

Ultra-Purified Hell Fairy

The usual outfit of Clownpiece from the world with a moving Lunar Capital. She inherited Hecatia's fashion style.

Ultra-Purified Hell Fairy
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Ultra-Innocent Creature
VA: Momoi Haruko
Ultra-Lunatic Fairy
VA: Enomoto Atsuko
Ultra-Hellish Jester
VA: Oki Saeko

Character Information

Temperament: Chou Nettaiya

Chou Nettaiya (a Touhou LW original) refers to hot nights when the temperature doesn't drop below 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). This is an apt temperament for this ultra-lunatic Clownpiece. Clownpiece's temperament is also more lunatic. She's decked out, ready to defeat the Lunar Capital (strong against Moon Essence). However, she hates getting caged in by rules and responsibilities (weak to Metal Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of driving people mad (Prolonged)

The ability of Clownpiece from the world where the Lunar Capital never stays in one place (a Touhou LW original). It doesn't appear to be significantly different from Clownpiece's original ability. A suspect has been found for the incident's prolonging. The incident in question is the one where the Lunar Capital suddenly decided to invade Gensokyo. The Lunar Capital was trapped in stasis, and there was a plan to move it to Gensokyo. Humans were sent to the Moon, Lunar Sages plotted behind the scenes, and a purified spirit tried to enact her vengeance. It became the 15th prolonged incident, plunging Gensokyo and its neighboring realms into never-ending chaos. The person thought to be responsible is none other than Clownpiece. While she may be a fairy, you underestimate her at your own peril. Hell fairies have been tempered by their harsh environment, making them much more powerful than your average fairy, and Clownpiece is one of the strongest Hell fairies. Not to mention, this Clownpiece has been purified, taking her power to even greater heights. Considering this Clownpiece's power, position, and nature, it's like she's become a kind of fairy demigod... especially since her boss is a goddess and a divine spirit purified her. But who would've thought her actions would confound the plans of actual gods? Fairies truly are embodiments of freedom. They're Mother Nature incarnate, and no one can control them. Still... it's crazy to think her purification caused all this. Fairies do not mature or grow old. They simply are. However, that doesn't mean they never change. If they didn't, they would be neither living nor dead. Life is in constant flux, as is the universe itself. All fairies embody a small aspect of this, but it can exemplified through purification. This makes them the antithesis of the Lunarians, who seek to go against the natural order to attain an isolated and self-sufficient eternity. Ordinarily, the Lunarians would quickly and easily get rid of any fairies they find, considering them to be of the last vestiges of impurity on the Moon. However, facing the purified fairies makes them feel like they've returned to the impure Earth they left behind. They become part of the food chain again and must constantly fight and struggle to survive. It's the great fairy revolution. This Clownpiece probably looks more grown up because she wanted to be more like Hecatia and Junko. Fairies are like children, and it's natural for them to want to grow up fast and become like the adults they admire. Despite her looks, Clownpiece is still a child at heart. She dresses and talks differently, but these are probably just things she picked up from talking to some teenage spirits in Hell. Whatever the case, while she may look like the kind of fairy who does whatever she wants when she wants, that's more the kind of fairy that she wants to become. In truth, she's full of anxiety and maddening doubts. Then again, that means she has the freedom to doubt and choose for herself. That might be all the freedom she needs to escape the Goddess of Hell's control and cause a prolonged incident.


Silence and Respect

The Spread Shot of Clownpiece from the world where the Lunar Capital never stays in one place (a Touhou LW original). She displays her ultra-lunatic loyalty in this attack. For some reason, this Clownpiece tends to speak with a lot of slang. Perhaps she picked this up from some teenage phantoms she met in Hell. Then again, Hecatia also has a rather casual (some might say dated) way of speaking, so perhaps this is simply Clownpiece's awkward attempt to copy her.

