Yukari Yakumo


Boundary Between Common Sense and Absurdity (Scarlet)

The usual outfit of Yukari from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. It features a red Taoist dress and long needle weapons.

Boundary Between Common Sense and Absurdity (Scarlet)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Common Sense and Absurdity
VA: Honnizumi Rina
End of Hibernation
VA: Mizuno Saku
Scarlet Mist-Piercing Needle
VA: Nakajima Megumi

Character Information

Temperament: Soba-Eh

Soba-Eh (a Touhou LW original) refers to rain that falls despite the sun still being out. This is the perfect temperament for Yukari since it combines incidents, her moments in the sun, with the rain used by the Dragon to travel between Heaven and Earth. Yukari is endowed with Reverse Sun Essence in order to resist the vampire's incident, and Earth Phase, as she accepts anyone and anything, much like Gensokyo does. The encompassing and regenerative Earth Phase resists Fire Phase, because fire produces earth, but it is weak to Wood Phase, because wood parts earth. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence. Thus, Reverse Sun Essence is weak against Star Essence and resists Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating boundaries

The ability of Yukari Yakumo from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Yukari's ability. What was this elusive youkai up to around the time of the vampire's Scarlet Mist Incident? Perhaps she was working to resolve it, but as of right now, insufficient documentation has been found to prove it. Hypothesis #1: The Scarlet Devil Mansion's arrival to Gensokyo was the final stage in the Youkai Expansion Project. What if the project's purpose was to preserve the youkai ecosystem in Gensokyo, the sanctuary for lost youkai? Perhaps it sought youkai from other countries who were similar to, or even viable replacements for, youkai that were beyond recovery. But that begs the question, if the vampires were intentionally brought to Gensokyo, from which all the oni had left, then was the incident the vampires caused part of the plan from the beginning? Surely none but Yukari Yakumo could concoct such a scheme. Hypothesis #2: All the events of Gensokyo's past, from its creation to the establishment of the Great Hakurei Barrier and the unveiling of the Bill for the Naming of Duels all the way up to the Scarlet Mist Incident, were part of an elaborate plan to train Reimu Hakurei, the Hakurei shrine maiden. Both youkai and youkai exterminators were encircled by Gensokyo's borders when it first came to be. Battles between youkai and humans form the bedrock of Gensokyo and are necessary for its continued existence. Even if the battles are fought for fun, they take on an identical meaning to rituals, and must still be conducted. It seems that, in the end, the Scarlet Mist Incident was seen as an appropriate first trial run for the new shrine maiden. It's highly probable that all the youkai in positions of power across Gensokyo, whether they side with humans or fellow youkai, were put there due to Yukari's influence. And this may be why all the major events in Gensokyo's history happened as they did. Yukari Yakumo is truly a living mystery.


Apparition Needle (Scarlet)

The Spread Shot of Yukari Yakumo from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She fires her shikigami needles. It's known that Yukari Yakumo is a youkai who uses shikigami. Shikigami are mysterious beings, and it's said that they are, in fact, youkai. That simple fact is enough to understand that even among youkai, Yukari Yakumo is extraordinary.

  • Shikigami Needle
  • Shikigami Compass Needle
  • Shikigami Long Needle
  • Shikigami Sharp Needle
  • Shikigami Bewitched Needle
  • Shikigami Sage Needle
Purple Needles of Painful Reproach (Scarlet)

The Focus Shot of Yukari Yakumo from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. Needles are commonly known for their use in acupuncture, where they are used as tools to stimulate the body's pressure points. Pressure points are focal points of meridians, which serve as pathways for qi to flow through the body. So you could say that needles are to meridians what keystones are to ryuumyaku.

  • Instruction Needle
  • Instruction Compass Needle
  • Instruction Long Needle
  • Instruction Sharp Needle
  • Instruction Bewitched Needle
  • Instruction Sage Needle
Instruction: Hakurei Shrine Maiden's Training Schedule

A Spell Card of Yukari Yakumo from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She recalls the days when she trained Reimu. There's no decisive information about how the Hakurei shrine maiden and the Youkai Sage met or how they spent their time together before the never-ending winter incident. Restricting yourself only to trustworthy sources, you could even conclude that before the incident, the two didn't know each other. But examining important documents like the Gensokyo Chronicle and the Gensokyo Record, you can't help but recognize how far their strong connection dates back.

  • Training Schedule - Introduction
  • Training Schedule - Basics
  • Training Schedule - Application
  • Training Schedule - Development
  • Training Schedule - Practice Battle
  • Training Schedule - Initiation
Bewitched Weapon: Merciful Gap Umbrella

A Spell Card of Yukari Yakumo from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with her beloved umbrella. This eye-catching, Western-style umbrella is Yukari's trademark accessory. Perhaps it seems odd that a youkai who's presumably lived in the East since long ago has a Western accessory. However, among those with power, there have often been those who admire foreign cultures, Yukari included. You might even consider it a type of hobby for elites. Or perhaps Yukari's roots actually lie in the West.

  • Merciful Gap Umbrella
  • Merciful Gap Umbrella - Loyalty
  • Merciful Gap Umbrella - Wisdom
  • Merciful Gap Umbrella - Respect
  • Merciful Gap Umbrella - Honor
  • Merciful Gap Umbrella - Selflessness
Mulberry-Colored Profound Bullet Barrier

The Last Word of Yukari Yakumo from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She fires these reddish-purple bullets to form a barrier to protect herself from bullets during battles of bullets. Yukari is the Youkai Sage who has watched over Gensokyo since she created it. How did she perceive the never-ending Scarlet Mist Incident? Did she predict it to last so long? Or did it take her unaware? If it's the latter, then perhaps she relished the surprise...? Either way, the fruits of the mulberry tree are predictably known as mulberries.

  • Mulberry-Colored Bullet Barrier
  • Mulberry-Colored Double Bullet Barrier
  • Mulberry-Colored Four-Layer Bullet Barrier
  • Mulberry-Colored Eight-Layer Bullet Barrier
  • Mulberry-Colored Sixteen-Layer Bullet Barrier
  • Mulberry-Colored Profound Bullet Barrier


Skill: Naming of Duels

A set of rules for Spell Cards devised by the Hakurei shrine maiden. However, in the written bill, you can see a youkai's influence.

Skill: Youkai Expansion

Everything is done so youkai can survive. But are humans just a tool for that purpose?

Skill: Incident Regrets

The Vampire Incident ranks among the most dangerous in Gensokyo's history. But to what extent did it take the sages by surprise?

Passive: Greater Youkai
Passive: Youkai Sage
Passive: Yakumo Ceremony