Seija Kijin


Counterattacking Amanojaku (Shining)

The usual outfit of Seija from the world constantly reversing. It seems she feels more comfortable upside down.

Counterattacking Amanojaku (Shining)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

nwoD ediS sihT
VA: Kanno Mai
ukajonamA gniripsnoC
VA: Yamane Aya
rewoP fo selbaT eht gnippilF
VA: Wakuno Aika

Character Information

Temperament: Ranki-ryuu

Ranki-ryuu (a Touhou LW original) refers to an unstable vortex of air that forms in the atmosphere. This is an apt temperament for this Seija, an amanojaku who seeks to turn the tables of power. This Gensokyo is in the midst of an incident Seija started, so in some ways, this is her moment in the spotlight. Her power to bring about unexpected change to Gensokyo is the reverse of the new life temperament, Wood Phase (strong against Water Phase but weak to Metal Phase). Her disposition to disrupt order and bring about chaos is the reverse of the uncooperative temperament, Star Essence (strong against Moon Essence but weak to Sun Essence).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of turning over anything

The ability of Seija Kijin from the world constantly reversing (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Seija's ability. Seija Kijin's goal is to reverse everything in Gensokyo, including the power structure. According to the historical documents, Seija's Reversal Incident failed. This comes as no surprise, as all incidents must eventually be resolved, but why did she start the incident in the first place? What would the world have looked like had she succeeded? What was the incident really about? When investigating a prolonged incident, you have to find out how the incident was started and how it should've been resolved. This is because by doing so, you will likely be able to discover the reason for it's prolonging. Seija Kijin plotted to reverse everything in Gensokyo by tricking Shinmyoumaru Sukuna into using an artifact that only inchlings can use. Her motivation for doing so was simple: she's an amanojaku and, therefore, takes pleasure in being hated. Seija figured that many people would get frustrated and annoyed at Gensokyo being reversed and consider it to be an act of evil. The reason she first thought to use Shinmyoumaru's artifact was because she alone wasn't powerful enough to enact her plan. It's unclear what exactly Seija's ability is capable of reversing and to what extent, but it can be safely said that it's not capable of reversing all of Gensokyo. It's hard to imagine the Reversal Incident being prolonged as, similar to the Spring Snow Incident, it has an innate time limit. The artifact used in the incident―a.k.a, the Miracle Mallet―is a tool imbued with oni magic, so when that magic begins to return, the incident should naturally come to an end. All of the changes the mallet manifested will vanish, resulting in the tsukumogami reverting back to inanimate objects and the weak youkai ending their rampage. But not everything returns to the way it was. A price must be paid for using too much of the mallet's magic, and so its owner, Shinmyoumaru, ends up even smaller than before. What's worrisome is not knowing when the mallet's magic will begin to return. If Seija had known the answer to that question, she most likely wouldn't have started the incident at all. In order to keep the tables of power permanently flipped, it's necessary to never use the power of the Miracle Mallet again. There are three distinct possibilities that could explain the prolonging of the incident. 1. Seija has some hidden power that she used to reverse Gensokyo herself. (In this case, the power of the mallet was unnecessary or merely supplementary.) 2. Seija knew the true nature of the mallet and found some way to block its magic from returning. 3. Seija started the incident but had nothing to do with its prolongation. (In other words, she was used by the one responsible for the prolonged incidents.) If 1 is correct, then it's necessary to consider that amanojaku youkai might be a type of fallen god with divine origins. Amanojaku have connections with many gods, such as Hebo, the Chinese river god, but the two that are most commonly known are Amenosagume, who was written about in old Japanese myths, and Amanozako, a powerful evil goddess who was written about in a book from the 18th century. Tengu are said to originate from Amanozako, and it seems Amenosagume has some relation to Sagume Kishin, who Seija referred to as one of her kin. So, in this world, it's plausible that Seija's genes contain some kind of great power. If 2 is correct, Seija either prepared some tool or method for preventing the magic's return before starting the incident, or perhaps she knew a secret way to use the Miracle Mallet. It's always been strange how only inchlings are able to use the mallet. Since it was originally an oni tool, surely oni are able to use it, too... If 3 is correct, it would mean the real culprit wasn't Seija but someone else entirely. Perhaps even someone close by. Say, for example...


