Patchouli Knowledge


The Girl of Knowledge and Shade (Scarlet)

The usual outfit of the Patchouli from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. Some of her magic books can become familiars.

The Girl of Knowledge and Shade (Scarlet)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

"You, the red-white one!"
VA: Numakura Manami
"The black thing in front..."
VA: Ueda Reina
Girl With Asthma and Anemia
VA: Misawa Sachika

Character Information

Temperament: Nishin-gumori

Nishin-gumori (a Touhou LW original) refers to cloudy weather during the fishing season for herring. This is an apt temperament for Patchouli, who blocks the sunlight for her vampire friend. Patchouli is an expert in magic that utilizes the Five Phases, Sun Essence, and Moon Essence, so her Phase and Essence endowments are a little unusual. She is resistant to the Five Phases, Sun Essence, and Moon Essence because she knows the magic that can cancel them out. However, she seems to be vulnerable to Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating all elements except star

The ability of Patchouli from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Patchouli's ability. What sets Patchouli apart from the other magicians in Gensokyo is the fact that she applies a wide range of elements to her magic. When Remilia Scarlet decided to shroud Gensokyo in a scarlet mist, the method of generating that mist remained a mystery. However, the Patchouli of this world is believed to have helped Remilia create the mist because she is a magician and Remilia's best friend. Perhaps it is natural for a magician to help realize the ambition of the vampire she serves. The magician should be a reliable right-hand who summons familiars as servants, uses various spells to confuse enemies, and uses powerful magic in combat. It is unclear whether Patchouli did all that, but at the very least, it seems she significantly contributed to the magic technology used to generate the scarlet mist. It is said that the magic Patchouli uses spirit magic. As the name suggests, spirit magic is magic that is used through a contract with a spirit. These spirits are probably similar to nature spirits, especially considering that the famous Great Spirits are tied to elements. Patchouli's magic seems to be related to Great Spirits or similar beings. Considering how the elements work in accordance with the Five Phases, spirits probably have a close connection with pure temperament. Thus, it should be more than possible to interfere with nature to create a mist by borrowing a spirit's power. The fact that the Philosopher's Stone is said to be a scarlet crystal might also be related to the scarlet mist.


Burning Moon

The Spread Shot of Patchouli Knowledge from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She shoots out hot lasers and orbs of moonlight. This attack utilizes dual-element magic with the unusual combination of fire and moon. She came up with this prototype magic during a conversation with Flandre.

  • Burning Moon Magic
  • Moon Fire Magic: Basic
  • Fire Moon Magic: Basic
  • Moon Fire Magic: Intermediate
  • Fire Moon Magic: Intermediate
  • Burning Moon Great Magic
Frozen Sun

The Focus Shot of Patchouli Knowledge from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She shoots out cold lasers and orbs of sunlight. This attack utilizes dual-element magic with the unusual combination of water and sun. She came up with this prototype magic during a conversation with Remilia.

  • Sun Ice: Basic
  • Freezing Sun Magic
  • Ice Sun: Basic
  • Sun Ice Magic: Intermediate
  • Freezing Sun Great Magic
  • Ice Sun Magic: Intermediate
Wood & Fire Sign: Forest Blaze

A Spell Card of Patchouli Knowledge from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She attacks with wood and fire dual-element magic. While forest fires can occur as man-made disasters, they can also occur naturally. It is believed that they can be sparked by lightning strikes or the friction of dry leaves and branches. Humankind probably first learned to harness fire by seeing one of these naturally-caused forest fires. Forest blazes are the flames of wisdom that inspire young life (Wood Phase) to flourish (Fire Phase).

  • Red Flame Magic Bullet: Basic
  • Red Flame Magic Bullet: Intermediate
  • Red Flame Magic Bullet: Advanced
  • Blue Tree Magic Bullet: Basic
  • Blue Tree Magic Bullet: Intermediate
  • Blue Tree Magic Bullet: Advanced
Metal & Water Sign: Mercury Poison

A Spell Card of Patchouli Knowledge from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She attacks with metal and water dual-element magic. Alchemy was studied in the West and the East to try and unlock the secret of transforming life into the perfect state. One of the substances that attracted the attention of alchemists was a red mercury sulfide called cinnabar. It has been known since long ago that mercury can be produced from cinnabar. Mercury was thought to be the ideal substance or a necessary material to obtain the ideal substance because it flows like water, has a metallic texture, and can react with various chemical substances. Consequently, it was used in many different spells and experiments. However, not everyone knew that the substance was toxic.

  • Silver Magic Bullet: Basic
  • Silver Magic Bullet: Intermediate
  • Silver Magic Bullet: Advanced
  • Black Water Magic Bullet: Basic
  • Black Water Magic Bullet: Intermediate
  • Black Water Magic Bullet: Advanced
Prototype Ruby Elixir

The Last Word of Patchouli Knowledge from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack creates a virtual manifestation of the Philosopher's Stone, the five-element ideal substance. While some believe that the Philosopher's Stone is cinnabar, others believe that the ultimate substance sought by Western alchemy and Chinese alchemy is a magical substance that elevates the imperfect reality of existence to an ideal. Idealization means transforming base metals into precious metals, inorganic matter into living matter, fools into sages, and mortals into immortals. The ideal for vampires like Remilia is to conquer sunlight, so perhaps the knowledgeable Patchouli believed that there was a substance that could be used to compensate for their weakness. Wasn't there an elixir that bestows true immortality somewhere?

  • Scarlet Bullet's Red Jewel
  • Yellow Bullet's Red Jewel
  • White Bullet's Red Jewel
  • Black Bullet's Red Jewel
  • Blue Bullet's Red Jewel
  • Philosopher's Red Jewel


Skill: Mighty Wind

This wood magic has the blessing of powerful winds. Spirits of the wind are called sylphs.

Skill: Courageous Fire

This fire magic has the blessing of a brave flame. Fire spirits are called salamanders.

Skill: Robust Earth

This earth magic has the blessing of the mighty land. Earth spirits are called gnomes.

Passive: Elemental Offset
Passive: Intercepting Grimoire
Passive: Elemental Synergy