Tenshi Hinanawi


Eldest Daughter Enjoying the Beach

The usual outfit of Tenshi from the world delirious with eternal summer. She's come to play riding the Universe Ring.

Eldest Daughter Enjoying the Beach
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Celestial Playing in the Sea
VA: Hishikawa Hana
Wave Surfing on an Artifact
VA: Orikasa Ai
Special-Made Swimsuit
VA: Wakuno Aika

Character Information

Temperament: Blue Jet

Blue Jet (a Touhou LW original) refers to a luminous phenomenon where it appears as if blue lightning shoots up from thunderclouds. This is an apt temperament for this Tenshi, who is from the world of eternal summer. She benefits from both the durability of the Universe Ring (Strong against Metal Phase and Earth Phase) and her sun-resistant celestial skin (Strong against Sun Essence). However, when her artifact vehicle breaks down, even she doesn't know what to do (Weak against Star Essence).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating the earth (Beach)

The ability of Tenshi Hinanawi from the world of eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). This ability isn't any different from the Tenshi of our world's ability. Since the earth in this world has sunken beneath the waves, does that make the sea a part of the earth? In most worlds, Heaven supposedly exists far above the earth. However, in this world, it can be found not far above the sea. But why? It turns out there are two main reasons. One is related to the Moon. It's widely known that the Moon's gravity causes the tides to rise and fall. Even if the Moon's gravitational field remains constant, should the volume of water on Earth increase, the seas will be pulled closer to Heaven―and that's exactly what happened in the summer Gensokyo. The other reason stems from the belief that the sea and the sky are one and the same. Given current scientific knowledge, it's hard to believe, but long ago, the distinction between sea and sky was somewhat unclear. When a giant ship sailed across the ocean and arrived in China, the native people falsely believed it had appeared out of thin air. And when Xu Fu crossed the sea to Japan, people assumed he had descended from Heaven to the peak of a mountain. But with things like that really happening from time to time, who can blame them? Then there's the Utsuro-bune, an unknown object that washed ashore in Japan long ago, which looks rather similar to a UFO. Heaven is a land of the immortals. Hourai is one of the promised lands, and it lies far beyond the eastern sea. It's said that celestials and hermits enjoy idyllic lives there. According to the legends, Hourai is actually a mountain sat upon a giant turtle's back, and as the turtle swims through the sea, Hourai appears as a mysterious moving island. So perhaps Hourai, an island of immortals that floats just above the water's surface, is one form Heaven can take. But this world's Tenshi didn't know any of that as she sped along in her Universe Ring. The true owner of the Universe Ring possesses countless artifacts, to the point where they could aptly be called an artifact hoarder. With so many artifacts in their collection, Tenshi figured they wouldn't mind if she borrowed one or two. In fact, the artifacts would probably be grateful to be used. Tenshi had lent another artifact borrowed from a different celestial to Shion, but the owner most likely hadn't noticed that. Such is the extent to which celestials in Heaven have no fear or concern for what goes on below. "Lady Iku Nagae's signal is coming from 150 nautical miles ahead." "Thanks, Universe Ring. At last, we'll find out why she flew off like that." "I heard she's somewhat like me." "She is. The way you talk and act is similar." "How interesting. I can't wait to meet her." "Hmm, I feel like something bad's about to happen…" "Oh." "Wh-What is it?!" "Even if I tell you now, there's nothing you can do." "Huh?! Just spit it out already!" "There's a reef up ahead. Try not to crash."


Gyroscope Devastation

The Spread Shot of Tenshi Hinanawi from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She lays waste to her foes with gyroscopic power. Gyroscopes are truly powerful. Whatever orientation they're in, they always know which direction is horizontal to the ground. Ahh, how fun it can be to spin a table-top gyroscope and experience their power for yourself...

  • Gyroscope Devastation
  • Gyroscope True Devastation
  • Gyroscope Strong Devastation
  • Gyroscope Super Devastation
  • Gyroscope Ultimate Devastation
  • Gyroscope Extreme Devastation
Majestic Splash

The Focus Shot of Tenshi Hinanawi from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She splashes her foes with all the majesty of a celestial. Surely, everyone has felt the desire to splash all their friends while playing at the beach. Well, when a celestial joins in the fun, this is what happens. Only kidding. This is what generally happens when any of the powerful inhabitants of Gensokyo and the surrounding regions try to have fun regardless of whether they're a celestial or not.

  • Majestic Splash
  • True Majestic Splash
  • Strong Majestic Splash
  • Super Majestic Splash
  • Ultimate Majestic Splash
  • Extreme Majestic Splash
Heaven Sign: Heaven's Road Cruise

A Spell Card of Tenshi Hinanawi from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She drives along the road to Heaven in her Universe Ring. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Heaven Sign: Sword of Divine Justice." Wheel-shaped vehicles like the Universe Ring are known as monowheels. It's most definitely not a motorbike, even though Tenshi occasionally refers to it as one.

  • Heaven's Road Cruise
  • Heaven's Road Ride
  • Heaven's Road Tour
  • Heaven's Road Drive
  • Heaven's Road Journey
  • Heaven's Road Trip
Artifact: New Heaven & Earth Wave Cannon

A Spell Card of Tenshi Hinanawi from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She fires a water cannon with the power to pierce through Heaven and Earth from her Universe Ring. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Keystone: Qian & Kun Rumbling Cannon." Apparently, when used by its original owner, the Universe Ring takes the form of a bracelet or gauntlet. But when thrown, it expands in size, destroying everything in its path. When the ring was lent to Tenshi, it decided that remaining in its enlarged state was most fitting. However, this seems to have annoyed Tenshi, who can't see directly ahead when driving it.

  • New Heaven & Earth Wave Cannon
  • True Heaven & Earth Wave Cannon
  • Strong Heaven & Earth Wave Cannon
  • Super Heaven & Earth Wave Cannon
  • Ultimate Heaven & Earth Wave Cannon
  • Extreme Heaven & Earth Wave Cannon
Cleansing Great Universe Ring

The Last Word of Tenshi Hinanawi from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She cleanses the Earth with her Universe Ring. Tenshi claims to have come to the beach solely to have fun, and the artifact that she lent to Shion is supposedly just something to play with. Being a noble and refined celestial, Tenshi would never descend to Earth for anything but her own enjoyment. Those who dwell in Heaven pour water down on the Earth without a care and easily lay waste to anything that irks them. As she plays on the beach, Tenshi would very much like to be thought of as mysterious and intimidating, so she's pulling out all the stops to act the part. She wants to make new friends but isn't concerned with being disliked for a little while, so long as that means people are paying attention to her. Which is why she's keeping the true reason she came to the beach a secret.

  • Cleansing Great Universe Ring
  • Cleansing True Universe Ring
  • Cleansing Strong Universe Ring
  • Cleansing Super Universe Ring
  • Cleansing Ultimate Universe Ring
  • Cleansing Extreme Universe Ring


Skill: Rider's Stance

Tenshi forgot her keystones, but remembered to bring the Sword of Hisou. It's so large that it feels more like holding a lance.

Skill: Water Jet Cutter

High-speed water jet cutters fire out water with incredible force. Supposedly, they can even cut through steel!

Skill: Super Celestial

Tenshi is different to other celestials. Perhaps one day, she'll cause something truly terrible to happen.

Passive: Artifact of Land, Sea, and Sky (Vehicle)
Passive: Ultra-Hard Ceramic Body
Passive: Chakra Engine