

Nameless Greater Fairy (Scarlet)

The usual outfit of Daiyousei from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. It features a long, vibrant blue dress.

Nameless Greater Fairy (Scarlet)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Expressive Fairy
VA: Hayase Marika
Jolly Prankster
VA: Aizawa Saya
Free Spirit
VA: Sudo Saori

Character Information

Temperament: Kokaze

Kokaze (a Touhou LW original) refers to a gentle breeze. This is an apt temperament for Daiyousei, an ordinary fairy who is easily recognizable even if she's never in the spotlight. Daiyousei is endowed with Water Phase, the temperament of lakes. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water.

Ability/Backstory: - Ability Unknown -

The ability of Daiyousei from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This Daiyousei's ability is unknown, but it doesn't seem all that different from our Daiyousei's. The Misty Lake is a dangerous place for humans. The mist during the day reduces visibility, making any human visitors easy prey for the hungry youkai living nearby and the prankster fairies who enjoy pushing them into the water. And at night, when the mist clears, it's too dark for humans to spot the dangerous youkai that might be stalking them. However, in this world, the mist from the incident persists, so it is also misty at night. According to a certain magician, the Misty Lake is so clear because creatures cannot live within it. You may think it strange that so many fairies, manifestations of life itself, would live near a lifeless lake, but it makes sense if you think of wind and water as elements of life. Fairies are adorable and whimsical pranksters. But you shouldn't let their cute appearances fool you into following them, or they may lead you into danger. Nevertheless, it's widely believed that, unlike youkai, fairies do not actively attack humans. However, what if that wasn't the case...? What if they happened to obtain immense magical power? What would they do then? How would their dispositions, personalities, motives, thoughts, and abilities change?


Snow Spirits

The Spread Shot of Daiyousei from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She summons spirits of the freezing cold lake in this attack. Spirits usually look like tiny balls of fluff, and some theorize that they eventually evolve into fairies. However, these spirits look a bit different...

  • Tiny Snow Spirit
  • Tiny Dew Spirit
  • Tiny Frost Spirit
  • Tiny Hail Spirit
  • Tiny Hailstone Spirit
  • Tiny Sleet Spirit
Lake Fairies

The Focus Shot of Daiyousei from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She summons some fairies who live by the lake. Fairies come out to play and battle whenever there's an incident. Their size ranges from about that of a human child to very small indeed. They number beyond count, and if they get shot down, they come back good as new after a short interval. Perhaps the items they drop are snacks that they planned on eating later...

  • Bullet-Battling Fairy A
  • Bullet-Battling Fairy B
  • Bullet-Battling Fairy C
  • Bullet-Battling Fairy D
  • Bullet-Battling Fairy E
  • Bullet-Battling Fairy F
Wind Sign: Sylphide the Elemental

A Spell Card of Daiyousei from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She borrows the power of a wind fairy. It is said that fairies are manifestations of mother nature or physical representations of life itself. The wind is alive, and so is ice. The same goes for light and spring. This simple fact has been all but forgotten in the outside world.

  • Breeze Fairy
  • Warm Breeze Fairy
  • Wind Fairy
  • Gale Fairy
  • Scorching Gale Fairy
  • Windstorm Fairy
Lake Sign: Viviane the Guardian

A Spell Card of Daiyousei from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She borrows the power of a lake fairy. Lakes are considered to be mystical and mysterious by many cultures all over the world, with various legends detailing the wonders magically hidden within their depths. In truth, lakes are home to fairies, so perhaps they spread these strange tales to prank humans.

  • Lake Fairy
  • Pond Fairy
  • Bog Fairy
  • Marsh Fairy
  • Spring Fairy
  • Swamp Fairy
Camellia Titania

The Last Word of Daiyousei from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She unleashes lifeforce corrupted by the scarlet mist. The prolonged incident has greatly affected the lives of many people due to the peculiar magical power that permeates the scarlet mist. Fairies and other beings of almost pure temperament were probably influenced by the color of the magic more than most. When plants absorb colored water, their flowers get stained, so the fairies were probably the first ones tainted by the scarlet magic.

  • Fairy Queen of Magic Camellia
  • Fairy Queen of the Lake
  • Fairy Queen of Midsummer
  • Fairy Queen of Gentle Breezes
  • Fairy Queen of Chilly Breezes
  • Fairy Queen of Scarlet Mist


Skill: Beginning Nona

There is always a beginning to every life. There is no life without birth... or at least there shouldn't be.

Skill: Continuing Decima

Life is the act and process of living. Nothing compares to the beauty and splendor of everyday life.

Skill: Ending Morta

Death eventually comes to all forms of life. If someone cannot die, then they are not truly alive.

Passive: Ethereal
Passive: Life Magnet
Passive: Gaia's Will