Shion Yorigami


Somewhat Successful Big Sister

The usual outfit of Shion from the world delirious with eternal summer. She's hoping to catch a whopper with Tenshi's fishing rod.

Somewhat Successful Big Sister
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Not Even a Nibble
VA: Kakumoto Asuka
A Debt to Remember
VA: Nomura Kanako
Super Rod
VA: Tanaka Tomomi

Character Information

Temperament: Koku-un

Koku-un (a Touhou LW original) refers to black clouds or something that disrupts progress. This is an apt temperament for this Shion, a poverty god from the world of eternal summer. The mysterious artifact is highly durable (strong against Metal Phase and Wood Phase). Even in the cheerful world of eternal summer, Shion is as gloomy as ever (strong against Water Phase but weak to Sun Essence)!

Ability/Backstory: Capable of making people unlucky, including herself (Beach)

The ability of Shion Yorigami from the world of eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). This ability isn't any different from the Shion of our world's ability. Tenshi's good fortune assists Shion through the fishing rod she lent her, so even when Tenshi's far away, Shion doesn't suffer from her horrendously poor luck. However, the second Shion lets go of the rod, her poverty god ability fires up again. No matter what, she has to keep the fishing rod close. Even in the world of eternal summer, the Yorigami sisters caused an incident. And what an incident it was! After it was resolved, history followed pretty much the same path as our world, bringing us to the present day. These days, Shion's little sister, Joon, accompanies Myouren Temple's Buddhist priest, while Shion herself is seemingly attached at the hip to a celestial she very much admires. Indeed, life is good for the Yorigami sisters. It's not as if there was some sign indicating the sisters' happiness would soon come to an end, but an unsettling thought has recently taken root in Shion's mind. Then again, perhaps that thought has always been there, lurking in the shadows, and now she's finally become aware of its presence. Shion's thought process goes a little like this: "I'm happy when I'm with Miss Tenshi because she cancels out my misfortune." ↓ "Does that mean I'm simply using her? No, I like her a lot. But can I actually prove that...?" ↓ "She's canceling out my misfortune, but I'm not doing anything for her. Doesn't that make me a burden?" ↓ "Then again, it would be arrogant of me to assume I could help a celestial." ↓ A few days later... "I'm happy when I'm with Miss Tenshi because she cancels out my misfortune." While it's true Shion can be too laidback (as shown in the way she relies on her little sister for everything), Tenshi can be too caring and empathetic. With her celestial intelligence, all it took was one look at Shion to see she lacked confidence. "Here, Shion, use this." "F-For real...?!" "I think it's another artifact. I borrowed it on my way out of Heaven." "Are you sure it's OK for me to have a precious item like this?!" "It doesn't bother me. I'm pretty sure you can use it. After all, there's a fortune god who always carries a fishing rod everywhere." "I-I don't…" "What's the matter?" It was at that moment, for a plentitude of reasons, tears of happiness began streaming down Shion's cheeks. And at the same time, she was filled with determination. It was a different kind of determination to the kind she felt during the oil crisis when she and her little sister tried to get rich. A short while later, Shion received word of the Occult Bowl's seafood cook-off...


Tire Fishing

The Spread Shot of Shion Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She feels as if she's caught something big. "It's huge!" she thought as she reeled in... a big rubber tire. She'd seen things like this before in comedy manga but didn't expect it to happen in real life. Then again, the fact that there was a tire in this Gensokyo's sea is quite something.

  • Tire Fishing
  • Super Tire Fishing
  • Untouchable Tire Fishing
  • Incredible Tire Fishing
  • Supreme Tire Fishing
  • Unreal Tire Fishing
Rain Boot Haul (Harpoon)

The Focus Shot of Shion Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She feels as if she's made the catch of her dreams. Perhaps this boot belonged to a kappa. In the outside world, garbage being thrown into the ocean is apparently a global issue. Humans should at least ensure what they dispose of can be broken down by the elements. All of the microplastics in the ocean as a result of fossil fuel usage is truly a tragedy.

  • Rain Boot Haul (Harpoon)
  • Super Rain Boot Haul (Harpoon)
  • Untouchable Rain Boot Haul (Harpoon)
  • Incredible Rain Boot Haul (Harpoon)
  • Supreme Rain Boot Haul (Harpoon)
  • Unreal Rain Boot Haul (Harpoon)
Tearful Inedible Fish Release

A Spell Card of Shion Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She returns inedible fish to the ocean. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Poor Sign: Mischance Scatter." There are some fish you can catch but can't eat. The most obvious example are poisonous fish. It's dangerous to judge whether a fish is edible based solely on its appearance or to underestimate the effect its poison can have. That rule applies no matter how hungry you are.

  • Tearful Inedible Fish Release
  • Tearful Grass Puffer Release
  • Tearful Brown-Lined Puffer Release
  • Tearful Boxfish Release
  • Tearful Knobsnout Parrotfish Release
  • Tearful Longhorn Cowfish Release
Bait Scattering: Poverty God-Style Fishing

A Spell Card of Shion Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). It's unclear whether this is an effective fishing method, but Shion's desperate enough to try anything. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Petroleum: Poverty God's Crude Oil Runoff Pollution." Good news for anyone who thinks fishing bait is kinda expensive. There are lots of things you can use as bait that are either cheap or totally free. Scattering a mixture of krill and rice bran onto the water works a treat! Using fish that wash up on the shore as bait isn't a bad idea, but you have to be careful not to touch any of the toxic ones.

  • Bait Scattering: Poverty God-Style Fishing
  • Bait Scattering: Krill
  • Bait Scattering: Earthworms
  • Bait Scattering: Ragworms
  • Bait Scattering: Fish Scraps
  • Bait Scattering: Rice Bran
Tight Bullet Money Budget

The Last Word of Shion Yorigami from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She tries not to depend too much on money. Bullet Money was once all the rage in Gensokyo. These days, it's not worth anything and is seen as little more than toy money. However, there are those who still love to collect it. It's gotten to the point that some people even take it in exchange for goods and services! At Business Market Yamashiro, you can find tons of great ingredients at affordable prices. Which means all Shion had to do was catch a fish for the main dish! The problem was that Shion's misfortune combined with Tenshi's good fortune only made her a fisherwoman with average luck. The rod she was using excelled at helping the user enjoy fishing but could be rather temperamental when it came to catching anything. (Perhaps that's the way the original owner liked it.) It's as if the rod itself was of the philosophy that time spent fishing is more important than what you catch. Shion would've rathered a rod that could, you know, actually catch fish, but seeing as she received this one from Miss Tenshi, she wasn't in a position to complain... That said, as she sat there not catching any fish, she started to realize she was quite enjoying herself.

  • Monthly Budget: 100 Bullet Money
  • Monthly Budget: 90 Bullet Money
  • Monthly Budget: 70 Bullet Money
  • Monthly Budget: 50 Bullet Money
  • Monthly Budget: 30 Bullet Money
  • Monthly Budget: 10 Bullet Money


Skill: Misused Artifact

It seems Shion's fishing rod was never really a fishing rod, it just happens to work really well as one.

Skill: Incredible Wind

Sometimes, when she swings the fishing rod, a gust of wind blows. Something amazing might happen if she threw the rod into the wind.

Skill: Taiji Float

Shion's float is clearly no ordinary float. Perhaps it's even another artifact.

Passive: Super Older Sister (Latent)
Passive: Midsummer Gloom
Passive: Gimme Gimme