Youmu Konpaku


Half-Human, Half-Phantom Incident Investigator (Scarlet)

The usual outfit of Youmu from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. It features a yellow raincoat with a hood.

Half-Human, Half-Phantom Incident Investigator (Scarlet)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Scarlet Mist Cutter
VA: Taichi You
Determined Incident Investigator
VA: Terasawa, Momoka
Scared of Spooks
VA: Shuto Yukina

Character Information

Temperament: Taikyo

Taikyo (a Touhou LW original) refers to the sky as well as the great void where yin and yang originate. This is an apt temperament for Youmu, who straddles the line between human and phantom. Youmu is endowed with Metal Phase, the element of swords, and Star Essence, because she is impressionable. The cold and silent Metal Phase resists Earth Phase, because earth bears metal, but it is weak to Fire Phase, because fire refines metal. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Mainly capable of sword fighting

The ability of Youmu Konpaku from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Youmu's ability. The reliable records hardly mention this world's Youmu, so most of the following information is hearsay and could very well be false. However, that is all the more reason why she should be investigated and studied. Even made-up stories have real meaning behind them. Yuyuko Saigyouji deftly acted in the shadows and in the open, trying to deal with the never-ending Scarlet Mist Incident affecting Gensokyo. Her efforts were on par with her best friend, Yukari Yakumo. Yuyuko is incredibly intelligent and perceptive, and to top it off, she is almost immune to stress thanks to her independent and headstrong attitude. It could be said that if anyone could stand up to Yukari Yakumo, it would be her. Youmu Konpaku is a half-human, half-phantom swordswoman who serves Yuyuko. Unfortunately, she isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. The mist gradually altered the landscape of the Netherworld over the course of a year, eventually affecting the phantoms there... Yuyuko had to make a decision of whether they would accept these changes or fight against them. Fearing for Youmu's safety, Yuyuko purposefully filled her head with scary stories. She made Youmu believe that the land of the living was a scary and dangerous place full of spooks, monsters, and mist. Yuyuko was sure this would prevent Youmu from venturing down to Gensokyo on her own, which was truly a dangerous place. However, contrary to Yuyuko's expectations, the trembling and terrified Youmu drew Hakurouken and suggested that they exterminate the spooks. Hakurouken is a sword that has the power to slice through doubts and enlighten those it cuts, forcefully removing them from the cycle of reincarnation. It sounds like it would be extremely effective at slaying undead fate-manipulating monsters, but Yuyuko doubted whether the vampire was truly the mastermind behind all this... While Yuyuko was still trying to decide what to do, she was visited by the god of chickens, who regularly traveled between Hell and Gensokyo. She came bearing orders from the Yama. The Yama wanted to enlist Yuyuko's help to investigate what was happening in Gensokyo because she was worried about the mist that was starting to seep into Hell. The mist would cause untold harm if it ever covered Hell in earnest due to the peculiar magic it was imbued with. This magic could affect the souls of the dead, the oni who manage Hell, and even the Yama herself... According to the Yama's observations, the mist seemed to be a condensed mass of some kind of temperament, similar to phantoms, clearly indicating that someone designed it this way on purpose. This worried the Yama and Yuyuko even more... but Youmu was still as clueless as ever.


Phosphoric Slash

The Spread Shot of Youmu Konpaku from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She unleashes waves of energy from her sword. Phosphorous is an element that can supposedly be extracted from corpses. It's combustible, highly reactive, and can be used to make various medicinal products. There's also a theory that phosphorus is a type of incredibly pure and dense temperament, leading some people to think that phantoms are made out of it. Youmu doesn't know anything about that, but she does know that expelling phosphorus while swinging her sword produces a pretty explosive attack.

  • Phosphoric Slash
  • Half-Human, Half-Phantom's Sword Aura
  • Gardener's Sword Aura
  • Bodyguard's Sword Aura
  • Fencing Instructor's Sword Aura
  • Dual Wielder's Sword Auras
Slashing a Flower Upon One's Head

The Focus Shot of Youmu Konpaku from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She slashes down onto her target. Perhaps Youmu uses this technique to prune tall trees. That would make sense because, like her grandfather Youki Konpaku before her, she is both Hakugyokurou's fencing instructor and gardener. Her gardening work provides plenty of opportunities to practice her sword skills. The wise Yuyuko must have thought of this when she made Youmu her gardener.

  • Slashing a Flower Upon One's Head
  • Half-Human, Half-Phantom's Slash
  • Gardener's Slash
  • Bodyguard's Slash
  • Fencing Instructor's Slash
  • Dual Wielder's Slash
Hungry King Sword: Red Yama's Retribution

A Spell Card of Youmu Konpaku from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with the red Yama's wrath. After the scarlet mist covered Gensokyo and seeped into the Netherworld, it continued to expand all the way to Hell. While the Yama's face is usually depicted as angry and red, this has surely made it even redder. The Yama couldn't possibly let this slide.

  • Red Yama's Retribution
  • Red King Qin'guang & King Chujiang
  • Red King Songdi & King Wuguan
  • Red King Yanluo & King Biancheng
  • Red King Taishan & King Dushi
  • Red King Pingdeng & King Zhuanlun
Human God Sword: Ultimate and Conventional Truths

A Spell Card of Youmu Konpaku from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). This attack isn't about being two-faced or disingenuous but about the Buddhist doctrine of two truths. A difference of perspectives separates humans from gods and Buddha. This creates a duality of truth where humans can only understand an incomplete Conventional Truth formed through their own observations of the world, not the Ultimate Truth, which is only understood by enlightened beings. This concept can also be applied to people of different stations who have inherently different perceptions, such as an employer and an employee.

  • Two Truths
  • Ultimate Truth & Conventional Truth
  • Spiritual Truth & Social Truth
  • Saintly Wisdom & Layman Knowledge
  • Disparity Between Tathata & Existence
  • Buddhist Law & Royal Decree
Matsuyoi-Reflecting Satellite Slash - Dianthus

The Last Word of Youmu Konpaku from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). Feeling the need for a new weapon to use in battle, Youmu prepared this attack. But she never expected to use it so soon. Yuyuko told Youmu about Gensokyo and the mansion releasing the scarlet mist... in the form of a scary story. Contrary to Yuyuko's intentions, the ever-impressionable Youmu became terrified of Gensokyo and concluded that she must exterminate all the spooks and monsters there with her blade, Hakurouken. Yuyuko couldn't decide whether this was an act of bravery or cowardice, but there was someone else who appreciated Youmu's ardor... the Yama in Hell. She also wished to know what was happening in Gensokyo. However, she would prefer it if Youmu showed more restraint with Hakurouken.

  • Pink Satellite Slash
  • Experimental Satellite Slash
  • Unpracticed Satellite Slash
  • Half-Baked Satellite Slash
  • Amateur Satellite Slash
  • Premature Satellite Slash


Skill: Hakurouken in Hand

This Youmu has decided to use Hakurouken as her main weapon. She better hope the Yama doesn't hear about this.

Skill: Unbalanced Yin-Yang

Youmu is usually balanced half and half in most things, but this Youmu's qi is skewed toward yang.

Skill: Chilly Half-Phantom

Phantoms are really cold, so half-human, half-phantoms are only slightly cold. Does this mean her heart is slightly warm?

Passive: Konpaku-Style Self-Defense
Passive: Spook Extermination (Scream)
Passive: Anti-Mist Raincoat