Seiga Kaku


The Wicked Hermit Who Passes Through Walls (Desires)

The usual outfit of Seiga from a world overflowing with divine spirits. She uses the chisel in her hair to open holes.

The Wicked Hermit Who Passes Through Walls (Desires)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Eternally Young Wicked Hermit
VA: Yamane Aya
Iron-Willed Wicked Hermit
VA: Kakumoto Asuka
Resourceful Wicked Hermit
VA: Tanaka Tomomi

Character Information

Temperament: Kaiki Nishhoku

Kaiki Nishhoku (a Touhou LW original) refers to a total solar eclipse, a celestial phenomenon where the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. This is an apt temperament for Seiga, who is good at opening holes in anything. Seiga is endowed with Water Phase, as a necromancer who controls souls and corpses of the dead, and Star Essence, as a wicked hermit who carves out her own fate. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of passing through walls

The ability of Seiga Kaku from a world overflowing with divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). It's basically the same as our Seiga's ability. Seiga Kaku is the person who taught Taoism to Toyosatomimi no Miko. She is a hermit who emigrated from China. However, some whisper that she is a wicked hermit behind her back. Apparently, she decided to cross the sea to Japan because there were plenty of Taoists just as powerful as her in China, the birthplace of Taoism. Considering Seiga's free-spirited nature, she probably didn't flee from China to avoid conflict. It's much more likely that she sought new pastures simply because she was tired of listening to the unfounded accusations against her. She probably seeks to insinuate herself with powerful and talented individuals like Miko because her ambition compels her to always reach for greater heights, like when she abandoned her family to become a hermit. It was also Seiga who advised the troubled Miko to spread the teachings of Buddhism across Japan for political reasons while seeking the truth of the universe with Taoism in secret. The fact she was in a position to advise the regent, albeit unofficially, indicates she was probably a member of the Mibube, an official institution of the Imperial Court that supported the emperor's children. They were in charge of managing the nation's finances that were set aside for the princes and princesses, as well as providing them with tuition and military training. Some even claim that the institution was created solely for the sake of Toyosatomimi no Miko. While nothing is confirmed, Seiga being one of the Mibube's foreign tutors would explain her uniquely privileged position in the Imperial Court. One can easily imagine Seiga attaining this position by exploiting loopholes in the law with her ability. The court at the time was hungry to learn all that they could from China's logical state-of-the-art culture, so with Seiga being an expert on Taoism, she was probably welcomed with open arms. Choushimaro, the groom of Miko's beloved kurokoma of Kai steed, might have also been a member of the Mibube institution. Another member, Ooube no Oo, was responsible for the God of Eternal Night incident that occurred after Toyosatomimi's supposed death. This might have also caused a religious schism within the institution, particularly if the rumors are to be believed that the head of the institution was none other than Hata no Kawakatsu. When youkai devour the flesh of hermits, they become even more powerful. That's why youkai are the enemies of hermits. Byakuren Hijiri has a number of youkai disciples as the head priest of Myouren Temple, so to hermits, that makes her an evil overlord who could potentially create a kingdom of youkai. And to Seiga, she is also a fool who truly believes in the teachings of Buddhism they spread for political reasons and a nuisance who sealed the spirit mausoleum where Miko lies at rest. Seeing as Seiga seems to have made Yoshika, her jiang shi servant, from the corpse of someone who lived during the Heian period (794-1185), it's likely that she continued to live somewhere in Japan while Miko and the others slept in the mausoleum. This shows how earnestly she must've wished for Miko's resurrection. It's unclear whether Hata no Kawakatsu told her about Nestorianism during their time in the Mibube or if she learned about it at another time or by some other means, but Seiga knew about the Western religious concepts of a saint being resurrected coinciding with the advent of a new kingdom and worldwide reformation, as well the story about the son of a god being born in a stable. She probably believed the advent of a new age would be her chance to do what she couldn't do in China and finally achieve her dream of becoming like He Xiangu (her inspiration for becoming a hermit in the first place). That might explain why she's so determined to complete Miko's resurrection, no matter who gets in her way or how long it takes.


