Benben Tsukumo


Device Driver Big Sis

The usual outfit of Benben, the device driver. She can set up speakers anywhere in no time at all!

Device Driver Big Sis
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Irresistible Auditory Device
VA: Koshimizu Ami
Surprise Device
VA: Hasegawa Rena
Battle Audio
VA: Otsubo Yuka

Character Information

Temperament: Katen Gecchi

Katen Gecchi (a Touhou LW original) refers to nights when the Moon shines down on beautiful flowers. This is Benben's temperament as a futuristic tsukumogami who gained a new body after multiple reincarnations. Raiko's magic helped reform her temperament by allowing controlled reincarnations into other tools. This temperament is specialized to resist Moon Essence and Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of making sounds and performing on her own (Hidden)

The ability of Benben Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). Benben's original ability became this one when it was concealed by the system of the Capital. However, due to miscellaneous adjustments and the construction of alternate functions, Benben's musical capabilities are unchanged. This world's Benben seems to be a new type of tsukumogami... a tsukumogami of the future. This was achieved through reincarnation. If tools are cast aside without being laid to rest with a proper memorial service, they become tsukumogami. This implies that inanimate objects can also reincarnate. Some Buddhist sects also share this belief. They teach that all things, including plants and the land itself, have Buddha-nature and can thus attain enlightenment. That's also why so many youkai are named after Buddhist monks, such as mikoshi nyuudou (lit. foreseeing monk) and hitotsume-kozou (lit. one-eyed monk in training). Tools function thanks to the magic power of those who wield them. All humans possess at least a modicum of magic, and well-used tools feel like an extension of one's body because this magic has permeated through them. When old tools are given a memorial service, they are broken and made unusable to free this magic. If this isn't done, they might become tsukumogami. However, since tsukumogami retain the body of a tool, they cannot live forever and will eventually break anyway, releasing the magic inside them. The original tool is essentially reincarnated when this magic is then imbued within another tool. This world's Tsukumo sisters have continued to reincarnate over many years until, one day, their magic wound up in devices created by Alice the Puppeteer. They were highly sophisticated electronic devices that, for some reason, fell out of use in the Capital. Since they were essentially abandoned tools, they made the perfect home for the tsukumogami. With their power as tsukumogami, Benben and Yatsuhashi are able to create sound waves without having to rely on physical audio equipment that has already been set up. This allows them and the Prismriver sisters to perform in places that wouldn't otherwise be possible, greatly increasing the scope of their operations. Xanadu holds a special place in Benben's heart because it reminds her of the paradise she used to live in―the paradise she had all but forgotten.


Biwa Fanatic

The Spread Shot of Benben Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with digital sound. Benben has her own unique instrument, which looks like a cross between a biwa and a bass guitar. Benben plays it like an ordinary biwa, but thanks to her effects unit, she can freely alter the sounds it produces. It's pretty handy, though you need to be particular about what style of music you want to play to make the most out of it.

  • Biwa A Note
  • Biwa B Note
  • Biwa C Note
  • Biwa D Note
  • Biwa E Note
  • Biwa F Note
Woofer Bots

The Focus Shot of Benben Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She shows the value of low-frequency sounds. The Tsukumo sisters control their drones with encrypted audio signals that they play while performing. Apparently, Benben is really fond of her bots. She has two WB-1 model Woofer Bots. One is called Genjou, and the other is Bokuba.

  • Woofer A Soundwave
  • Woofer B Soundwave
  • Woofer C Soundwave
  • Woofer D Soundwave
  • Woofer E Soundwave
  • Woofer F Soundwave
String Music: Storm Ensemble - Biwa

A Spell Card of Benben Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She puts on a performance that's as wild and unpredictable as a storm. The device drivers' live concerts cannot be stopped. If there's a wall in their way, they tear it down. If there's not enough space to set up their amps, they break everything around them to make space. Don't worry. They clean everything up once they're done... to hide the evidence.

  • SE Biwa 1st Setlist Song
  • SE Biwa 2nd Setlist Song
  • SE Biwa 3rd Setlist Song
  • SE Biwa 4th Setlist Song
  • SE Biwa 5th Setlist Song
  • SE Biwa Encore
Double Chant: Song of Falling Stars - Biwa

A Spell Card of Benben Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She puts on a performance that's as beautiful and mysterious as a meteor shower. Unlike the Prismriver sisters, when the Tsukumo sisters hold a live concert, they emphasize the physical effects of their music. Thanks to this, when the two groups of sisters work together, they become a highly versatile team capable of accomplishing a broad range of missions. They gel so well because they respect each other's music while still having confidence in their own.

  • SoFS Biwa 1st Setlist Song
  • SoFS Biwa 2nd Setlist Song
  • SoFS Biwa 3rd Setlist Song
  • SoFS Biwa 4th Setlist Song
  • SoFS Biwa 5th Setlist Song
  • SoFS Biwa Encore
Benben U-Construction

The Last Word of Benben Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She holds a surprise concert in this attack. There's not enough information to say what kind of band Yougakudan was. However, their music lives on in the data stored within the vessels used by the tsukumogami to reincarnate. Benben was blown away when she first heard their fantastic songs. Their music has a magical quality that inspires seemingly impossible ideas. "Perhaps the members of Yougakudan were tsukumogami like me. Or something similar," Benben thought. "It could be that their music was created by the notes themselves..."

  • BUC Biwa 1st Setlist Song
  • BUC Biwa 2nd Setlist Song
  • BUC Biwa 3rd Setlist Song
  • BUC Biwa 4th Setlist Song
  • BUC Biwa 5th Setlist Song
  • BUC Biwa Encore


Skill: Garage Rock

You don't need a fancy studio to play music. As long as there's enough space, even a garage will do.

Skill: Punk Rock

You don't need to go out and buy expensive equipment. A little creativity can go a long way.

Skill: New Wave

This new genre of music created waves in the music world... Though that was a long time ago now.

Passive: Concert Invasion Amp
Passive: Auto-Tuner
Passive: One-Of-A-Kind Biwa-Bass