Koishi Komeiji


The Closed Eyes of Love (Subterranean)

The usual outfit of Koishi from the world of restless Underworld vengeful spirits. She wears this outfit when she goes out as well!

The Closed Eyes of Love (Subterranean)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

"Satori has never seen them!"
VA: Omori Nichika
"I'll be the talk of the house!"
VA: Misawa Sachika
"We'll decorate the entrance."
VA: Machico

Character Information

Temperament: Silent Earthquake

Silent Earthquake (a Touhou LW original) refers to slow earthquakes where the slip between tectonic plates is slower than usual. This is an apt temperament for Koishi, who always appears out of nowhere. The Underworld youkai, who have cut off all communication with the surface, lack the three Essences of Sun, Moon, and Star. Koishi is endowed with Fire Phase, as she seems to have an out-going personality, and Water Phase, the element of the unconscious mind. The formless and passionate Fire Phase resists Wood Phase, because wood feeds fire, but it is weak to Water Phase, because water dampens fire. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating the unconscious mind

The ability of Koishi Komeiji from the world of restless Underworld vengeful spirits (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Koishi's ability. In this world, the disturbance where vengeful spirits burst out to the surface through a geyser has been prolonged. However, it is not clear whether this Koishi was part of the cause or not. There are many mysteries regarding Koishi's ability, but as the name of the ability indicates, there is no doubt that she can interfere with the unconscious mind of herself and others. Koishi's presence cannot be sensed with the usual five senses, so no one can notice her unless Koishi allows it or they have some other special means. Also, there is a high chance that Koishi's actions that don't seem to come from unconscious instincts are merely an illusion of conscious expression. Koishi's presence that is steeped in subterfuge and deceit is a continual threat to beings who have an ordinary mental psyche with both a conscious and unconscious mind. Koishi seems to only follow her playful instincts, but who knows if that is true... The Koishi of our world happened to meet Reimu and Marisa at Moriya Shrine after the disturbance calmed down. She appeared there without any plan of note because she was curious and wanted to give the powers of gods to her pets. However, the disturbance in this world has been prolonged and is still going on. What actions did this Koishi take during this disturbance, and what did she achieve? Perhaps those who encountered her could offer some insight.


Libido Sublimation

The Spread Shot of Koishi Komeiji from the world of restless Underworld vengeful spirits (a Touhou LW original). She shoots bullets unconsciously. It is said that the id promotes libido to the ego. Libido is the voice of the wild that teaches humans the fundamentals required to keep living as organic beings.

  • Libido Sublimation
  • Inhibition Recollection
  • Libido Reinforcement
  • Inhibition Rebellion
  • Libido Delusion
  • Libido Rampage
Inhibition Conflict

The Focus Shot of Koishi Komeiji from the world of restless Underworld vengeful spirits (a Touhou LW original). She shoots bullets unconsciously. It is said that the super-ego promotes cultural norms to the ego. The super-ego is the voice of society that advises humans on how to coexist as social beings.

  • Inhibition Conflict
  • Libido Temptation
  • Inhibition Resistance
  • Libido Justification
  • Inhibition Denial
  • Inhibition Dismissal
Instinct: Release of the Id

A Spell Card of Koishi Komeiji from the world of restless Underworld vengeful spirits (a Touhou LW original). She shoots bullets according to her instincts. Instincts are a principle of happiness that has continued to form since humans were still wild animals. An answer to the mystery "Why do humans seek happiness?" could be that "Happiness is the feeling that indicates what humans need to do or have to live." In other words, happiness is the enjoyment of life and the blessings of continued life. The brain secretes "happiness chemicals" when these needs are fulfilled.

  • Id Release
  • Id Anarchy
  • Id Riot
  • Super-Ego Restraint
  • Super-Ego Arrest
  • Super-Ego Bind
Suppression: Super-Ego

A Spell Card of Koishi Komeiji from the world of restless Underworld vengeful spirits (a Touhou LW original). She attacks by suppressing the hearts she shot out. Societal suppression is generally taught by parents and teachers. It continuously affects people for as long as they live in a society. The most significant effect of the principle called "happiness" is on the community as a whole, not on an individual's mind. If you want to be happy again tomorrow, it is best to ensure that your neighbors are happy today.

  • Super-Ego Suppression
  • Id Insistence
  • Super-Ego Testimony
  • Id Rebuttal
  • Super-Ego Enforcement
  • Id Defiance
Ancestors' Cemetery Garden

The Last Word of Koishi Komeiji from the world of restless Underworld vengeful spirits (a Touhou LW original). The legacies engraved on her brain and genes throb with pain. The ego makes decisions after listening to the id and the super-ego. The id is the whispers of the wild that are engraved onto genes, and the super-ego is the traditional slogans that are engraved onto the brain. They are both legacies passed down from ancestors who have passed away. The world of humans is a gravestone that stands upon a vast communal cemetery.

  • Traditional Legacy
  • Traditional Norm
  • Traditional Teaching
  • Gene Legacy
  • Gene Whisper
  • Gene Temptation


Skill: Tulpamancy

An imaginary friend that cannot be seen with the naked eye. She is beside you right now.

Skill: Pebble Hat

It is very convenient to go unnoticed by all.

Skill: Blind Will

An unending purpose to keep on living. It will never be fulfilled, never go away, and will always cause suffering.

Passive: Unconsciously Unseen
Passive: Ambivalence
Passive: Emotional Barrier