

Youkai of the Darkest Dusk

The usual outfit of Rumia from the world shrouded in overly scarlet mist. It seems as if a seal placed upon her has been broken...

Youkai of the Darkest Dusk
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Overwhelming Darkness
VA: Kisui Shio
Impenetrable Shadows
VA: Fujisaki Nagi
Excruciating Hunger
VA: Kato Seina

Character Information

Temperament: Yamiyo

Yamiyo (a Touhou LW original) refers to a pitch-black night. This is an apt temperament for Rumia, the overly dark youkai. Rumia's temperament has been shrouded in darkness, erasing her weakness to Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating darkness (Prolonged)

The ability of Rumia from the world shrouded in overly scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). It doesn't appear to be significantly different from Rumia's original ability. A suspect has been found for the incident's prolonging. The incident in question is the one where an ominous scarlet mist covered Gensokyo. The shrine maiden and magician decided to investigate. They battled past youkai and fairies in the dense mist to find the Scarlet Devil's mansion, where their desire to resolve the incident clashed with the vampire's ambition. It became the 6th prolonged incident as the mist continued to spread seemingly without end. The person thought to be responsible is none other than Rumia. It would be a mistake to disregard her as a weakling. With her ability to manipulate darkness and her appetite for human flesh, she is a true youkai in every sense of the word. The only thing holding her back is her inability to unlock her full potential... but what if someone else could unlock it for her? The magical darkness Rumia creates doesn't act like regular darkness. It cannot be dispelled with light. In fact, it swallows any light it touches. While Rumia is inside her magical darkness, she cannot see where she's going. This silly interaction makes what should be a terrifying youkai seem kind of adorable... but perhaps this is simply the result of her inability to fully control her powers. In addition to her sight, the darkness also shrouds her other senses, including her sense of self, preventing her from telling truth from fiction and reality from delusions. Apparently, a war broke out in Gensokyo's past, where the youkai split into two factions―one siding with the sages, the other with the vampires. It was called the Vampire Incident. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any reliable records detailing what actually happened during this incident. All that's been found so far are fabricated reports full of contradictions. However, they are still interesting reads that may offer some insights into the political landscape of that time. According to one such report, the vampires granted extraordinary power to some of their youkai allies, causing them to fight more ferociously. These youkai changed to such an extent that it was like they had been modified on a spiritual level... and Rumia's name was listed among the youkai who received this power. Being weak to sunlight, the great Scarlet Devil enlisted Rumia, the Youkai of Dusk, as her personal shroud of perpetual darkness. In this report, Rumia is described as looking and acting like a tyrannical devil with a personality as dark as the darkness she wields... which doesn't sound anything like this world's Rumia. There are other dubious reports that state Rumia sided with the sages or that during the Heian era (794-1185), a youkai resembling Rumia participated in the Night Parade, but again, there doesn't seem to be any substantial connections between them and the Rumia of this world. It's still a mystery what purpose the ofuda tied to Rumia's hair served. Was it placed there to seal away Rumia's true power, or did it act as a cage for another being? Perhaps it was meant to protect Rumia from that being... Unfortunately, the truth remains hidden. Assuming someone or something did manipulate Rumia into using her powers, they probably only used her darkness sparingly to weaken the sunlight, as that would make producing and spreading the mist a whole lot easier. It would also be much more efficient than enveloping the entire world in magical darkness. However, that would mean there is another mastermind behind the prolonging of this incident... unless Rumia did this of her own volition.


Hole in the Sky

The Spread Shot of Rumia from the world shrouded in overly scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack evokes the image of a dark Sun. Imagine what it would be like if you looked up at the Sun to find it wasn't there, and instead, there was a Sun-sized hole in the sky. It would be like an anti-sun. Perhaps that's what true darkness is.

  • Dark Sun
  • Anti-Sun
  • No Sun
  • Black Sun
  • Empty Sun
  • Sunless Void
12 Brass Idols

The Focus Shot of Rumia from the world shrouded in overly scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack evokes the image of a dark Sun. 12 brass idols were destroyed by a saint. It's not known what they used to represent, but when you think of brass, the first thing you probably think of is brass instruments, so perhaps that's a clue.

  • 1st & 2nd Idol
  • 3rd & 4th Idol
  • 5th & 6th Idol
  • 7th & 8th Idol
  • 9th & 10th Idol
  • 11th & 12th Idol
Moon Sign: Moonlight Ray

A Spell Card of Rumia from the world shrouded in overly scarlet mist. She shoots out beams of moonlight in this attack. It's thought that the ofuda tied to Rumia's hair was placed there to suppress something. This is evidenced by how, in this world, Rumia's ofuda has been torn free and now traps moonlight, solidifying it into the shape of a sword.

  • Moonlight Ray
  • Strong Moonlight Ray
  • Moonlight Bullet
  • Large Moonlight Bullet
  • Giant Moonlight Bullet
  • Intense Moonlight Ray
Night Sign: Night Bird

A Spell Card of Rumia from the world shrouded in overly scarlet mist. This attack was inspired by nocturnal birds. Rumia can create magical darkness. This world's Rumia used her darkness to fashion a pair of wings. However, she doesn't use them to fly but to imitate the silhouette of some other creature.

  • Night Sparrow Bullet
  • Scops Owl Bullet
  • Nightjar Bullet
  • True Owl Bullet
  • Nightingale Bullet
  • Night Crow Bullet
Vampire Guard - Maroon Knight

The Last Word of Rumia from the world shrouded in overly scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She almost remembers something in this attack. Supposedly, during the Vampire Incident, some youkai sided with the vampires in their battle against the sages. They betrayed Gensokyo. Unfortunately, no trustworthy historical records state what these youkai were called or what happened to them after the vampires were defeated. However, according to a more dubious source, the vampires bestowed power and the title of "knight" to the strongest youkai that joined them.

  • Maroon Knight
  • Wine-Red Knight
  • Dark-Red Knight
  • Mahogany Knight
  • Reddish-Black Knight
  • Dark-Scarlet Knight


Skill: Cruel Awakening

Some unidentifiable thing is crawling around inside her head.

Skill: Wings of Darkness

She can wrap her wings around herself to become one with the night.

Skill: Moonlight Sword

Her sword is covered by the ofuda that used to be tied to her hair.

Passive: Disjointed Memories
Passive: Incomplete Devil Possession
Passive: Maroon Ribbon?