Nue Houjuu


The Unidentified, Overly Fantastic Flying Girl

The usual outfit of Nue from the world where a treasure ship flies. Her petticoat is made from Seeds of Unknown Form.

The Unidentified, Overly Fantastic Flying Girl
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Completely Unidentifiable
VA: Otsubo Yuka
Completely Unknown
VA: Tomizawa Eri
Completely Mysterious
VA: Matsuda Satsumi

Character Information

Temperament: Oumagatoki

Oumagatoki (a Touhou LW original) refers to twilight, i.e., the time of day when the sun's light begins to fade and night approaches. This is an apt temperament for Nue, who is completely unidentifiable. Nue's temperament has also lost its true form. Nue doesn't like sunlight, which reveals objects' true forms (weak to Sun Essence). However, she's skilled at disguising herself as a flying luminous body with erratic movement patterns (strong against Star Essence).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of making objects unidentifiable (Prolonged)

The ability of Nue Houjuu from the world where a mysterious treasure ship flies through the skies (a Touhou LW original). It doesn't appear to be significantly different from Nue's original ability. A suspect has been found for the incident's prolonging. The incident in question is one where a treasure ship and a great number of UFOs flew through Gensokyo's skies while the youkai attempted to save a mysterious Buddhist monk. It became the 12th prolonged incident, and as it continued, it plunged Gensokyo into total chaos. The person thought to be responsible is none other than Nue Houjuu, who's capable of rendering anything, including herself, unidentifiable. It was thought that anyone who could interfere with people's ability to identify things could easily cause an incident like this. For Nue, preventing people from reaching their destinations, stopping people from collecting items, and even tricking friends into fighting each other is a piece of cake. However, Nue doesn't seem to think she had anything to do with it. Although... even in the same universe cluster, different worlds are all unique. Some Nue's may acknowledge the accusations against them, while others may not. Regardless, just because someone has been accused of wrongdoing doesn't necessarily mean they're guilty. Perhaps the true culprit is someone else entirely. Which would mean Nue's not the only one capable of causing an incident like this... A powerful youkai that, during the Heian era, launched an attack on the Imperial capital was back. She no longer had any fear of being exterminated by humans and showed no concern for the rumored Buddhist monk who was sealed away. She simply wanted to go on a fun rampage, knowing that doing so would lead to some interesting situations. She figured she'd be able to garner attention, fear, and ire. However, the humans and other youkai seemed far smarter than they were in the past... That's when Nue remembered the Heian-era oni and how they were as wise as they were powerful. She also remembered Mamizou, who acquired both power and wisdom in order to blend in with human society. Nue clenched her fist and resolved to do the same. She would later forget that moment, but her resolve was power in itself.


Thunder X

The Spread Shot of Nue Houjuu from the world where a mysterious treasure ship flies through the skies (a Touhou LW original). She hurls completely unidentifiable lightning at her foes. "Nue" are a type of youkai that are often said to resemble raijuu. In fact, it's possible that all raijuu are nue. However, by their very nature, nue are unidentifiable. Debating what exactly nue are plays right into their hands.

  • Thunder X
  • Electricity X
  • Spark X
  • Voltage X
  • Ionization X
  • Lightning X
Harpy X

The Focus Shot of Nue Houjuu from the world where a mysterious treasure ship flies through the skies (a Touhou LW original). She sends completely unidentifiable bird shadows to attack her foes. It's sometimes said that the strange birds that attacked the capital during the Heian era were actually nue, a type of youkai. Originally, "nue" referred to White's thrushes, and the mysterious youkai which came to be known as "nue" had no name. Since youkai come out at night, their true form is often unknown. If you yourself happen to see one, its appearance may well surprise you.

  • Harpy X
  • Siren X
  • Lorelei X
  • Night Sparrow X
  • Ubume X
  • Itsumade X
Unidentified: Rainbow UFO Invasion of Terror

A Spell Card of Nue Houjuu from the world where a mysterious treasure ship flies through the skies. She sends colorful UFOs to attack. The UFOs are actually fragments of the Flying Storehouse that she renders unidentifiable with her Seeds of Unknown Form. However, when people in Gensokyo first saw mysterious things flying in the sky that they couldn't identify, they assumed they were UFOs. (It's actually surprising that so many of them knew about UFOs.) People really do see what they want to see―which works to the advantage of youkai, but is also somewhat disappointing.

  • Terrifying Rainbow UFO
  • Sorrowful Blue UFO
  • Fearsome Seven-Colored UFO
  • Righteous Green UFO
  • Fear-Colored UFO
  • Rageful Red UFO
Grudge Bow: The Bow of Genzanmi Yorimasa

A Spell Card of Nue Houjuu from the world where a mysterious treasure ship flies through the skies. She recalls her memories of being exterminated. In the past, there have been a handful of exterminations of nue and beings resembling nue. The records show the reasons for these exterminations were often rather loose claims that they were spreading misfortune or causing people to fall ill. However, that's only because little was written about youkai by future generations, who wanted to write extensively about the bravery of youkai exterminators instead. It's possible that youkai of the past possessed powerful enough magic to disrupt systems of government and enough raw firepower to level cities. If they were any weaker than that, the youkai exterminators wouldn't be so highly regarded.

  • The Bow of Genzanmi Yorimasa
  • Hachiman Daibosatsu's Prayer Archery
  • Manjushri's Twin-Headed Snake Bow - Raijoudou
  • Manjushri's Whistling Arrow - Suiha
  • Manjushri's Whistling Arrow - Hyouha
  • Kotsushoku Blade
Unknown Magic City Diagonal

The Last Word of Nue Houjuu from the world where a mysterious treasure ship flies through the skies (a Touhou LW original). She thrusts disorder upon an orderly civilization in this attack. During the Heian era, the beautiful, barriered-off Imperial capital sat on a grid. It was designed using the four cardinal points and became a symbol of the light of civilization and humanity's wisdom. It was a huge hindrance to youkai as well as an unpleasant place to be. Crucially, it stopped them from being able to enjoy the Night Parade with the humans. And so the nue, who despised highly organized structures, were called upon to attack it. The unidentifiable youkai couldn't wait to throw the city into chaos, and there was no one better than them to break through the city's barriers and do just that.

  • Unknown Magic City
  • Shifted Tiger Diagonal
  • Shifted Snake Diagonal
  • Shifted Monkey Diagonal
  • Shifted Boar Diagonal
  • Imperial City Grid Thrust Into Chaos


Skill: Unknown Fur Coat

Her snake is a transformed Seed of Unknown Form. Nue's dress has also transformed.

Skill: Extraordinary Wings

Nue's left wings are strangely shaped and somewhat resemble a rindo flower.

Skill: Peculiar Wings

Nue's right wings have a mysterious shape and somewhat resemble a swallowtail butterfly.

Passive: Far Too Terrifying Youkai (Heian Era)
Passive: Completely Unknown True Form
Passive: Over-Accumulated Spirit Power