Yukkuri Marisa


Take it Easy

Yukkuri Marisa's usual outfit. It features her favorite witch broom.

Take it Easy
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Someone Who Takes It Easy

Character Information

Temperament: Ame!

Ame! (a Touhou LostWord original) refers to all kinds of rain, from torrential storms to peaceful showers. Yukkuri Marisa enjoys both bouncing in the rain and staying indoors, pondering while listening to it pitter-patter outside. Yukkuri Marisa is endowed with Water Phase since she is very patient, and Star Essence due to her easygoing nature. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of taking it easy

Yukkuri Marisa's ability (a Touhou LW original). The "capable of taking it easy" ability held by yukkuris incorporates a toned-down version of their Yukkuri Master's signature ability. This means that Yukkuri Marisa is also capable of using magic... slowly. Just like Marisa Kirisame, she studies hard to make flashy magic. However, the spectacle of her magic inspires and astounds at a much slower rate, like how starlight can travel for thousands of years before inspiring us all.


Yukkuri Laser

Yukkuri Marisa's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). Lasers are generally supposed to travel in straight lines, but Yukkuri Marisa's curve and bend all over the place. How does she do it?

  • Negative Laser
  • Positive Laser
  • Curvy Laser
  • Straight Laser
  • Short Laser
  • Super Long Laser
Yukkuri Missile

Yukkuri Marisa's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). This is her yukkuri version of the classic Magic Missile spell. She uses an assortment of mushrooms for the missiles, so the damage isn't great.

  • Tiny Mushroom Missile
  • King Trumpet Mushroom Missile
  • Boiled Shiitake Mushroom
  • Anti-Bug Missile
  • Ant-Bird Missile
  • Shooting Star Missile
Easy Sign: Master Spark

Yukkuri Marisa's Spell Card (a Touhou LW original). She gathers multiple worrying lasers together to form one massive laser that she shoots out of her mini mini hakkero. It'll blast right through anyone who doesn't step out of the way.

  • Slow Master Spark
  • Weak Master Spark
  • Clumsy Master Spark
  • Trusty Master Spark
  • Roaring Master Spark
  • Cool Master Spark
Easy Sign: Non-Directional Laser

Yukkuri Marisa's Spell Card (a Touhou LW original). She shoots out a barrage of baffling lasers, seemingly trying to burn everything around her. However, the true purpose of this attack is to make her opponents dizzy with all the spinning lights.

  • Starry Negative Laser
  • Cat Laser
  • Round Laser
  • Tiny Laser
  • Anti-Yukkuri Laser
  • Anti-Spook Laser
Yukkuri Blazing Star

Yukkuri Marisa's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She slowly barrels forward as a ball of lights and stardust, imitating one of those rolling boulder traps. The added benefit of this attack is that whoever she hits gets to pretend they're a bowling pin.

  • Closed-Eyes Strike
  • Yukkuri Marisa Tackle
  • Slow Broom Impact!
  • Slow Witch Hat Headbutt!
  • Slow Rolling
  • Galaxy Strike


Skill: Trusty Hat

With all the bouncing around she does, you'd think her witch hat would fly off all the time, but nope. It stays on so well that there are even theories going around that it grows directly out of her head or that the hat is, in fact, Yukkuri Marisa's main body.

Skill: Mini Mini Hakkero

This is a tinier version of Marisa's favorite magical item, but it still packs quite a punch.

Skill: Dried Reagents

Marisa keeps a bundle of dried newts and lizards since all witches have stuff like that. Yukkuri Marisa has taken a liking to it and carries it around everywhere. Somehow, it became infused with her magic, turning it into a cursed item.

Passive: Slightly Competitive Spirit
Passive: Committed to Commentary
Passive: Magic Item Enjoyer