Hata no Kokoro



The usual outfit of Kokoro, who holds surprise concerts. She can make her vids play wherever she wants.

Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Screen Hijack
VA: Matsuda Satsumi
Video Gadgets
VA: Kokubun Yukari
Aggressive VJ
VA: Tomizawa Eri

Character Information

Temperament: Nigemizu

Nigemizu (a Touhou LW original) refers to an inferior mirage that occurs in wide open areas and tricks people into seeing water off in the distance. This is Kokoro's temperament as a futuristic tsukumogami who gained a new body after multiple reincarnations. Raiko's magic helped reform her temperament by allowing controlled reincarnations into other tools. This temperament is specialized to resist Moon Essence and Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating emotions (Concealed)

The ability of Hata no Kokoro, who holds surprise concerts (a Touhou LW original). Kokoro's original ability became this one when it was concealed by the system of the Capital. However, due to miscellaneous adjustments and the construction of alternate functions, Kokoro's emotion-manipulating capabilities are unchanged. Even among the diverse range of tsukumogami youkai, Kokoro is unique. The same goes for the Kokoro of this world. She has continued to practice for what seems like forever, but she still hasn't worked out how to properly express her emotions... She can use her screens to display videos that worm their way into the minds of all who see them, affecting their emotions, memories, and, in the case of organic beings, even their physicalities and health. The way she uses her ability seems similar to how satori youkai read minds. In fact, Satori Komeiji might describe her ability as "hacking" into other people's minds if she was familiar with the term. Emotions are intrinsically linked with the body―affecting one directly affects the other. Thus, Kokoro can affect both with her ability as a menreiki tsukumogami. It's even more terrifying if you consider that the body is just a tool acting as a vessel for the soul. Kokoro's job is to hack things in the Psycho-Net. The Psycho-Net is another name for the Spiritual Realm, but it also includes the complex network of spirit paths used to enter and exit that realm. Humans and youkai, who are well-versed in music, have said that being in the Spiritual Realm is like listening to an arrangement of a familiar song. This world's Yuyuko Saigyouji has taken an interest in the Psycho-Net and the worlds accessible through it. The complex arrangement of the Psycho-Net's spirit paths reminds her of the Saigyou Ayakashi's roots. So, naturally, she concluded that there must be something important sleeping in the center of them all. Kokoro decided to help Yuyuko, not because she was interested in uncovering secrets, but because the idea of going where no one had gone before appealed to her. The possibility that she might meet some of her gaming friends for the first time if she passed through to the other side of the Psycho-Net influenced her decision... though, only a little. She was also slightly curious about the Easter eggs supposedly hidden in various worlds. However, perhaps the main reason was that she wanted to unravel the tangled web of emotions inside her.


Meow-Meow Displays

The Spread Shot of Hata no Kokoro, who holds surprise concerts (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with her display screens. This attack showcases the future version of Kokoro's 66 masks. They have become data packets of emotion, which she displays on her screens. She displays all sorts of emotions by using multiple physical devices in concert, creating the ultimate persona! The Meow-Meow Displays come in a variety of models with differing shapes and sizes, but they all share the same ability to self-destruct. There's Waka, a round, white MMD-1 drone that can fly; Uba and Hime, flat, rectangular, MMD-2 drones that can also fly; and Semimaru, a manju-shaped MMD-SR drone with wheels.

  • Cat Display
  • 8C Cat Display
  • 6C Cat Display
  • 8Z Cat Display
  • 6Z Cat Display
  • 4Z Cat Display
Self-Destruct Command

The Focus Shot of Hata no Kokoro, who holds surprise concerts (a Touhou LW original). She commands her poor drones to self-destruct. But don't worry, they respawn shortly after. In fact, considering how difficult it would be to replace such expensive-looking physical devices, the "self-destruction" is probably just an act. Or at least, that's the story Kokoro has to maintain if she wants to avoid investigation by PETD (People for the Ethical Treatment of Devices).

  • Self-Destruct Command
  • Self-Destruct Command (WW)
  • Self-Destruct Command (SS)
  • Self-Destruct Command (ADAD)
  • Self-Destruct Command (BA)
  • Self-Destruct Command (Error!)
Melancholy Sign: Sad Emoticon

A Spell Card of Hata no Kokoro, who holds surprise concerts (a Touhou LW original). She expresses her emotions through emoticons. People have been using masks more and more as the years go by. It may seem strange, but sometimes, using a mask (or emoticon) helps convey your intended message better than your natural expression. It creates a distinct boundary between you and others, allowing emotions to be shared more easily. The face itself is also a boundary between others and your inner feelings.

  • Sad Emoticon
  • Grief Emoticon
  • Worried Emoticon
  • Anxious Emoticon
  • Sorrowful Emoticon
  • Crying Emoticon
Anger Sign: Angry Emoji

A Spell Card of Hata no Kokoro, who holds surprise concerts (a Touhou LW original). She expresses her emotions through emojis. Communicating through images is more intuitive than text. Emojis might be the language of the future. Then again, maybe that would be a step backward, considering the earliest written languages evolved from pictures. Either way, emojis are pretty fun... as long as they're not spammed.

  • Angry Emoji
  • Grumpy Emoji
  • Furious Emoji
  • Rage Emoji
  • Offended Emoji
  • Outraged Emoji
Psycho-Lost Dark Zone

The Last Word of Hata no Kokoro, who holds surprise concerts (a Touhou LW original). She attempts to perform a Psycho-Hack with her gaming controller. Apparently, illegal exchanges of information take place in the deep, dark reaches of the Psycho-Net. Even in the most totalitarian societies, where the government observes your every action, there are always places that exist outside the law. Kokoro believes that by infiltrating and investigating such places, she'll be able to find the Easter eggs Yuyuko told her about. Kokoro relies on her gamer knowledge and skills to dive into the Psycho-Net. She's driven by her curiosity, the promise of new thrills, and the potential glory of getting a high score.

  • Next Gen Noh of Darkness
  • Pleasure Possession
  • Grief Possession
  • Joy Possession
  • Anger Possession
  • Emotional Possession


Skill: Modding

She only mods within the guidelines. Cheating isn't fun for anyone.

Skill: Custom Macros

Automating repetitive actions gives you more time to play the parts of the game you enjoy.

Skill: Reading Patch Notes

Reading patch notes out loud is like reciting a classy poem. Don't you think?

Passive: Pro Emotion Controller
Passive: 32-Button Combo
Passive: Dubious Exploit