Sagume Kishin


Truth Temple of Legitimacy and Integrity

The usual outfit of Sagume from the Capital. It features a white cape denoting the sisters' elite status and a specially made mask.

Truth Temple of Legitimacy and Integrity
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Words of Legitimacy
VA: Yamazaki Haruka
Voice of Integrity
VA: Sembongi Sayaka
Face Maker
VA: Nagatsuma Juri

Character Information

Temperament: Kordylewski Cloud

Kordylewski Cloud (a Touhou LW original) refers to trojan clouds of dust that share the orbit of Earth. This is the temperament of the mysterious Sagume of the Capital, whose position is similar to that of the moon yet completely different. Her temperament is not limited to the usual archetypes because the colossal system of the Capital is altering it. This temperament is specialized to solely resist Earth Phase.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of reversing a situation with her words (Concealed)

The ability of the secret Sagume Kishin. Her ability doesn't appear to be any different from the usual Sagume, but it may have been redeveloped with different underlying principles. It seems the purpose for this varies depending on which world she is assigned to. However, the primary cause is unknown and requires further investigation. Type-Zero Mystical Balls: The mass-produced impurity proxy devices used by Sagume of the Capital. They look similar to Yin-Yang Orbs, so it is speculated that their designer had some involvement in creating these devices. Apart from a few exceptions, they are all mass-produced from the same materials with interchangeable parts to specialize in various applications. Apparently, they can often be seen in the Capital performing surveillance and sometimes raising the alarm or conducting small-scale purges. In principle, the devices are connected to Sagume and coordinate with her at all times. However, they can also apparently perform a limited set of tasks independently in environments where communication is impossible. The devices may look similar to eyes, but their functionality is closer to that of ears. It is rumored that they can interpret sounds and written text as words, which they use to identify impurities. Telepathic Auto-Translating Speaker Device: The gas mask device used by Sagume of the Capital. This is an improved version of the bowtie device that she used to wear. Not much is known about Sagume's ability except that when Sagume utters words about an event to someone involved in that event, the situation begins to reverse. This means that her ability cannot be activated as long as she is prevented from speaking. Also, it seems that her ability does not affect events that have already happened. However, it is best if she refrains from needlessly speaking because if she comments on past events, there is a possibility that her words will interfere with similar events that will happen in the future or even cause such events to occur. In regards to how the events are reversed, it seems that her ability might, for example, simply change the chance of rain from 80% to 20%, but there is no definitive proof of this. This may not be directly connected to her ability, but it seems the Sagume of this world feels embarrassed when she takes off her mask. This is probably because she has grown so accustomed to leaving it on.


Regulatory Yin-Yang Orbs

The Spread Shot of Sagume Kishin from the Capital (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with unique Yin-Yang Orb devices. It is not known whether these Yin-Yang Orbs are the real thing or not, or even if they are related to the Yin-Yang Orbs seen on Earth. However, there is no doubt that the Sagume of this world has specialized in the use of these Yin-Yang Orbs to keep the peace (or in other words, fight).

  • Suppression Yin-Yang Orb - A
  • Suppression Yin-Yang Orb - B
  • Suppression Yin-Yang Orb - C
  • Suppression Yin-Yang Orb - D
  • Suppression Yin-Yang Orb - E
  • Suppression Yin-Yang Orb - F
Killer Yin-Yang Orbs

The Focus Shot of Sagume Kishin from the Capital (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with unique Yin-Yang Orb devices. It seems that Sagume uses different Yin-Yang Orb devices for a range of specific applications. The devices are just like familiars in how they can be controlled at will... It is almost as if they possess a high level of sentience.

  • Eradication Yin-Yang Orb - A
  • Eradication Yin-Yang Orb - B
  • Eradication Yin-Yang Orb - C
  • Eradication Yin-Yang Orb - D
  • Eradication Yin-Yang Orb - E
  • Eradication Yin-Yang Orb - F
Orb Sign: Impure Body Detection Mines V2

A Spell Card of Sagume Kishin from the Capital. She attacks with mine-type Yin-Yang Orb devices that detect people who are impure. For those who live in cities, bringing in impurity is the absolute worst taboo one can commit. This is because people live in cities to get away from impurities. Assigning responsibilities for impurities and the separation of people from impurities are part of the processes that turn a community into a city. The Capital must have walked this path in the past.

  • Impurity Detection Yin-Yang Orb - A
  • Impurity Detection Yin-Yang Orb - B
  • Impurity Detection Yin-Yang Orb - C
  • Impurity Detection Yin-Yang Orb - D
  • Impurity Detection Yin-Yang Orb - E
  • Impurity Detection Yin-Yang Orb - F
Orb Sign: Shining Shotgun Coronation of the Gods

A Spell Card of Sagume Kishin from the Capital. In this attack, her Yin-Yang Orbs act as a proxy for impurities. Any acts that deal with life or death are impure and should be avoided. This Sagume's Yin-Yang Orb devices can perform impure acts in someone's stead. In other words, Sagume can use them to perform any actions that carry a risk of contracting impurity. The act of avoiding impurity by forcing it onto someone or something else is rooted in the traditional concept of sacrifices and scapegoats. According to Shinto mythology, Ame no Sagume is familiar with such things.

  • Impurity Proxy Yin-Yang Orb - A
  • Impurity Proxy Yin-Yang Orb - B
  • Impurity Proxy Yin-Yang Orb - C
  • Impurity Proxy Yin-Yang Orb - D
  • Impurity Proxy Yin-Yang Orb - E
  • Impurity Proxy Yin-Yang Orb - F
Curiosity Probing Eye

The Last Word of Sagume Kishin from the Capital (a Touhou LW original). A peculiar Yin-Yang Orb device responds to Sagume's voice and purges her opponents in this attack. Sagume purposefully removes the mask device that usually suppresses her voice when she activates her ability. The words that Sagume utters are spoken in such a soft voice that they cannot be heard or identified. However, some people seem to have noticed that her whispering is much cuter than you would think, that she speaks unexpectedly fast, and that she appears embarrassed after speaking for some reason.

  • Word Fact Scan
  • Heart Fact Scan
  • Brain Fact Scan
  • Soul Hash
  • Mind Hash
  • Recognition Hash


Skill: Basophil Orb

One of her peacekeeping Yin-Yang Orbs. This one specializes in uncovering words related to rebellious organizations.

Skill: Eosinophil Orb

One of her peacekeeping Yin-Yang Orbs. This one specializes in uncovering words related to lurking kaiju.

Skill: Neutrophil Orb

One of her peacekeeping Yin-Yang Orbs. This one specializes in uncovering rebellious thoughts over a wide range.

Passive: Anti-Kaiju Defense
Passive: Death Impurity Filter
Passive: Boundary of Taboo