Reisen Udongein Inaba


Lunatic Space Youkai

The usual outfit of Reisen, who was taken captive. Her specially made battle suit is surprisingly durable.

Lunatic Space Youkai
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Captive Soldier
VA: Hanamori Yumiri
Requisitioned Moon Rabbit
VA: Suzushiro Sayumi
Tractor Beam
VA: Nakamura Sakura

Character Information

Temperament: Yo-arashi

Yo-arashi (a Touhou LW original) refers to a strong gale that blows at night. Reisen's temperament has been purified by Junko's ability, so she does not resist, nor is she weak to any Phases or Essences.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating madness (Erased)

The ability of Reisen Udongein Inaba, who was taken captive by Junko. Her ability doesn't appear to be fundamentally different from the usual Reisen. But there are many unknowns as much of the information about this ability has been erased. No matter what world she appears in, she is destined to never descend to Earth and always fight in the battle against Junko and be captured by her. Presumably, the Reisen of this world is a type of Virtual Kaiju. As part of her ability to manipulate waves, she can make people go mad by shortening their brainwaves. This is identical to the Reisen of our world's ability. However, this Reisen cannot always control this power, and it occasionally goes berserk. In other words, this is an ability that is not capable of manipulating madness and not capable of manipulating waves. She cannot always prevent her red eyes from emitting laser beams. She once said: "I didn't want to fight. That's why I ended up running even in the middle of a battle. I couldn't escape to Earth... so I ran into the pure and perfect darkness." Were these words just nonsense born from her lunatic and out-of-control mind? Or were they something else...? Capture Suit - Enhanced: The full-body suit Reisen wears. She wears it to endure inhospitable environments, for protection in battle, and because she heard that the suit also suppresses the beams of light from her eyes. However, the suit was, in fact, designed to turn Reisen into an organic laser weapon by lessening her self-control. She can transform into Full Armor Mode by equipping the additional armor made with Junko's ability that has multi-dimensional organic muscle fibers woven into the fabric. This suit was originally a standard soldier uniform issued by the Lunar Capital. Lunatic Gun - Enhanced: This looks practically the same as the standard Lunatic Guns issued to soldiers. However, the inner structure has been completely changed by Junko's ability. It is more like an organic device than a mechanical one, as it was designed to mimic the functions of an organic eye.


Lunatic Gun - Enhanced

The Spread Shot of Reisen, who was taken captive (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with the Lunatic Gun she is holding. This Lunatic Gun looks practically the same as the original. However, Junko's ability has completely changed the gun's inner structure. Since it shoots bullets by directly reflecting Reisen's ability, it is more like a "third eye" than just a tool.

  • Virtual Lunatic Bullet A
  • Virtual Lunatic Bullet D
  • Virtual Lunatic Bullet F
  • Virtual Lunatic Bullet J
  • Virtual Lunatic Bullet M
  • Virtual Lunatic Bullet Z
Lunatic Clamp

The Focus Shot of Reisen, who was taken captive. She attacks with the Lunatic Gun she is holding. Since this weapon uses light, she can adjust the light waves' rate of convergence to fire a powerful, focused blast at extremely close range. She adjusts range and intensity with built-in lenses, just like a "third eye."

  • Wide-Angle Lunatic Bullet B
  • Wide-Angle Lunatic Bullet C
  • Wide-Angle Lunatic Bullet E
  • Wide-Angle Lunatic Bullet K
  • Wide-Angle Lunatic Bullet N
  • Wide-Angle Lunatic Bullet X
Lunar Surface Ricochet (Lunatic Double)

A Spell Card of Reisen, who was taken captive. She repeatedly shoots with the Lunatic Gun she is holding. She replicates a Spell Card that belongs to our world's Reisen with her Lunatic Gun that has been turned into an organic device. If this intense ricocheting is the function of an eye, it would be similar to far-seeing or clairvoyance. You could say that clairvoyance is an ability where reflected and scattered optical information is gathered in one place and then put back together.

  • Ricochet Lunatic Bullet G
  • Ricochet Lunatic Bullet I
  • Ricochet Lunatic Bullet O
  • Ricochet Lunatic Bullet R
  • Ricochet Lunatic Bullet T
  • Ricochet Lunatic Bullet W
Earth's Surface Ricochet (Lunatic Echo)

A Spell Card of Reisen, who was taken captive. She attacks by causing her Lunatic Gun to reverberate violently. She replicates a Spell Card that belongs to our world's Reisen with her Lunatic Gun that has been turned into an organic device. Extreme reverberation in relation to the functions of an eye is similar to hypnosis because repetition is an integral part of hypnosis.

  • Amplified Lunatic Bullet H
  • Amplified Lunatic Bullet L
  • Amplified Lunatic Bullet P
  • Amplified Lunatic Bullet Q
  • Amplified Lunatic Bullet S
  • Amplified Lunatic Bullet U
Light Wind Lunatic Moon (Lunatic Rays)

The Last Word of Reisen, who was taken captive (a Touhou LW original). She shoots a laser beam from her eyes. Equipping her armor makes the light from her eyes go out of control and form a giant laser beam. This is an extremely dangerous attack as Reisen cannot control these lightwaves when they are in such a state. The intense heat turns the light that was originally red to a blue-white color.

  • Lunatic Laser Beam α
  • Lunatic Laser Beam β
  • Lunatic Laser Beam γ
  • Lunatic Laser Beam Δ
  • Lunatic Laser Beam ε
  • Lunatic Laser Beam ζ


Skill: Electric Armor

This electromagnetic armor does not break, unlike physical armor. However, it does use up electricity.

Skill: Mind Dope

This chemical solution is built into her suit. Who put this there? And for what purpose?

Skill: Defensive Invasion

She does not fight to attack and conquer but to defend.

Passive: Gaze Refraction
Passive: Replaceable Reactive Armor
Passive: CMB Absorption