  • Silence Hell Fairy Squad 1
  • Respect Hell Fairy Squad 1
  • Silence Hell Fairy Squad 2
  • Respect Hell Fairy Squad 2
  • Silence Hell Fairy Squad 3
  • Respect Hell Fairy Squad 3
Dignity and Perseverance

The Focus Shot of Clownpiece from the world where the Lunar Capital never stays in one place (a Touhou LW original). She unleashes an ultra-crazy and super Hellish attack. Unfortunately, it's all too common for people to be misjudged based on how they dress or speak. It's the same as judging a book by its cover. Wearing the same style of clothes or makeup and speaking the same lingo helps build a tight-knit community. The gyaru culture in Japan is a prime example of this.

  • Dignity Hell Fairy Squad 1
  • Perseverance Hell Fairy Squad 1
  • Dignity Hell Fairy Squad 2
  • Perseverance Hell Fairy Squad 2
  • Dignity Hell Fairy Squad 3
  • Perseverance Hell Fairy Squad 3
Hell Sign: Stars and Stripes

A Spell Card of Clownpiece from the world where the Lunar Capital never stays in one place. She shoots out stars and lasers in a stripe pattern. Harlequin, fool, joker, clown, and jester are just a few of the names used to describe witty and comedic servants who dress in bright, multi-colored costumes. Perhaps Clownpiece is something like Hecatia's jester. Wise rulers used to keep court jesters not just for entertainment but for their remarkable insight and resourcefulness. Just because they're called fools doesn't mean they're stupid. In fact, you have to be pretty smart to act a convincing fool.

  • Star of Justice
  • Star of Purity
  • Star of Perserverence
  • Stripe of Valor
  • Stripe of Innocence
  • Stripe of Hardiness
Apollo Conspiracy Theory

A Spell Card of Clownpiece from the world where the Lunar Capital never stays in one place. She retells a conspiracy theory about the Moon landing. Humans have supposedly been to the Moon... but that was a long time ago. There are two main conspiracy theories. One, the footage of the Moon-landing was filmed in a studio, and no one has ever actually stepped on the Moon. Two, the astronauts who landed on the Moon found something that was never revealed to the public, such as a moon rabbit. There's hardly any evidence for either theory, but that doesn't stop people from discussing them. The reason is simple: conspiracy theories are just plain fun to talk about.

  • 1st Fabricated Stage
  • 2nd Fabricated Stage
  • 3rd Fabricated Stage
  • Fabricated Service Module
  • Fabricated Command Module
  • Fabricated Lunar Module
Nameless Bullet Hell

The Last Word of Clownpiece from the world where the Lunar Capital never stays in one place (a Touhou LW original). She demonstrates the power of a purified fairy in this attack. This Clownpiece might look more grown up, but she's still a child at heart. This disconnect is emotionally taxing. She wants to maintain her freedom as a fairy, but she also wants to become more like Hecatia and Junko, who she greatly admires. Hecatia's power as a goddess and Junko's influence as a sagacious spirit are so overwhelming that, normally, you'd never even think of trying to imitate them, but fairies are freedom incarnate. They harbor the potential to make the impossible possible. This Clownpiece's emotional state is basically equal to that of a human teenager. Her head is full of questions. "Why can't I do the same things as everybody else?" "Where do I belong?" "What will my future be like?" and "What do others think of me?" She isn't fully happy with her looks or how she talks. That's simply how she ended up after wanting to be just a little bit more like the two people she respects the most.

  • Nameless Bullet Hell
  • Nameless Needle Hell
  • Nameless Blazing Hell
  • Nameless Hell of Blood Pools
  • Nameless Hell of Incessant Suffering
  • Eight Nameless Ubearably Cold Hells


Skill: Ultra-Bright Torch

Torches are meant to be used to guide people, but all this torch does is stoke the flames of madness.

Skill: Ultra-Hellish Clown

She wears a clown hat and clown ruffs. But why...?

Skill: Ultra Fashionista

The Goddess of Hell probably helped Clownpiece pick her outfit. She might have even given her her old clothes.

Passive: Ultra-Lunatic Moon
Passive: Ultra-Harsh Environment
Passive: Innately Good Creature