Hecatia Lapislazuli


Tropical Goddess

The usual outfit of Hecatia from the world delirious with eternal summer. Hell is flooded, but Gensokyo has water games.

Tropical Goddess
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Goddess of Eternal Summer Hell
VA: Shimizu Ayaka
Lively God
VA: Yomiya Hina
Watermelon Goddess
VA: Kuroki Honoka

Character Information

Temperament: Kaitei Kazan

Kaitei Kazan (a Touhou LW original) refers to submarine volcanoes. This is an apt temperament for the goddess of Eternal Summer Hell. The laws of Phases and Essences have been completely discarded, leaving only a slightly troublesome ambition to create a new Hell paradise! Hecatia is a goddess of Earth! (Strong against Earth Phase.) A goddess of the moon! (Strong against Moon Essence.) And a goddess of the Otherworlds! (Strong against Star Essence.) Did you think this blue Hecatia was just a goddess of Earth? That may be the case with her Spell Cards, but she is actually rather free to be and do whatever she wants. She can even manifest all three of her bodies at once! In our world, Chang'e's husband shot down the sun, so the sun's rays should be a fair bit weaker now than they were in the Age of the Gods. Light contrasts with darkness, so the absence of strong light also weakens true darkness. However, this goddess firmly believes that the sun's rays are nothing but poison to young, pale, and beautiful skin! (Weak to Sun Essence.)

Ability/Backstory: Capable of having three bodies (Beach)

The ability of Hecatia Lapislazuli from the world of eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). This ability isn't all that different from the Hecatia of our world's ability. And unlike Yukari Yakumo, Hecatia can use her ability in earnest. She is at full power. She always exerts her full force in this world with its jubilant climate. She devotes everything to play. Also, you may think that the blue-haired Hecatia is always the goddess of Earth, but that is not necessarily the case. However, it is true that blue Hecatia really suits the beach. Everyone has a latent memory of a midsummer imaginary older sister. An imaginary older sister is a kind and slightly whimsical sisterly presence who took care of you in place of your mother when you were young. She let you hop on the back of her bicycle, bought you a popsicle at the corner store, then said, "let's rest a while." You sat together in the shade of a tree near a river, and she would pat your head while you both enjoyed the cool breeze. When you started to feel sleepy, she let you rest your head on her lap. She is the older sister whose fragrance contains a hint of lemon and whose name you can no longer remember. But you do remember her a little, don't you? What is the connection between the Goddess of Hell and your imaginary sister? Well, the path taken by souls of a past life can vary, but there is a very high chance that the soul of your past life passed through Hell on its way to reincarnation. That means that you have most likely met the goddess of Hell. That's right, your memories of your imaginary sister are your memories of Hell that were not deleted due to some mistake! That is why you have so many memories of a hot summer. In our world, during the Age of the Gods, Chang'e's husband shot down the sun, which caused the darkness of Hell to become less dark. This was the event that led Hecatia to accompany Junko on her quest for vengeance... However, did this event also occur in this world? If the sun of this world has retained its original power, that may explain why this world's climate is so tropical... Be that as it may, this blue Hecatia grew tired of her water-submerged Hell. She searched for something fun that would entertain the souls that visit her Hell and prevent the other Hells from stealing her visitors. She wanted something fresh, revolutionary, and emotional... A thought struck her! "Why don't I visit Gensokyo to research the latest trends?! " "What's this big round green ball thing?!" "A watermelon?!" "A symbol of summer that you can play with and eat?!" "That's fantastic!" "This is just what I was looking for!" "Are we eating watermelon again, Mistress?" "Hecatia, with so much watermelon, we're going to have to eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner all week." "Huh? What's the problem? They're delicious!"


Seed Blaster

The Spread Shot of Hecatia Lapislazuli from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She eats some watermelon and spits out the seeds as bullets. The goddess smugly explains that it takes a fair amount of training to shoot the seeds properly. Apparently, this goddess squealed with glee when she realized you could shoot seeds while eating these giant fruits. This is just what Hecatia was looking for―edible entertainment. And as a bonus, the seeds also act as bullets. In the outside world, there are apparently seedless watermelons, but this goddess will never accept something so illogical. However, the beach could turn into a watermelon patch if she doesn't clean up the seeds once she's done.

  • Watermelon Seed Bullet
  • Nano Seed Bullet
  • Micro Seed Bullet
  • Small Round Seed Bullet
  • Big Round Seed Bullet
  • Long Seed Bullet
Fruit Splitter

The Focus Shot of Hecatia Lapislazuli from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She attacks by splitting a watermelon. What face do you think Hecatia made when she found out about watermelon splitting? She was so overwhelmed by the game's entertainment power that she remained expressionless. She uttered not a word... Until, after a delay, her face lit up like a child's―full of hope and jubilation. She is certain that if she manages to bring watermelon splitting back home to Hell, she won't need any other attractions.

  • Watermelon Swing
  • Watermelon Bunt
  • Watermelon Drive
  • Watermelon Pull
  • Watermelon Slap
  • Watermelon Hit and Run
Earth: Life Soup

A Spell Card of Hecatia Lapislazuli from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She rains down a soup that could be called the origin of all life. Did you know that the first lifeform was born from the nutrient-rich sea foam near the coast?! That means the primordial sea was fruit punch... Or maybe not. "Punch" means five, and this fruit punch is made with five types of fruit: watermelon, pineapple, kiwifruit, banana, and grapes. However, none of these fruits really evoke images of tropical islands anymore since delicious fruits are now cultivated all over the world.

  • Watermelon of Life
  • Banana of Life
  • Kiwifruit of Life
  • Grape of Life
  • Pineapple of Life
  • Fruit Punch of Life
Earth: Watermelons Are Falling!

A Spell Card of Hecatia Lapislazuli from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). Giant watermelons fall down from the sky. What would happen if the moon in the sky fell down to Earth? Everyone has probably imagined that happening at least once. Apparently, there is even a disaster movie about it. Of course, this goddess has also thought about what might happen when the moon falls. But then she went above and beyond... What would happen if giant watermelons fell instead?! Her divine smile clearly shows that she is absolutely certain everyone would love it.

  • Falling Watermelon
  • Big Falling Watermelon
  • Huge Falling Watermelon
  • Enormous Falling Watermelon
  • Colossal Falling Watermelon
  • Gigantic Falling Watermelon
Water Planet

The Last Word of Hecatia Lapislazuli from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She recreates the Earth's Hell in this attack. The goddess Hecatia had a realization. The Hecatia of this world remembered that during the Age of the Gods, countless celestial objects fell down to Earth, resulting in the creation of a bountiful ocean. She vaguely remembered that this was because some of those celestial objects were icy comets and asteroids. She then glanced down at the delicious fruit in her hands that was apparently called a watermelon... The goddess had an epiphany! She made it so countless watermelon asteroids would rain down from space! Thanks to that, the sea is now bright red, just like in Hell... which is what she wanted.

  • Icy Watermelon Asteroid
  • Big Icy Watermelon Asteroid
  • Giant Icy Watermelon Asteroid
  • Watermelon Comet
  • Big Watermelon Comet
  • Giant Watermelon Comet


Skill: Chilly Thunderbolt

Do you think yellow watermelons aren't sweet? No, that's not true at all!

Skill: Gengobe Pickles

What?! Pickled watermelon?! It's been a thing for three hundred years?!

Skill: Madder Ball Rugby

A long cultivar of watermelon that is easy to carry. You shouldn't try to pass it―it could be dangerous.

Passive: Body Cooling Effect
Passive: Jelly Dessert Queen
Passive: Beach Goddess