Yoshika Miyako


Loyal Undead

The usual outfit of Yoshika from a world overflowing with divine spirits. Seiga wrote some notes on the ofuda on her forehead.

Loyal Undead
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Zombie Without a Movie
VA: Orikasa Ai
Popular Zombie
VA: Kakumoto Asuka
Zombie Underling
VA: Nomura Kanako

Character Information

Temperament: Kaiki Gesshoku

Kaiki Gesshoku (a Touhou LW original) refers to a total lunar eclipse―a celestial phenomenon where the Moon is completely hidden by the Earth's shadow. This is an apt temperament for Yoshika, who tries to eat everything she sees. Yoshika is endowed with Water Phase, as an undead fighter, and Moon Essence, due to unconscious remnants of temperament hidden deep inside her. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of eating anything (When she takes a bite out of humans, they temporarily become jiang shi.)

The ability of Yoshika Miyako from a world overflowing with divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). It's basically the same as our Yoshika's ability. Yoshika is a zombie and jiang shi. The wicked hermit, Seiga Nyan Nyan, created her to guard Miko's spirit mausoleum. It's possible that Seiga created Yoshika long after Miko was entombed, however, there isn't enough evidence to say for sure. Monsters and youkai that move even though they are corpses are collectively known as the living dead. They seem to have no will of their own and can only function by obeying the commands of relatively simple programs. The living dead are practically the same as puppets, golems, and robots, except for the fact that they're made from corpses. Generally speaking, none of these beings have souls, so they cannot make spiritual attacks. Medicine Melancholy is a prime example of this. That said, if you ignore Yoshika's somewhat unique personality, she's just as capable of talking and doing things as any other youkai or human. There are a few possible explanations for this. - Rental Theory: She acts as a vessel for spirits of the dead and borrows their intelligence. - Robot Theory: She doesn't house any spirits, but instead just seems intelligent because she follows the directions of a complex program. - Grid Theory: She thinks with something other than her brain. Unfortunately, none of these theories are verifiable, which makes Yoshika a kind of philosophical zombie. The scariest part of her ability is how she can bite people to turn them, albeit temporarily, into jiang shi. Imagine what it would be like to become a philosophical zombie... Actually, that's pretty hard to imagine. Anyway, this ability can potentially cause a wide-reaching and devastating incident. You may think it'll be OK because all you need to do is avoid getting bitten, but what if you simply think that way because you've already been bitten? Perhaps that's what your zombie brain wanted you to think? By the time you returned to normal, the memories of getting bit might've already rotten away.


Yellow Fangs

The Spread Shot of Yoshika Miyako from a world overflowing with divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). She bites her foes with her zombie teeth. When a zombie bites someone, their victim becomes a zombie too. Yoshika actually has this exact ability. Aren't vampires supposed to be able to do something similar...?

  • Yellow Fangs
  • Yellow Canines
  • Yellow Central Incisors
  • Yellow Lateral Incisors
  • Yellow Premolars
  • Yellow Molars
Red Nails

The Focus Shot of Yoshika Miyako from a world overflowing with divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). She scratches her foes with her jiang shi nails. Apparently, the nails of jiang shi are coated in a toxin that incapacitates anyone they scratch. They might be slow, undead fighters, but you underestimate them at your own peril.

  • Red Nails
  • Red Thumb Nails
  • Red Index Finger Nails
  • Red Middle Finger Nails
  • Red Ring Finger Nails
  • Red Pinky Finger Nails
Recovery: Heal by Desire

A Spell Card of Yoshika Miyako from a world overflowing with divine spirits. She eats tiny divine spirits and absorbs their power. Tiny divine spirits are manifestations of desires born from prayers. But they are also clumps of temperament with the potential to evolve into true divine spirits. In other words, they're like god eggs, which makes Yoshika, who eats them, an egg-thieving snake. Also, since they're basically eggs, they're probably a good source of spiritual nutrition.

  • Tiny Divine Spirit Snack
  • Tiny Divine Spirit Lunch
  • Tiny Divine Spirit Dinner
  • Tiny Divine Spirit Feast
  • Tiny Divine Spirit Consumption
  • Tiny Divine Spirit Absorption
Desire Sign: Score Desire Eater

A Spell Card of Yoshika Miyako from a world overflowing with divine spirits. She eats desire spirits and absorbs their power. Desire spirits, a.k.a. tiny divine spirits, are clumps of temperament that have the potential to become gods. Thus, consuming them might also cause your soul to evolve in some way. However, Yoshika is a zombie, so eating them only regenerates her rotten mind and body. If she was capable of becoming a more powerful type of undead creature, eating the desire spirits might've helped her to evolve into a divine saint like Miko, a shikaisen, or perhaps even something greater. Then again, she'd first have to find a way to keep a soul attached to her body.

  • Score Desire Spirit Snack
  • Score Desire Spirit Lunch
  • Score Desire Spirit Dinner
  • Score Desire Spirit Feast
  • Score Desire Spirit Consumption
  • Score Desire Spirit Absorption
Undead Murderer

The Last Word of Yoshika Miyako from a world overflowing with divine spirits (a Touhou LW original). This was originally a type of attack called Overdrive. Yoshika created this Spell Card by adjusting that attack to be used as her Last Word. Yoshika is a corpse and a fighter who was tasked (presumably by Seiga) with keeping intruders out of the spirit mausoleum. She said, "We are fighters" when confronting an intruder, which implies that there are or were others who guarded the mausoleum with her. Perhaps Seiga created multiple jiang shi to guard the spirit mausoleum, but they got lost somewhere along the way before the time of Miko's resurrection. Maybe they returned to the soil because they weren't as structurally sound as Yoshika, or they could've been defeated by intruders because they weren't as strong. Another possible explanation is that Yoshika kept biting intruders, temporarily turning them into jiang shi and then parting ways with them once their transformation had expired. The only one who could know for sure is Yoshika, but her rotten brain prevents her from remembering.

  • Undying Murderer
  • Undying Fighter
  • Undead Murderer
  • Undead Fighter
  • Murderer Corpse
  • Fighter Corpse


Skill: Rotten Organs

Her brain and other organs have mostly rotted away. But somehow, that doesn't stop her from functioning!

Skill: Rotten Blood

Her blood is old and rotting, but her complexion isn't all that bad.

Skill: Rotten Muscles

She still looks adorable even if her muscles and bones are rotting.

Passive: Jiang Shi Poison
Passive: Undead Soldier
Passive: Nyan Nyan Backup