

Youkai of the Ice (Cherry Blossom)

The usual outfit of Cirno from the world that snows in spring. It's similar to an outfit she wore during a previous incident.

Youkai of the Ice (Cherry Blossom)
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Early Spring Snow Spirit
VA: Otsubo Yuka
Making the Cold Colder
VA: Kokubun Yukari
Ice Fairy Flying By
VA: Matsuda Risae

Character Information

Temperament: Muhyou

Muhyou (a Touhou LW original) refers to rime, a type of ice that forms when supercooled water droplets in fog freeze onto trees and other objects while the wind blows. This is an apt temperament for Cirno, a youkai of ice. Cirno is endowed with Water Phase, the element of ice, and Star Essence, because of her eccentric personality. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of mainly manipulating cold

The ability of Cirno from the world with a never-ending winter (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially the same as our version of Cirno's ability. Cirno can manipulate the cold, so it seems within the realms of possibility that, as long as the conditions are right, she could cause the Spring Snow Incident detailed in the Miare Report (a historical resource penned by Hieda no Akyuu and the other children of Miare). However, this would ignore the fact that fairies just aren't suited to being masterminds. Also, it's possible Cirno isn't all that happy with the extended winter since freezing stuff when it's cold isn't very impressive. Maybe the reason she was flying about outside during the Spring Snow Incident wasn't because she was enjoying the winter cold but because she was fed up with winter lasting this long. Or perhaps she was desperately trying to end it for reasons of her own. For example, her good friend and playmate Daiyousei might have been suffering from a disrupted temperament caused by the long winter. However, this is merely speculation, as while fairies do seem to have a mysterious connection with their environment, it isn't known if they can actually get sick.


Cold Prepping

The Spread Shot of Cirno from the world with a never-ending winter (a Touhou LW original). She prepares to unleash a powerful attack. Spell Cards have set patterns of bullets that must be prepared in advance, and Cirno's Spell Cards are no exception. She probably prepares them before leaving home when an incident is going on, so she can have fun flashy battles with whoever she happens to fly into.

  • Cold Prepping Bullet
  • Freeze Prepping Bullet
  • Frost Prepping bullet
  • Snow Prepping Bullet
  • Chill Prepping Bullet
  • Ice-Cold Prepping Bullet
Frigid Night

The Focus Shot of Cirno from the world with a never-ending winter (a Touhou LW original). She lays the groundwork to create frost columns. Cirno flies around outside at night when it's freezing cold. The cold doesn't bother her at all, but she's not happy about winter lasting so long... if only because she can't really show off by freezing things. However, considering how she goes out exploring every night, that might not be the only reason.

  • Four-Pointed Snowflake Bullet
  • Five-Pointed Snowflake Bullet
  • Six-Pointed Snowflake Bullet
  • Seven-Pointed Snowflake Bullet
  • Eight-Pointed Snowflake Bullet
  • Nine-Pointed Snowflake Bullet
Freeze Sign: Freeze Actress

A Spell Card of Cirno from the world with a never-ending winter. She puts on a show with her ice. Cirno can use her ability to create a dazzling snowflake spectacle. The playfulness and beauty of her show are reminiscent of a yukinko, a type of snow spirit with the appearance of a human child. Winter feels like Cirno's season, but she prefers summer because creating ice when it's hot is much more impressive.

  • Cold Dance Bullet
  • Freezing Dance Bullet
  • Frosty Dance bullet
  • Snowy Dance Bullet
  • Chilly Dance Bullet
  • Ice-Cold Dance Bullet
Frost Sign: Frost Columns

A Spell Card of Cirno from the world with a never-ending winter. She creates big frost columns in this attack. Apparently, Cirno tends to use this Spell Card when angry or annoyed. Is she angry about the never-ending winter, or is there something else on her mind? Unfortunately, most people don't care enough about fairies to ask.

  • Four-Sided Frost Column Bullet
  • Five-Sided Frost Column Bullet
  • Six-Sided Frost Column Bullet
  • Seven-Sided Frost Column Bullet
  • Eight-Sided Frost Column Bullet
  • Nine-Sided Frost Column Bullet
Frozen Blossom Storm

The Last Word of Cirno from the world with a never-ending winter (a Touhou LW original). She wishes for spring in this attack. Fairies can't cause incidents or resolve them. This isn't just because they're easily defeated in battles of bullets, but because dedicating themselves to a single task goes against their nature. They're too impulsive and whimsical. However, what if a fairy was utterly determined to achieve something despite this? Perhaps this could be the catalyst that causes Cirno, a fairy much stronger than other fairies, to become a youkai.

  • Cold Blossom Bullet
  • Freezing Blossom Bullet
  • Frosty Blossom bullet
  • Snowy Blossom Bullet
  • Chilly Blossom Bullet
  • Ice-Cold Blossom Bullet


Skill: Surprise Fairy Attack

Fairies appear when you least expect them. They generally don't announce their presence.

Skill: Act Before Thinking

There are many reasons to challenge someone to a battle of bullets. One is to garner attention.

Skill: Out of Bullets

If you run out of bullets, you've got no choice but to retreat. It's the same as losing.

Passive: Winter Frost
Passive: Cooling Down