • Suiga's Water Source
  • Suiga's Water Flow
  • Suiga's Onbashira
  • Maemiya Upper Shrine
  • Suiga's Clear Stream
  • Suiga's Water
God Sign: Ancient Fate Linked by Cedars

A Spell Card of Kanako Yasaka from the world with squabbling gods on the mountain. A cedar tree with a forked trunk provides a blessing of marriage in this attack. Even in this modern age, marriage is still one of the most sought-after blessings in the world. This is because marriage is an eternal theme that is beyond the control of individuals. However, marriage is inextricably linked to divorce, which is also beyond the control of individuals. Relationships are always difficult.

  • Blessed Relationship
  • Cedar of Relationship
  • Blessed Fate
  • Blessed Opportunity
  • Forked Cedar
  • Blessed Relationship Opportunity
Suwa's Dragon Faith

The Last Word of Kanako Yasaka from the world with squabbling gods on the mountain (a Touhou LW original). A god called Takeminakata is said to have a body of a snake. Dragon and serpent gods are said to be gods of water, weather, sky, and life. However, in a myth, Takemikazuchi tore off Takeminakata's arms (or arm depending on how it is read) in a battle of strength. One can assume the two gods of Suwa would have mixed feelings if this is how Takeminakata came to have the body of a snake and was born anew as a dragon serpent god.

  • Divine Dragon Suwa's Waltz
  • Red Divine Dragon Waltz
  • Blue Divine Dragon Waltz
  • Divine Dragon Suwa's Dance
  • Red Divine Dragon Dance
  • Blue Divine Dragon Dance


Skill: Rich Harvest Ritual

The fertility god protects agriculture. Its shrine maiden was called Yasakatome.

Skill: Legend of Boiling Water

A blessing to create hot springs. Apparently, it can also cause geysers to spout.

Skill: High and Low Tide

The shiomitsutama (tide-flowing jewel) and the shiofurutama (tide-ebbing jewel). Why does a mountain god have the Dragon Palace's treasures...?

Passive: New Shrine
Passive: Martial God
Passive: Seizing Faith