Kutaka Niwatari


Underground Waste Ward Aligner

The usual outfit of Kutaka from the Spirit River Railroad. Her whistle teacher, Piyo Sensei, sits atop her head.

Underground Waste Ward Aligner
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Spirit River Railroad Guide
VA: Omigawa Chiaki
Spirit River Railroad Conductor
VA: Yorita Natsu
Railroad Clerical God
VA: Takeda Rarisatago

Character Information

Temperament: Shinonome

Shinonome (a Touhou LW original) refers to the early morning when the eastern sky grows steadily brighter. It is the temperament of Kutaka, who has long overseen the passage of souls between worlds as a member of the Spirit River Railroad. Kutaka's temperament has undergone soul modulation at the fundamental level. Souls are hard to control, but the employees charged with their management at the Spirit River Railroad do not allow change (Moon Essence) or selfishness (Star Essence).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of healing throat illnesses (Concealed)

The ability of Kutaka Niwatari from the Spirit River Railroad (a Touhou LW original). It is essentially unchanged from our version of Kutaka's ability. However, since there are many mysteries surrounding the railroad and those associated with it, it's predicted that some things about this Kutaka's ability are fundamentally different, just as they are for Eiki's. While she's a god of chickens capable of healing throat illnesses, her ability as a clerical god who manages the checkpoints of the worlds that come after death has been enhanced to a greater degree. Surely everyone has thought about the afterlife. Most people probably thought particularly seriously about it during their youth. But after becoming adults, the majority of them stop thinking about it entirely, even though they've attained no certainty on what awaits them after death. Those who never stopped or couldn't stop thinking about it have visions of the worlds after death. In the future, these worlds made peculiar advances to become the Spirit River Railroad, where this world's Kutaka works as a guide. In the past, it was said birds carry spirits. Echoes of this can still be observed in the stories about stalks delivering newborn babies. Roosters (male chickens) appear in legends as creatures that rule over early morning waking. They are strongly tied to the image of the rising sun and the start of a new day, as well as to the resurrection of the dead. Without Kutaka's guidance, souls of the deceased would surely be cast out into space and become lost. It's said that, so long as they can hear her song and whistle, they are at ease. Perhaps you have memories of it too. A person with white wings, an angel, stretching out a warm hand to pull you from a dark dream... As the enclosed space of a train station expands, it's somewhat inevitable that it transforms into a complex labyrinth. This transformation is all the more pertinent if the station resides in an underground ward. It's long been accepted that underground structures are generally prisons, tombs, or storage spaces. In other words, places of punishment, places to seal away the dead, or places to store resources over long periods of time. That's right, all of the above perfectly describes Hell. Such places utilize complex designs to prevent escape and theft, and depending on the circumstances, may also place traps. Given the structures' purpose, they simply can't be easy to navigate or leave. And so guides are required in train stations, railways... and Hell. "Tweet Tweet Whistle" is the not-so-elegant name of Kutaka's whistle, believed to have been thought up by Piyo Sensei. However, the whistle itself has no special power. Getting souls to line up is not the whistle, but Kutaka's voice coming through it. As such, her singing voice also has the power to make souls line up. The voice is made of (sound) waves, and by using a voice that directly affects the spirit, Kutaka can cause souls to act. This effect is similar to the poltergeist sisters' performances. Whistles amplify the voice, so the Tweet Tweet Whistle is a convenient tool for Kutaka to have at work. Although, if Kutaka did lose her voice from speaking loudly, she could always just heal it herself...


Wing Semaphore

The Spread Shot of Kutaka Niwatari from the Spirit River Railroad (a Touhou LW original). She sends a message with semaphore flags. When she does so, the Railroad Air Squad comes to her aid. However, the "squad" is comprised exclusively of Piyo Sensei's companions. Then again, they are all the divine bird's kin. Underestimate them, and you're bound to regret it.

  • Semaphore: Message Start
  • Semaphore: Go
  • Semaphore: Disregard
  • Semaphore: Message Over
  • Semaphore: Roger
  • Semaphore: Ready
Alignment Whistle

The Focus Shot of Kutaka Niwatari from the Spirit River Railroad (a Touhou LW original). She sends a message via whistling. The special baby chick on her head, Piyo (real name unknown), is said to have taught her this effective whistling method. According to one theory, the bullets fired in a battle of bullets are waves. Since sound waves are also waves, you can use instruments to produce bullets, and by nullifying the waves, you can defend yourself from bullets. That might sound like a leap in logic, but if you look at ripples, you'll surely realize their beauty is similar to that of bullets. However, it seems this attack has been made visible in a different sense.

  • Tweet Tweet Whistle
  • Go Signal
  • Move Over Signal
  • Slow Down Signal
  • Reverse Signal
  • Stop Signal
Long Cry: Awaken, O Buried Phantoms

A Spell Card of Kutaka Niwatari from the Spirit River Railroad. She guides souls in this attack. The rooster's crow brings night to an end and makes the sun rise. Its miraculous long crow was spoken of in the Ama no Iwato myth and is said to even be able to wake the dead. People of old thought of the absence of the sun's light as death, and the reclamation of its light as resurrection. But who alive today recalls that the resurrection incantation originated from the awakening incantation? Although, in that sense, alarm clocks could be thought of as modern resurrection items, no? Now, phantoms, please enjoy this early morning solo performance.

  • Wake-Up Call
  • Wake-Up Song
  • Resurrection Call
  • Resurrection Song
  • New World Call
  • New World Song
Whistle Sign: O Phantoms, Return to Thy Proper Place

A Spell Card of Kutaka Niwatari from the Spirit River Railroad. She guides souls in this attack. If you study the Six Paths and the Six Realms, you'll gain a good understanding of the path phantoms take after death. Cycling through the six realms is a soul's fundamental destiny. What about our ancestors who return to the world of the living on occasions such as Obon, an annual Buddhist event commemorating them? Well, those spirits await their reincarnation in a place called the Netherworld. It's similar to being in a train station or airport waiting room. Or you could say it's like staying overnight in a hotel adjacent to a train station or airport. If you think about it like that, being in the Netherworld sounds kinda fun, no?

  • Platform Line
  • Transfer Line
  • Ticket Machine Line
  • Information Desk Line
  • Standing Soba Restaurant Line
  • Phantom Train Line
Reincarnation Theory - Final Destination

The Last Word of Kutaka Niwatari from the Spirit River Railroad (a Touhou LW original). She guides souls to their final destination. There is no end to the samsara cycle, just as there is no end to a circle. But that doesn't mean there's no escape route. It isn't depicted on the track schematics, but this route leads you through a mysterious tunnel to a station that should not exist. This phantom terminal station is the ideal land of eternal peace. Kutaka Niwatari is the divine bird, who will lead you there.

  • Final Stop: Loss of Skandha
  • Final Stop: Loss of Rupa
  • Final Stop: Loss of Vedana
  • Final Stop: Loss of Samjna
  • Final Stop: Loss of Sankhara
  • Final Stop: Loss of Vijnana


Skill: Mergesort

Divide the elements, then compare adjacent lists. Waiting in line has never been smoother.

Skill: Quicksort

Makes those lines faster and smarter. Lines on the platforms, for the ticket machines, for soba restaurants... so many lines!

Skill: Heapsort

Apparently, you can use "trees" to organize lines efficiently. But why trees?

Passive: Railroad Air Squad
Passive: Rail Rations
Passive: Piyo's Coaching