Lunasa Prismriver


Lakeside Poltergeist Ensemble (Scarlet)

The usual outfit of Lunasa from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. It features an elegant dress and a scarlet violin.

Lakeside Poltergeist Ensemble (Scarlet)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Mansion's Eldest Poltergeist
VA: Yoshizumi Erica
Impossible Memories
VA: Mineda Mayu
Scarlet Mist Strings
VA: Morinaga Lika

Character Information

Temperament: Kanreigata Heisoku Zensen

Kanreigata Heisoku Zensen (a Touhou LW original) refers to cold occlusions that occur when a cold front overtakes a warm front and also undercuts the cool air mass ahead of it. This is an apt temperament for Lunasa as her music calms the mind and soul. Lunasa is endowed with Wood Phase, the element of string instruments, and Moon Essence, representing tranquil silence. The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Mainly capable of playing instruments without using her hands or feet

The ability of Lunasa Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Lunasa's ability. As of yet, there aren't any reliable records of the Prismriver Sisters doing anything significant around the time of the Scarlet Mist Incident. It is assumed that the sisters of this world performed their own investigations into the incident. However, some people doubt that they even exist at all. Of course, this isn't all that unusual since Gensokyo is built upon the absurdity stemming from the fictitious nature of all youkai, apparitions, and spirits. The Prismriver Sisters have never been seen performing jobs unrelated to their activities as an ensemble. However, this world's Prismriver Sisters have apparently been commissioned to investigate the prolonged incident. Though, again, it isn't known whether they have any investigative skills to speak of. In fact, not much is known about poltergeists in general. They seem similar to phantoms, but they exist outside the cycle of reincarnation. And how they are tied to their instruments is reminiscent of tsukumogami. One strange story touches upon how Count Prismriver's daughter conjured the poltergeists into being with a magic item found by the count, but it still leaves many questions. With all the mystery surrounding them, it wouldn't be at all strange if they had secret identities and used their power to manipulate sound and phantom-like bodies to travel to and from the spirit world. Would it surprise you to hear that Otherworlds are connected through music? However, this "music" could be an analogy, like how the terms "color" and "flavor" take on different meanings when used in regard to particles. While, on the one hand, these terms can make complex concepts easier to understand, they can also distort reality. People might actually start believing that particles are like different types of candy. Whether that is a correct assumption to make or not is irrelevant. So, if you were to say that the things connecting different worlds together are melodies, rhythms, and harmonies, that would mean you should be able to connect worlds by holding a concert. It might not work exactly like that, but these Prismriver Sisters have found a way to travel between worlds with music. Lunasa felt something was up. She couldn't believe that music had such power. By investigating the incident, they discovered that the thing causing the incident to last for so long existed in another world and that one way to find it was through a technique eerily similar to playing music. It was too perfect to be a coincidence. It would be like if the violin that Lunasa had always used just happened to be the perfect tool for battles of bullets... which it is. So maybe this isn't that strange after all. Perhaps music has always been more than just a means of expressing oneself by combining sounds and is, in fact, a force that influences the laws and fabric of the universe. When Lunasa reached this conclusion, memories came flooding back to her... memories of Layla Prismriver.


Tuning (Scarlet)

The Spread Shot of Lunasa Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She attacks with the sounds produced when tuning her violin spirit. Tapping or knocking sounds in dilapidated mansions may indicate that someone is preparing for a concert. The Prismriver Manor lies in Gensokyo next to the Misty Lake, not far from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The spooky and old western-style mansion looks like the perfect home for poltergeists.

  • E String Tuning
  • A String Tuning
  • D String Tuning
  • First Double Stop Tuning
  • G String Tuning
  • Second Double Stop Tuning
Slow Sound (Scarlet)

The Focus Shot of Lunasa Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She plays a calming melody. It is said that poltergeists can affect people's minds with sound. Lunasa's music calms whoever hears it and can even reduce people to a state of abject melancholy and despair. The mental states of living creatures can define how they live. This is evidenced by humans, where even those blessed with happy lives can become self-destructive when forced into the pits of despair. If you ever see Lunasa practicing by the lake, you should probably warn her about this.

  • Slow Prelude
  • Slow Sonata
  • Slow Variation
  • Slow Capriccio
  • Slow Fugue
  • Slow Fantasia
Scarlet Mist Solo No. 2, "String Performance"

A Spell Card of Lunasa Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack will later become "Fake Strings: Pseudo Stradivarius." After continually being produced for so long, the scarlet mist eventually seeped into the Netherworld. While it is believed that the mist got there through several routes, it was discovered almost immediately that some mist had come through the Dream World. In a way, there are as many entrances to the Dream World as there are dreamers, so the entire world might get stained scarlet if enough people have nightmares about the scarlet mist.

  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 2, 1st Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 2, 2nd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 2, 3rd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 2, 4th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 2, 5th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 2, Final Movement
Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 3, "Melancholy"

A Spell Card of Lunasa Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack will later become "Noise Sign: Noise Melancholy." There are many mysteries surrounding the Dream World, but one thing is certain: it is not a physical space. It is either spiritual or mental, or perhaps a mixture of the two, evidenced by how the passageway connecting the Moon and Earth is a mental world and the fact that dream souls are a type of spirit. It has long been theorized that a person's soul travels to another place when they sleep, like to a faraway realm, the Underworld, or even into their pillow. Similar ideas can be seen in the legend of Agartha and the tales about rokurokubi.

  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 3, 1st Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 3, 2nd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 3, 3rd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 3, 4th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 3, 5th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 3, Final Movement
Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 1, "Cardinal"

The Last Word of Lunasa Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack will later become "Noisy Funeral: Stygian Riverside." It's almost impossible to retain your memories when forcefully traveling between various worlds, and it gets worse the further you go. That's why Lunasa decided to record her report in music using the Spell Card Rules. She was surprised to discover that Spell Cards could be used in this way, but she has already forgotten that. She traveled with her sisters through the mist-covered Netherworld, past the scarlet-tinted Dream World, to a place they had never seen before... A place they can no longer remember. But somehow, they made it back home bearing a tiny clue. Seeing the depleted state they returned in, the Yama and the Netherworld princess thought they were like space probes returning with an asteroid sample. They expended almost all of the resources they took with them, but they managed to return with a pinch of dust. A pinch of dust containing priceless knowledge.

  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 1, 1st Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 1, 2nd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 1, 3rd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 1, 4th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 1, 5th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 1, Final Movement


Skill: Glissando

The quietest of sounds can affect the mind and vibrate the mist's particles.

Skill: Detache

She uses one stroke of the bow for each note. It looks really cool.

Skill: Pizzicato

Violins can also be played without a bow by plucking the strings with your fingers.

Passive: Special Incident Investigator (Scarlet)
Passive: Retuning (Strings)
Passive: Noise Cancellation