Yuuka Kazami


Sunlight-Seeking Flower Master (Scarlet)

The usual outfit of Yuuka from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. It features a red plaid waistcoat and skirt and a pink parasol.

Sunlight-Seeking Flower Master (Scarlet)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Wants to Clear the Scarlet Mist
VA: Hasegawa Ikumi
Scarlet Blossom in the Mist
VA: Kinoshita Sayaka
Lurking Behind the Shrine
VA: Hyosei

Character Information

Temperament: Kamu

Kamu (a Touhou LW original) refers to a flower fog, the phenomenon where a bunch of flowers can look like a colored mist when viewed from afar. This is an apt temperament for this Yuuka, who woke up earlier than planned. Yuuka is endowed with Wood Phase because she loves flowers. The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood. Flowers absorb colors from the earth, and color holds the same properties as temperament. Yuuka can use this characteristic of flowers to influence her own temperament. She has chosen to give herself Reverse Sun Essence to help her resolve this incident that was apparently caused by a vampire. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence. Thus, Reverse Sun Essence is weak against Star Essence and resists Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating flowers

The ability of Yuuka Kazami from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Yuuka's ability. Similar to Alice Margatroid, there are no public records of Yuuka Kazami being active during the Scarlet Mist Incident. In other words, it's like all the information concerning this Yuuka comes from myths and legends rather than from a history book. Although the Scarlet Mist Incident has been prolonged, the only evidence indicating that Yuuka was active during this time comes from this Yuuka herself and the people around her. It would be much easier to believe that this Yuuka actually existed if an impartial witness could back up what she says. But, then again, the proof of someone's existence can only be expressed in relative terms, so you can never know whether any specific individual truly existed with absolute certainty. Just like Alice, this Yuuka claims that she wasn't planning to wake up until her time had come. But Yuuka loves flowers, so she awoke when she sensed that an incident was threatening them. Basically, this incident gave Yuuka a more than sufficient reason to act because its mist blocked out the sun, endangering the plants and stunting their growth. However, according to Yuuka, she woke up too early. It's true that most records state that Yuuka was first seen in Gensokyo around the time of the flower incident that hasn't yet occurred in this world, but how could this Yuuka know about that...? She speaks as if she predicted the future. Yuuka Kazami is a youkai who manipulates flowers. There are several famous types of youkai, such as kappa, tengu, yuki-onna, and yamanba, but Yuuka hasn't claimed to belong to any particular species of youkai. This harkens back to the fundamental nature of youkai. Broadly speaking, any being that isn't human can be called a "youkai." The term "youkai" was first used as a way to categorize beings like kappa and tengu, rather than the terms "tengu" or "kappa" being used to distinguish certain types of youkai. Kappa used to just be called kappa, and the same with tengu. The only thing they have in common is the fact that they're not human. Of course, other non-human beings, such as wild animals, also exist, but they stop being called youkai as soon as they are identified as natural creatures―creatures that can be controlled or have the potential to be controlled by human logic and knowledge. Youkai have always existed alongside but separate from humanity and should really be considered generally as "non-human creatures" rather than lumped together under different labels. The closer you get to the original definition of the term "youkai," the more it resembles the definition of oni. Perhaps this is why some people consider oni to be separate from youkai.


Flower Shooting (Scarlet)

The Spread Shot of Yuuka Kazami from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She unleashes a barrage of flower bullets. This attack is this Yuuka's version of Flower Shooting. It looks like she controls the flowers, but perhaps they are helping her willingly. These flowers seem somewhat redder than usual, but you still shouldn't let their beauty captivate you. It's dangerous.

  • Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Spring Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Summer Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Autumn Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Winter Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Seasonal Scarlet Flower Bullet
Fantastic Spring Flowers (Scarlet)

The Focus Shot of Yuuka Kazami from the world shrouded in scarlet mist. She fires a few large flower bullets. This attack is this Yuuka's version of Fantastic Spring Flowers. These flowers look redder than usual too. Perhaps they absorbed some of the scarlet temperament.

  • Large Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Springtime Large Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Summertime Large Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Autumn-Time Large Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • Wintertime Large Scarlet Flower Bullet
  • All-Season Large Scarlet Flower Bullet
Flower Sign: Blossoming of the Scarlet Devil Paradise

A Spell Card of Yuuka Kazami from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). Gensokyo's flowers blossom amidst the ongoing Scarlet Mist Incident. The shroud of scarlet mist has covered Gensokyo for so long that the balance of temperament has collapsed, affecting everything, including the flowers. In fact, this incident is especially hazardous to flowers as it prevents sunlight from reaching them. However, there's no way Yuuka would just sit idly by and let the flowers wither. All she needs to do is take the nutrients and energy that the flowers need directly from the mist. Thus begins the flower rebellion.

  • Prophetic Scarlet Plant Dream Bullet
  • False Scarlet Plant Dream Bullet
  • Auspicious Scarlet Plant Dream Bullet
  • Inauspicious Scarlet Plant Dream Bullet
  • Lucid Scarlet Plant Dream Bullet
  • Precognitive Scarlet Plant Dream Bullet
Scarlet Dream: The Beauties of Nature

A Spell Card of Yuuka Kazami from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). Various scarlet flower bullets wildly bloom in this attack. Incidents are often accompanied by flowers wildly blooming, indicating a strong connection between incidents and temperament.

  • Freely Sing With the Wind (Scarlet)
  • Red Blossoms & Green Willows (Scarlet)
  • Birdsong & Flower Perfume (Scarlet)
  • Resplendent Nature (Scarlet)
  • Bright Moon & Cool Wind (Scarlet)
  • Whimsically Praise the Moon (Scarlet)
Flower Spark - Bougainvillea

The Last Word of Yuuka Kazami from the world shrouded in scarlet mist (a Touhou LW original). She fires not one but two massive lasers ringed with bougainvillea flowers. According to all the credible sources of information, there is no record of Yuuka Kazami ever firing a massive laser. However, this Yuuka shoots two with reckless abandon. It's as if she was saving this attack for when she needed it most. These lasers are formed from the blazing fantasies of budding flowers. They are sparks that light the way forward. The bougainvillea flowers' red temperament recolors the scarlet magic mist.

  • FS Bullet of Dreams
  • FS Bullet of Illusions
  • FS Bullet of Visions
  • FS Bullet of Fantasy
  • FS Bullet of Scarlet Visions
  • FS Bullet of Scarlet Fantasy


Skill: Blazing Fantasies

Roots absorb temperament from the earth, giving the petals their color. But what happens to the temperament after that?

Skill: Bud Mutation

They occur spontaneously and are propagated vegetatively.

Skill: Gall

They serve as sources of food and habitats for tiny organisms, just like how the land serves us.

Passive: Incident Counter (Scarlet)
Passive: Organic Purification
Passive: Grafting