Joon Yorigami


Somewhat Successful Little Sister

The usual outfit of Joon from the world delirious with eternal summer. Makai items seem like the perfect fit for a pestilence god.

Somewhat Successful Little Sister
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Armored Fist
VA: Yamane Aya
Midsummer Pestilence God
VA: Wakuno Aika
Magic Lotus Glove Water Gun
VA: Hishikawa Hana

Character Information

Temperament: Yousei

Yousei (a Touhou LW original) refers to inauspicious stars and comets. This is an apt temperament for Joon, the pestilence god from the world of eternal summer. For some reason, Joon feels compelled to limit her spending (strong against Fire, Water, and Metal Phase). She wants to lead a quiet down-to-earth life (weak to Earth Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of causing consumption of financial assets (Beach)

The ability of Joon Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). This ability isn't any different from the Joon of our world's ability. Joon planned to enjoy the summer by stealing money from all the carefree beach-goers, but what awaited her was endless days of fun but arduous training. As a pestilence god, Joon can sustain herself by bankrupting corrupt and unscrupulous businesspeople. Humans never really change, so she doesn't have to wait long between meals. However, in the world of eternal summer, even more people are trying to profit from shady business practices. If you thought Joon would be over the Moon about this, you'd be wrong. She has tried to have fun in Gensokyo by possessing people, monopolizing petroleum, and generally just causing chaos, but these things always tend to make her feel empty inside. It also doesn't help that her sister, Shion, usually hangs around her celestial friend and only seems to call upon Joon when she needs something. Joon is also guilty of this, but still. There's no way Joon would be happy that all her needs as a pestilence god are satisfied without her having to lift a finger. Joon isn't a meek and obedient sheep. She wants to live free! "I'll grant what your heart desires most!" Before Joon realized what was happening, she started full-on training with Byakuren, the Buddhist priest who had helped her in the past. Byakuren seemed to be having fun, but Joon struggled to keep up with her. No, "struggle" is putting it lightly. It was basically torture. As Joon almost passed out from exhaustion, she saw a vision that reminded her of one of Byakuren's sermons. Apparently, long ago, when the world was young, gods were born from a churning ocean. Joon saw these gods, and standing among them was a more modest and beautiful version of herself. Shion was there, too. Did they come from the ocean? That might explain why the sight of the ocean filled her with excitement... On reflection, Joon realized that she actually enjoyed training with Byakuren. It was like she'd finally found a friend. When she opened her eyes, she couldn't see anything. Byakuren's blow had sent her flying head-first down into the sand. Joon swore to herself that, one day, she'd defeat her. The Magic Lotus Gloves were made in Makai, and Joon is convinced that they're cursed. She's worried that she might never be able to take hers off.


Bopping Splash

The Spread Shot of Joon Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She blasts water out of her cursed Makai water gun. The gauntlet Joon received from Byakuren was made out of materials from Makai. That's why it has a will of its own. Controlling it is like trying to command a cat or a dog. For some reason, Joon has been having weird dreams ever since she first started using it.

  • Bopping Water Pistol
  • Bopping Water Rifle
  • Bopping Water Machine Gun
  • Bopping Water Cannon
  • Bopping Water Rocket Launcher
  • Bogging Water Missile
Jetblade Uppercut

The Focus Shot of Joon Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She blasts water out of her cursed Makai water gun. With a thunderous crack, her fist shatters the dreams of delusional beach-goers. But don't worry. Joon is really kind, so she'll surely use the money she takes to help her ailing sister.

  • Jetblade Feels
  • Jetpack Feels
  • Flyboard Feels
  • Hoverboard Feels
  • Jet Ski Feels
  • Water Sport Feels
Poor Sign: Massive Free Seawater Bomb

A Spell Card of Joon Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She throws a free seawater bomb at her opponents. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Poor Sign: Super Poverty Bomb." They say that nothing in life is free, but according to Joon, that's not true at all. Presents don't cost you anything. So, if Joon ever gives you a present, you've got no choice but to accept it!

  • Massive Free Seawater Bomb
  • Massive Pay-As-You-Go Seawater Bomb
  • Massive Freemium Seawater Bomb
  • Enormous Free Seawater Bomb
  • Enormous Pay-As-You-Go Seawater Bomb
  • Enormous Freemium Seawater Bomb
Petroleum: Giant Seabed Oil Spring

A Spell Card of Joon Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). This attack is fuelled by her desire to find an offshore petroleum deposit. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Petroleum: Poverty God's Crude Oil Runoff Pollution." Joon doesn't care whether the petroleum is real or not as long as she can make others believe it is real. She has a similar philosophy regarding brand-name products. The only difference is that she knows people are way more desperate to get their hands on petroleum! Joon came up with this attack after hearing petroleum could be found under the sea.

  • Giant Seabed Oil Spring
  • Giant Heavy Crude Oil Spring
  • Giant Light Crude Oil Spring
  • Giant Kerosene Spring
  • Giant Gasoline Spring
  • Giant Natural Gas Spring
Dodging Bullets on the Way to Paradise

The Last Word of Joon Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She recalls her origins as a god in this attack. Joon spends every waking moment training with Byakuren on the beach. However, it seemed to be all fun and games for Byakuren as she smiled from ear to ear while ruthlessly unleashing water element hammer blows with her fist. She said she was holding back, but it certainly didn't seem that way to Joon. Joon had assumed this training was pointless, but as she continued to train, a vision began to form in her mind. Was it a memory? Her memory or someone else's? It seemed like a dream or an illusion, but maybe it was something else entirely... Either way, she saw an image of herself standing in the faraway land of Tianzhu. She was a goddess of beauty, wealth, bountiful harvests, and good fortune. It seemed absurd, but since she couldn't remember how she and Shion came to Gensokyo, she couldn't completely deny the possibility that this was her past. "I've gotten much better at dodging... but I'm really starting to think this glove is cursed."

  • Dodging Bullets!
  • Dodging Fantasy Seal!
  • Dodging Master Spark!
  • Dodging Devil's Recitation!
  • Dodging Laser of Seventeen Articles!
  • Dodging Last Words!


Skill: Cursed Makai Item

Joon may be a pestilence god, but that doesn't make her evil. Joon can unequip her Magic Lotus Glove, can't she?

Skill: Magic Glove Assist

Items made from Makai materials are sentient. Having such an item is like keeping a pet.

Skill: Smart Magic Glove

The Lotus Magic Glove automatically accelerates the wielder in the direction they punch. It might be fun to wear one while riding a bike.

Passive: Mugging Mode
Passive: Leeching Mode
Passive: Wasteful Spending Mode