Sakuya Izayoi


Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion (Scarlet)

The usual outfit of the Sakuya from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. It is a classic maid uniform.

Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion (Scarlet)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Interrupted While Cleaning
VA: Arai Satomi
Eternally Playing for Time
VA: Nazuka Kaori
Washington Convention?
VA: Kimura Juri

Character Information

Temperament: Kumori

Kumori (a Touhou LW original) refers to overcast weather where the whole sky is obscured by clouds. An apt temperament for Sakuya, who blocks the light of the sun as a servant to a vampire. Sakuya is endowed with Metal Phase, as she uses knives, and Moon Essense, because she is mysterious. The cold and silent Metal Phase resists Earth Phase, because earth bears metal, but it is weak to Fire Phase, because fire refines metal. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating time

The ability of Sakuya Izayoi from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. It is essentially the same as our version of Sakuya's ability. However, this Sakuya may be involved in prolonging the Scarlet Mist Incident. There are a lot of different reports regarding the cause of the Scarlet Mist Incident, including the words of Remilia Scarlet, who instigated it. However, they all lack credibility, making it all but impossible to determine what truly happened. (This is the same for most other incidents, occurrences, and events.) The most likely theory is that Remilia made the scarlet mist cover Gensokyo to block out the sun so she could go out during the day. But it is not known whether or not the cause of this incident was exactly the same in this Sakuya's world. Unlike most youkai, the dwellers of the Scarlet Devil Mansion are a force that works well together, which has led to much conjecture about what they could accomplish. The dwellers of the Scarlet Devil mansion all have their own areas of expertise: Hong Meiling manipulates qi, Patchouli Knowledge manipulates element-based spirit magic, and Remilia manipulates fate. Perhaps the creation of the scarlet mist was only possible through combining these abilities. Remilia's closest friend is Patchouli, but as the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, her most trusted servant is Sakuya. And since Sakuya is the only human residing in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she could very well be the determining factor behind the cooperation between the youkai.


Retrievable Knives

The Spread Shot of Sakuya Izayoi from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She throws out waves of knives that form lines in the air. It seems that Sakuya always recovers and reuses the knives that she so often throws as bullets. Does that mean she stops time, goes and collects the knives, then starts time again once she returns to her original position?

  • Retrievable Knife
  • Retrievable Machete
  • Retrievable Dagger
  • Retrievable Drop Point
  • Retrievable Clip Point
  • Retrievable Survival Knife
Illusion Actress

The Focus Shot of Sakuya Izayoi from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She throws knives in all directions. Sakuya's main profession is that of a maid, but she is also quite good at magic tricks. However, these "tricks" make use of her ability, so there isn't really any deception or sleight-of-hand involved. In fact, they seem a lot more like actual magic...

  • Knife Trick
  • Illusion Trick
  • Parlor Trick
  • Sleight of Hand Trick
  • Gimmick Trick
  • Self-Working Trick
Illusion Image: Luna Clock

A Spell Card of Sakuya Izayoi from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She positions knives while stopping time then sends them flying toward her opponents. This attack looks like magic, but it is actually a technique that makes full use of her ability. Apparently, Sakuya also uses her ability to complete her daily duties as a maid more efficiently. It is possible to create a moondial by using the same principles as a sundial, but it is only accurate when the moon is full. Vampires attain the peak of their power on nights when the moon is full, so perhaps those are the only nights when they care about the time.

  • Lunar Clock & Knife
  • Mechanical Lunar Clock
  • Open Face Lunar Clock
  • Hunter Lunar Clock
  • Demi Hunter Lunar Clock
  • Skeleton Lunar Clock
Maid Secret Skill: Manipulating Doll

A Spell Card of Sakuya Izayoi from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She positions knives while stopping time then sends them flying toward her opponents. This attack is one of many where she places knives when time is stopped. But it would be incredibly foolish to think these different attacks would become predictable since they all utilize the same trick. Maids serve others as a profession, so they would be out of a job if they failed to entertain. Sakuya's attacks may look like magic because of how precise and ingenious she is in positioning her knives. This precision is what makes her service and entertainment so perfect!

  • Manipulating Doll & Knife
  • Marionette & Knife
  • Puppet & Knife
  • Figurine & Knife
  • Paper Puppet & Knife
  • Mechanical Doll & Knife
Deflation World - Carmine

The Last Word of Sakuya Izayoi from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She throws knives at multiple different points in time simultaneously. This is Sakuya's Last Word that should not exist until after the Scarlet Mist Incident is resolved. The knives are crimson-red like blood―it is as if they are a condensed and solid form of crimson mist. They are also imbued with burning heat, which is perhaps a blessing from the vampire sisters who do not fear fire and instead wield it as a weapon. It could be said that a servant of devils who retains their humanity is, in fact, more unusual and mysterious than any shrine maiden or magician. This Spell Card that floods the space before her in knives of blood is perhaps symbolic of Sakuya as she is now. She herself takes great delight in how this attack can both cook and cut steak at the same time.

  • Carmine Knife
  • Carmine Distant Past
  • Carmine Recent Past
  • Carmine Past
  • Carmine Present
  • Carmine Future


Skill: Time Difference Trick

She delays the time between cause and effect. Perhaps those who have more experience in battle fall for it more often.

Skill: Instant Trap

She predicts her opponent's movements and places knives accordingly. You better watch where you step!

Skill: Swift Service

She provides prompt service while manipulating time. Can this skill also be used while camping?

Passive: Ultimate Cleaner
Passive: Vampire Sitter
Passive: Housekeeping