Shui Gui

The Spread Shot of Seiga Kaku from a world overflowing with divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). She incites the spirits of the dead to attack. Spirits that haunt the living are often beings who perished in unfortunate circumstances. So, your first thought may be that Seiga forcefully controls them like mindless machines. However, it's possible that she coerces them to do her bidding with her exceptional social skills. That would be a much more efficient use of her powers.

  • Shui Gui Summoning
  • Shui Gui Exploitation
  • Shui Gui Manipulation
  • Shui Gui Mobilization
  • Shui Gui Control
  • Shui Gui Command
Chan Gui

The Focus Shot of Seiga Kaku from a world overflowing with divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). She goads the spirits of the dead to attack. If spirits haunt the living due to regrets or resentment regarding their death, it might be possible to use these negative emotions to manipulate them. Ghosts and vengeful spirits are strongly influenced by their lingering attachments to their past lives, so it stands to reason that this might also apply to other types of spirits. It's highly likely that Seiga exploits this weakness to make spirits want to serve her.

  • Chan Gui Summoning
  • Chan Gui Exploitation
  • Chan Gui Manipulation
  • Chan Gui Mobilization
  • Chan Gui Control
  • Chan Gui Command
Evil Sign: Guhun Yegui

A Spell Card of Seiga Kaku from a world overflowing with divine spirits. She tempts the spirits of the dead to attack. A necromancer like Seiga must seem like a goddess of salvation to spirits trapped in prisons of their own misfortune and despair. For lost souls to return to their proper place in the karmic cycle, a Buddhist exorcism needs to be performed. However, this can be painful and bothersome for the spirits involved. That's why they can find hope in death by following a necromancer who accepts them for who and what they are. Perhaps the tiny divine spirits flocked to Toyosatomimi no Miko for a similar reason.

  • Guhun Yegui Summoning
  • Guhun Yegui Exploitation
  • Guhun Yegui Manipulation
  • Guhun Yegui Mobilization
  • Guhun Yegui Control
  • Guhun Yegui Command
Spirit Link: Tongling Yoshika

A Spell Card of Seiga Kaku from a world overflowing with divine spirits. She controls the spirits of the dead with Yoshika in this attack. Tongling, or spirit linking, is a technique that enables remote manipulation of another being by connecting the flow of qi within to the flow of qi without and then linking with someone else's qi. It's like the opposite of letting spirits possess your own body. Also, when Seiga uses this technique, she can manipulate Yoshika to make Yoshika control the spirits of the dead, too. These multiple levels of manipulation are reminiscent of how Ran Yakumo controls a shikigami of her own. However, it could be argued that Seiga's direct and precise control is more akin to Alice's doll magic.

  • Yoshika's Spirit Link
  • Yoshika's Super Spirit Link
  • Seiga's Spirit Link
  • Seiga's Super Spirit Link
  • Seiga & Yoshika's Joint Spirit Link
  • Seiga & Yoshika's Super Joint Spirit Link
TAO Fetal Movement ~Dao~

The Last Word of Seiga Kaku from a world overflowing with divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). This was originally a type of attack called Overdrive. But Seiga created this Spell Card by adjusting that attack to be used as her Last Word. The idea of reincarnation originated in part from the belief that burying the dead returns them to the womb of Mother Earth. This explains why ideas similar to the Buddhist concept of reincarnation naturally cropped up in various cultures all over the world. Toyosatomimi was buried with her closest advisors to be reborn at a later date. She was to be resurrected as a saint. The resurrection of a saint who is also royalty has greater ramifications than just the renewed life of an individual. It marks the coming of a new age and the beginning of a new world. Perhaps that was what Seiga had hoped for all along when she first taught Taoism to Miko.

  • Tao Fetal Movement
  • Tao Wriggle
  • Tao Whisper
  • Tao Murmur
  • Tao Hum
  • Tao Thunder


Skill: Bone Examination

The sacrum is also known as the sacred bone or the hermit bone. Is that what gives hermits their powers, or does every bone become a hermit bone when one becomes a hermit?

Skill: Body Exercise

Most hermit techniques strengthen the body in some way. Hermits train to acquire vast knowledge, physical prowess, and a long life.

Skill: Spirit Supplement

Many hermit techniques utilize medicine. In fact, there isn't much that separates hermit techniques from alchemy.

Passive: Spirit-Manipulation Magic
Passive: Corpse-Controlling Magic
Passive: Tao Tutor