Yatsuhashi Tsukumo


Device Driver Lil' Sis

The usual outfit of Yatsuhashi, the device driver. No one can stop her from delivering music to the world!

Device Driver Lil' Sis
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Irresistible Auditory Device
VA: Shitaya Noriko
Unstoppable Concert
VA: Matsuda Risae
Multi-Instrument Technique
VA: Tomizawa Eri

Character Information

Temperament: Ouka Ranman

Ouka Ranman (a Touhou LW original) refers to a plethora of cherry trees blooming in wild abandon. This is Yastsuhashi's temperament as a futuristic tsukumogami who gained a new body after multiple reincarnations. Raiko's magic helped reform her temperament by allowing controlled reincarnations into other tools. This temperament is specialized to resist Moon Essence and Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of making sounds and performing on her own (Hidden)

The ability of Yatsuhashi Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). Yatsuhashi's original ability became this one when it was concealed by the system of the Capital. However, due to miscellaneous adjustments and the construction of alternate functions, Yatsuhashi's musical capabilities are unchanged. This world's Yatsuhashi seems to be a new type of tsukumogami... a tsukumogami of the future. This was achieved through reincarnation. If tools are cast aside without being laid to rest with a proper memorial service, they become tsukumogami. This implies that inanimate objects can also reincarnate. Some Buddhist sects also share this belief. They teach that all things, including plants and the land itself, have Buddha-nature and can thus attain enlightenment. That's also why so many youkai are named after Buddhist monks, such as mikoshi nyuudou (lit. foreseeing monk) and hitotsume-kozou (lit. one-eyed monk in training). According to trustworthy historical records, Raiko cast a spell on herself and the Tsukumo sisters (and possibly others). This spell may have utilized the reincarnation system. In essence, all the spell did was replace the source of power that sustained them as tsukumogami, from oni magic to magic generated by outside-world musicians. However, this effectively turned them into beings similar to the people of Hourai (i.e. beings who exploit the cycle of reincarnation). When you consider how magic is essentially the power to control temperament, temperament is imbued with memories in the form of dreams, and that memories are inherited when you reincarnate... this spell might allow them to reincarnate via the Dream World. This world's Tsukumo sisters have reincarnated multiple times over many years. Alice the Puppeteer sends them on exciting missions to the Capital, where they fight to protect Xanadu by holding surprise concerts in strategically important locations. The devices that the Prismriver Sisters use to play their music have been removed from these locations, and defenses have been set up to reduce the effectiveness of mental attacks. But since the Tsukumo sisters are device drivers with physical forms, they don't need to worry about that. Their music affects everyone! ...Well, everyone except for beings that only have a spiritual form.


Koto Mania

The Spread Shot of Yatsuhashi Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with digital sound. Yatsuhashi plays her own unique instrument, which looks like a cross between a koto and a guitar. Even though she plays it like an ordinary koto, thanks to her effects unit that runs off magical power, she can produce all kinds of sounds. It's pretty handy.

  • Koto A Note
  • Koto B Note
  • Koto C Note
  • Koto D Note
  • Koto E Note
  • Koto F Note
Tweeter Drones

The Focus Shot of Yatsuhashi Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She shows the value of high-pitched sounds. The Tsukumo sisters control their drones with encrypted audio signals that they play while performing. Apparently, Yatsuhashi treats her drones like pets when she thinks nobody is looking. She has two TD-1 model Tweeter Drones. One is called Jordan, and the other is Josh.

  • Tweeter A Soundwave
  • Tweeter B Soundwave
  • Tweeter C Soundwave
  • Tweeter D Soundwave
  • Tweeter E Soundwave
  • Tweeter F Soundwave
String Music: Storm Ensemble - Koto

A Spell Card of Yatsuhashi Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She puts on a performance that's as wild and unpredictable as a storm. The device drivers' live concerts come out of nowhere and end just as suddenly. They can put on a concert practically anywhere because they have the power to instantly set up all the equipment they need. However, they mostly rely on sound waves to carry their music, so they might struggle to hold a concert in outer space.

  • SE Koto 1st Setlist Song
  • SE Koto 2nd Setlist Song
  • SE Koto 3rd Setlist Song
  • SE Koto 4th Setlist Song
  • SE Koto 5th Setlist Song
  • SE Koto Encore
Double Chant: Song of Falling Stars - Koto

A Spell Card of Yatsuhashi Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She puts on a performance that's as beautiful and mysterious as a meteor shower. Depending on the mission, the Tsukumo sisters sometimes work with Hata no Kokoro. It's like a musical collab, where one performance elevates the other. However, working with Kokoro is rumored to be a bit of a challenge since she refuses to compromise on anything.

  • SoFS Koto 1st Setlist Song
  • SoFS Koto 2nd Setlist Song
  • SoFS Koto 3rd Setlist Song
  • SoFS Koto 4th Setlist Song
  • SoFS Koto 5th Setlist Song
  • SoFS Koto Encore
Yatsuhashi U-Construction

The Last Word of Yatsuhashi Tsukumo, the device driver (a Touhou LW original). She holds a surprise concert in this attack. The mysterious band Yougakudan is a topic that often comes up among music fans. Some spread rumors and legends about the band based on what little they remember, whereas others falsely claim to have seen them perform or know of someone who has. Yatsuhashi can barely remember anything about Yougakudan. However, when she found their music in the digital archives, she immediately recognized their brilliance. Their songs are mysterious and ephemeral, yet each bit of data is clear and distinct. She can't stop thinking about them, and she's sure that the ghost of their music will continue to haunt and inspire forever more.

  • YUC Biwa 1st Setlist Song
  • YUC Biwa 2nd Setlist Song
  • YUC Biwa 3rd Setlist Song
  • YUC Biwa 4th Setlist Song
  • YUC Biwa 5th Setlist Song
  • YUC Biwa Encore


Skill: Hard Rock

Performing with wild abandon liberates the soul. This is freedom!

Skill: Glam Rock

Who wouldn't want the freedom to look and dress however they please? Sounds fun, doesn't it?

Skill: Progressive Rock

Yatsuhashi wants to pave the way to the future. However, only those who overcome obstacles can fill others with hope.

Passive: Concert Invasion Amp
Passive: Auto-Tuner
Passive: One-Of-A-Kind Koto-Guitar