Merlin Prismriver


Lakeside Poltergeist Ensemble (Scarlet)

The usual outfit of Merlin from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. It features an elegant dress and a trumpet.

Lakeside Poltergeist Ensemble (Scarlet)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Mansion's 2nd Eldest Poltergeist
VA: Shirasu Saho
Bygone Memories
VA: Kono Hiyori
Scarlet Mist Brass
VA: Kadowaki Mai

Character Information

Temperament: Ondangata Heisoku Zensen

Ondangata Heisoku Zensen (a Touhou LW original) refers to warm occlusions that occur when a cold front overtakes a warm front and rides over the cooler air mass ahead of it. This is an apt temperament for Merlin as her music excites the mind and soul. Merlin is endowed with Metal Phase, the element of brass instruments, and Sun Essence, representing her alluring and radiant nature. The cold and silent Metal Phase resists Earth Phase, because earth bears metal, but it is weak to Fire Phase, because fire refines metal. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Mainly capable of playing instruments without using her hands or feet

The ability of Merlin Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Merlin's ability. As of yet, there aren't any reliable records of the Prismriver Sisters doing anything significant around the time of the Scarlet Mist Incident. It is assumed that the sisters of this world performed their own investigations into the incident. However, some people doubt that they even exist at all. Of course, this isn't all that unusual since Gensokyo is built upon the absurdity stemming from the fictitious nature of all youkai, apparitions, and spirits. Layla Prismriver's spell must have been incredibly powerful if it is truly what created the poltergeists and continues to sustain them. Powerful enough to establish a new universal rule transcending the karmic cycle to which all things are bound. It is not only living creatures trapped in the cycle of transmigration, evidenced by how the air never stays in one place and how the land continues to slowly die and be reborn as it rides the mantle convection currents. Even the stars in the night sky spin through a continual cycle of dying out and igniting. The karmic cycle is one of the fundamental rules that dictate how the universe operates. While some beings like hermits and celestials may appear to exist outside this cycle, they are merely running away from it. It will eventually catch up to them along with its shinigami enforcers. As seen with the ghost Yuyuko Saigyouji and the people of Hourai, only truly exceptional circumstances can release someone from the karmic cycle. In saying that, it is theoretically possible that the poltergeists are one of these exceptions if the spell was powerful enough. It was probably this world's Yukari Yakumo who suggested that this would make the Prismriver Sisters excellent candidates to investigate the other worlds. Be it the vacuum of space or the depths of the ocean, you have to be tough and durable to investigate extreme environments... especially if you are expected to return with your findings. Eiki and Yuyuko only truly understood why Yukari made this suggestion later on when they learned that the cause of the incident was not in their world and that Yukari had known about the other worlds from the very beginning. Indifferent to the suspicious discussions held by the people who sent her, Merlin Prismriver, the special incident investigator, happily embarked on her mission. Even among her sisters, she was particularly cheerful. She was sure she could overcome any obstacle as long as she had her music and kept a positive attitude. And she was right, more or less, even if she never imagined that they could travel to another world. It had always bothered her, but this experience forced Merlin to really examine why happiness and music can forge such strong bonds between people. After thinking back on her time spent with Layla Prismriver, she managed to form the vague hypothesis that it had something to do with how sound is a wave and how waves can resonate with each other.


Riverside Song (Scarlet)

The Spread Shot of Merlin Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She shoots out musical notes in a criss-cross pattern while playing a cheerful melody. There are tales all over the world about rivers crossed in the afterlife. While the first rivers you might think of are the Sanzu River or the River Styx, some of them aren't dark or scary at all. In some Western cultures, there are tales of shining rivers of joy that grant salvation to departed souls. Standing on the bank of such a river would surely make you burst into song.

  • Brass Ensemble Performance
  • Trumpet Music Bullet
  • Horn Music Bullet
  • Trombone Music Bullet
  • Tuba Music Bullet
  • Euphonium Music Bullet
Trumpet Soul (Scarlet)

The Focus Shot of Merlin Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She shoots out joyous sounds from her trumpet spirit. Since ancient times, people have always known that music exerts a kind of spiritual power. Music is an integral part of religion, and even if it wasn't, no one can deny music's ability to incite mania and passion. Music can also serve a similar role to medicine or friends by supporting people through times of emotional distress.

  • Brass Instrument Spirits
  • Trumpet Spirit
  • Horn Spirit
  • Trombone Spirit
  • Tuba Spirit
  • Euphonium Spirit
Scarlet Mist Solo No. 3, "Brass Performance"

A Spell Card of Merlin Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack will later become "Nether Trumpet: Ghost Clifford." While poltergeists are more stable than phantoms, they are still spirits, so presumably, they are also easily influenced by temperament. Yuyuko and Eiki (and Yukari) probably chose to send the poltergeists to investigate because they would act like canaries in a coal mine. They planned to infer the current state of the incident by seeing whether the Prismriver Sisters were affected by anything on their journey. The sisters also decided to use their own Spell Cards as a kind of litmus paper. The Spell Cards crafted by these talented musicians and composers were stained scarlet.

  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 3, 1st Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 3, 2nd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 3, 3rd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 3, 4th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 3, 5th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Solo No. 3, Final Movement
Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 1, "Manic"

A Spell Card of Merlin Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack will later become "Noise Sign: Soul Go Happy." Generally speaking, dreams are more frequent and leave a bigger impression the younger a person is. Most people can vividly remember having various dreams as a child. However, as you become an adult, they lose their purpose. This isn't because adult society is all gloom and doom but because there's no point seeing dreams when you have to keep up with reality. Or maybe adults just get more tired.

  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 1, 1st Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 1, 2nd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 1, 3rd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 1, 4th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 1, 5th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Capriccio No. 1, Final Movement
Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 2, "Crimson"

The Last Word of Merlin Prismriver from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack will later become "Great Funeral Concert: Spirit Wheel Concerto Grosso - Wondrous." It is believed that the Prismriver Sisters managed to discover at least one of the causes behind the prolonged incident. However, they lost their memories, and so they weren't able to bring the truth back with them. Merlin planned to only record the important details in her Spell Cards, but all the new info far exceeded their storage capacity. Left with no other option, she filled her Spell Cards up with as much information as she could... but when the sisters got back and examined them, they were speechless. Most of the data was utterly worthless. Devoid of the necessary context, the words devolved into mere strings of indecipherable code. However, not all hope was lost. The Spell Cards still contained a few coherent clues.

  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 2, 1st Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 2, 2nd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 2, 3rd Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 2, 4th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 2, 5th Movement
  • Scarlet Mist Concerto No. 2, Final Movement


Skill: Glissando

It sounds super happy when the note gets higher and higher!

Skill: Growl

Growling gives the notes a unique sound. The trick is to use the back of your throat.

Skill: Half Valve

Lung capacity is key to playing brass instruments. It can be improved through practice.

Passive: Special Incident Investigator (Scarlet)
Passive: Retuning (Brass)
Passive: Noise Cancellation