Evil Reverse Mirror

The Spread Shot of Seija Kijin from the world constantly reversing (a Touhou LW original). She calls upon the evil contained within mirrors. Since long ago, people from all around the globe have believed that mirrors contain magic. Perhaps the way they create copies of all who stand before them while flipping left and right led people to view them as entrances to other worlds.

  • Evil Reverse Mirror
  • Vexing Reverse Mirror
  • Warped Reverse Mirror
  • Malicious Reverse Mirror
  • Heretical Reverse Mirror
  • Wicked Reverse Mirror

The Focus Shot of Seija Kijin from the world constantly reversing (a Touhou LW original). She lets herself get caught up in the mayhem and goes on a rampage. Incidents are an unusual occurrence but can be considered a type of festival. During an incident, certain actions become acceptable, including participation in riots and fights. That's what a real festival is all about. Luckily, modern political systems allow you to "fight" your rivals without spilling blood.

  • Incident Gale
  • Incident Gust
  • Incident Squall
  • Incident Storm
  • Incident Hurricane
  • Incident Tornado
Reverse Sign: Evil in the Mirror

A Spell Card of Seija Kijin from the world constantly reversing. She causes an evil reverse. Good and evil are relative, and the boundary between them can be easily reversed. The categories of good and evil don't exist, with each concept simply being defined as the opposite of the other. Seija sees many in Gensokyo as evil. That includes its rulers, the self-righteous Myouren Temple and Divine Spirit Mausoleum, the power-hungry Scarlet Devil Mansion and Eientei, and the opportunistic Moriya Shrine and Hakurei Shrine. All that is to say, the entirety of Gensokyo views Seija as evil.

  • Reflected Evil
  • Reflected Vexation
  • Reflected Warping
  • Reflected Malice
  • Reflected Heresy
  • Reflected Wickedness
Turnabout: Change Air Brave

A Spell Card of Seija Kijin from the world constantly reversing. She replaces many things in this attack. Assuming incidents are like festivals, then the festival planner would be Seija. The transaction of power is an important event, and revolutions are bonus events that disregard the rule of law. Seija surely thought that revolution-style incidents were an innovative and effective method of defiance against those whose rule over Gensokyo is absolute. However, she doesn't know that such incidents haven't occurred in the outside world for a long time, and have been replaced with systematic revolutions where no blood is spilled. In other words, she doesn't know about democracy.

  • Gale's Incident Current
  • Gust's Incident Current
  • Squall's Incident Current
  • Storm's Incident Current
  • Hurricane's Incident Current
  • Tornado's Incident Current
tnedicnI lasreveR

The Last Word of Seija Kijin from the world constantly reversing. She reverses everything in this attack. While her name may contain the symbol for oni, Seija Kijin is an amanojaku, not an oni. That said, it's dangerous to underestimate her. What are her roots as a youkai, and what value does her ability offer? The more you know about those two things, the more you'll realize that there's a great power lurking within her that cannot be taken lightly. It could be that she's intentionally suppressing that power. Then again, perhaps it's buried so deep that she's unaware of its existence. The latter seems preferable.

  • Reversal Incident Gensokyo
  • Reversal Incident Xanadu
  • Reversal Incident El Dorado
  • Reversal Incident Utopia
  • Reversal Incident Tipsy Paradise
  • Reversal Incident Fairyland


Skill: Convenient Magic

Starting the Reversal Incident required strong magic. The convenient kind that makes your wishes come true.

Skill: Power Reversal

Seija wants to reverse the power hierarchy. Gensokyo is yet another place that exists solely for the strong.

Skill: Hidden Ambitions

What does Seija really want from the Reversal Incident? What will the world look like when it's done?

Passive: Fiend of Deceit
Passive: Power-Disrupting Storm
Passive: Old God's Shadow