Byakuren Hijiri


Yao Bikuni Unleashed

The usual outfit of Byakuren from the world delirious with eternal summer. Her Magic Lotus Glove is a Makai material water gun.

Yao Bikuni Unleashed
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Playing While Holding Back
VA: Ike Chisako
Swimsuit Kasaya
VA: Kakumoto Asuka
Magic Lotus Glove Handicap
VA: Nomura Kanako

Character Information

Temperament: Kyoujo-un

Kyoujo-un (a Touhou LW original) refers to lenticular clouds―clouds that look like lentils or flying saucers. This is an apt temperament for the world of eternal summer's youkai monk. The laws governing the Three Essences and Five Phases were purified, leaving only a tropical paradise in their wake! This paradise is essentially a Pure Land, so all the celestial bodies aid Byakuren! (Strong against Sun, Moon, and Star Essence.) However, the sand is a bit of a nuisance. It gets everywhere... (Weak to Earth Phase.)

Ability/Backstory: Capable of using magic (specializing in increasing physical ability) (Beach)

The ability of Byakuren Hijiri from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). This ability isn't any different from the Byakuren of our world's ability. However, this Buddhist monk is very excited to play at the beach! She seems to think she's good at hiding her emotions, but it's glaringly obvious that she's happier than anyone that there's an ocean in Gensokyo. This makes sense, considering how the ocean in Makai, where she was sealed away for centuries, wasn't much fun. No, that's a terrible understatement. It was mind-numbingly boring. Unlike the bustling Makai city where Alice lived, Byakuren stayed in a corner of Makai―a place where nothing interesting ever happens. She would've preferred it if she had a river to play in rather than the empty Makai ocean. Fortunately, she's a Buddhist monk, so she managed to endure the tedium by considering it a part of her spiritual training. Who knows what might have happened otherwise...? Now, you might be thinking that it could actually be kind of nice to get away from everything and live sealed away in Makai. But that would be a mistake. Sure, Makai might be fun to visit for a holiday, but that's only because you know you can leave once you've had your fill. Anyway, Byakuren really enjoys playing at the beach in Gensokyo. She enjoys it so much that she's started to think this must be what the Pure Land is like. And she may not be so far off the mark, considering how Tokoyo no Kuni was believed to be an island paradise far out to sea that promises a bright and happy afterlife, much like the Pure Lands in Buddhism. Byakuren calls out to every youkai she meets, saying, "Youkai want to swim and play at the beach too!" Then she grabs their hand and tosses them into the ocean. Byakuren thinks she's helping them on the path to salvation, but the youkai probably see it as some new kind of training. Sounds fun. Magic Lotus Glove: Byakuren made this water gun out of materials from Makai. Right, it's just a fancy water gun, not a magic item or weapon. That's what Byakuren said, and she's the one who made it. During her long imprisonment in Makai, she painstakingly crafted each of the 2.5 million individual components of this marvelous toy, giving as much attention to detail as she would when carving a statue of the Buddha. She made a pair of Magic Lotus Gloves, but she lent one of them to Joon. The gloves can transform when combined with Byakuren's Sorcerer's Sutra Scroll. But, unfortunately, that's only possible when both gloves are wielded in unison. Contrary to what you might think, Byakuren uses her glove to limit her power. One can only imagine the havoc she would cause at the beach if she took her glove off...


Lotus Flower Cannon

The Spread Shot of Byakuren Hijiri from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She happily shoots water out of her marvelous Makai water gun. Spraying water haphazardly can sometimes have terrible consequences, especially if done by an experienced monk who casts magic!

  • Lotus Flower Cannon
  • Multi-Shot Lotus Flower Cannon
  • Rapid-Fire Lotus Flower Cannon
  • Charged Lotus Flower Cannon
  • Spread-Shot Lotus Flower Cannon
  • Super Lotus Flower Cannon
Pure Water Torrent

The Focus Shot of Byakuren Hijiri from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She shoots water out of her marvelous Makai water gun. The idea of a Pure Land is shared by many different schools of Buddhism. "Fire is usually used to purify... but I suppose this works too!" Why does she sound like a certain Lunar Emissary?

  • Pure Water Torrent
  • Multi-Shot Pure Water Torrent
  • Rapid-Fire Pure Water Torrent
  • Charged Pure Water Torrent
  • Focused Pure Water Torrent
  • Super Pure Water Torrent
Light Magic: Solo Maelstrom

A Spell Card of Byakuren Hijiri from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She creates a massive whirlpool in this attack. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Light Magic: Star Maelstrom." It's crazy to think she can create a maelstrom all on her own. Who else could accomplish such an incredible feat except for maybe the legendary Kraken? Even the gods had to work together when they churned the primordial sea...

  • Solo Maelstrom
  • Handmade Maelstrom
  • Arbitrary Maelstrom
  • Personal Maelstrom
  • Unassisted Maelstrom
  • Independent Maelstrom
Supersonic Speed: Superhuman Beach Flags

A Spell Card of Byakuren Hijiri from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She sprints at superhuman speed. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Supersonic Speed: Old Lady's Sprint." Byakuren's magic is truly something else. She must've become such a powerful magician because she trained in Makai, the home of magic. However, in Byakuren's case, her magician training probably involved a lot of physical exercise. That would explain why she still looks so young.

  • Superhuman Beach Flags
  • Sage Beach Flags
  • Ironwoman Beach Flags
  • Saint Beach Flags
  • Youkai Beach Flags
  • Makai Beach Flags
Namusan Summer - Summer in the Pure Land

The Last Word of Byakuren Hijiri from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She preaches the wonders of the Pure Land with her fists. It was a mirage, a fantasy, shown to her by the summer heat. Myouren isn't in Gensokyo. He must've gone to the true Pure Land. Byakuren always knew it was a faint hope, but it still hurt when she had to face the grim reality. But that's OK. She had resigned herself to the fact that she cannot go to Heaven, not after succumbing to the temptations of heretical magic. But she'll get there eventually, no matter how many times she has to reincarnate. "...Actually, I might be able to travel to Heaven directly. If I perfect my physical-enhancing magic, I could travel anywhere in a single jump, even to the Moon or the stars! I wonder if you'd be surprised to see how strong your big sis has become."

  • Namusan Summer
  • Trust in the Buddha Summer
  • Trust in the Dharma Summer
  • Trust in the Sangha Summer
  • Pure Land Summer
  • Paradise Summer


Skill: Finicky Lotus Glove

"I know I'm the one who made this, but I'm still not exactly sure how to use it."

Skill: Hidden Buttons

"If I remember right, I'm supposed to press this part here... Uh-oh. That wasn't meant to happen."

Skill: Lotus Glove Chop

"It's playing up a little, but I was told this should fix it!"

Passive: Self-Imposed Handicap Mitigation
Passive: Summer Peek-A-Boo Style
Passive: Super-Fast Beach Meditation