Yukari Yakumo


Boundary of Sand and Sea

The usual outfit of Yukari from the world delirious with eternal summer. This sage is ready to enjoy the beach.

Boundary of Sand and Sea
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Boundary of Hot and Refreshing
VA: Yomiya Hina
Boundary of Work and Play
VA: Shimizu Ayaka
Boundary of Holiday and Workday
VA: Sasaki Mikoi

Character Information

Temperament: Hideri Ame

Hideri Ame (a Touhou LW original) refers to rain that falls when it is still sunny. This is an apt temperament for the gap youkai from the world of eternal summer. The laws of Phases and Essences completely fell apart, leaving only a tropical island paradise! Yukari has sunscreen! (Strong against Sun Essence.) A refreshing drink! (Strong against Fire Phase.) A swimsuit! (Strong against Water Phase.) But she also wears jewelry in the water! (Weak to Metal Phase.)

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating boundaries (Beach)

The ability of Yukari Yakumo from the world of eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). This ability isn't any different from the Yukari of our world's ability. Except that she simply can't use it in earnest. This world is much too peaceful and relaxing...! Why is the world where this Yukari lives so warm and flooded with water? That is the first question every visitor to this world asks. However, no one native to this world can offer an answer. They all just say, "Because that's how it's always been," even though it seems that the water has only risen to this level recently. Even the Yukari Yakumo of this world does not know why this world became different from the others. This is not because she has chosen to enjoy her tropical island lifestyle instead of thinking about it. She genuinely does not know. This means that the change must have occurred before Yukari Yakumo was born. One can only guess as to how long ago exactly... but it was probably during the Age of the Gods. The Age of the Gods was a period of time when gods lived among humans, and all things existed due to the mysterious workings of these gods. There was also an earlier age before humans, where only gods existed. What kind of event in such an age could cause a world like this one to take form? And when exactly did that event occur? Did it happen in the Neogene period? The Paleogene? The Cretaceous? The Jurassic? Even the event associated with the K-Pg boundary could not cause such a radical change to form a world such as this. No, maybe it is the opposite... Did this world turn out this way because something did not occur?


Fantasy Manji-Beach Umbrella

The Spread Shot of Yukari Yakumo from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She concentrates water power into a manji shape on top of her beach umbrella, which she spins. If this world's history was the same as our world's, this attack would probably be called "Fantasy Manji-Parasol." Waving beach umbrellas around is dangerous, so do not try to imitate this attack. The Sage of Eternal Summer has undergone special training.

  • Bullet Manji
  • Universe Manji
  • Desperate Manji
  • This World and the Next Manji
  • Fantasy and Reality Manji
  • Great Hakurei Manji
Full Moon Beach Umbrella

The Focus Shot of Yukari Yakumo from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She concentrates water power into a circle shape on top of her beach umbrella, which she then shakes to splash water around. If this world's history was the same as our world's, this attack would probably be called "Full Moon Umbrella." For some reason, the Yukari of this world carries around a beach umbrella instead of a parasol. Beach umbrellas are meant to be placed upright in the sand, not carried around.

  • Bullet Full Moon
  • Universe Full Moon
  • Desperate Full Moon
  • This World and the Next Full Moon
  • Fantasy and Reality Full Moon
  • Great Hakurei Full Moon
Border Sign: Boundary of Sea and Sky

A Spell Card of Yukari Yakumo from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). There is no escape from this attack where there are practically no gaps between sea and sky. If this world's history was the same as our world's, this attack would probably be called "Border Sign: Boundary of Form and Emptiness." When you look at the horizon, there is nothing between the sea and the sky. But you could also say that everything under the sun exists between the sea and the sky. Who wouldn't want to visit a country beyond the sea one day?

  • Horizon Bullet
  • Atlantic Ocean Horizon
  • Pacific Ocean Horizon
  • Indian Ocean Horizon
  • Arctic Ocean Horizon
  • Southern Ocean Horizon
Border Sign: Boundary of Waves and Ripples

A Spell Card of Yukari Yakumo from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). In this attack, waves become ripples, then become waves once more. If this world's history was the same as our world's, this attack would probably be called "Border Sign: Boundary of Wave and Particle." How much of a calm sea is calm with ripples, and how much is choppy with waves? Or is the sea calm and choppy simultaneously...? This is confusing.

  • Normal Wave Bullet
  • Rogue Wave Bullet
  • Diffracted Wave Bullet
  • Refracted Wave Bullet
  • Ripple Bullet
  • Calm Sea Bullet
Profound Bullet Barrier - Water, Currents, Foam, and Bubbles

The Last Word of Yukari Yakumo from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). The tip of Yukari's finger decides the ideal way to enjoy a tropical island. Anyone would want to take a holiday after experiencing this nice warm climate and seeing such a beautiful beach. The Yukari of this world is not the only one who thinks this... Really. It seems that all the major events of our world's history have also occurred in this world in almost exactly the same way, even though the environment is completely different. How is that possible...?

  • Special Blue Hawaii Bullet
  • Dark Cherry Bullet
  • Rainier Cherry Bullet
  • Orange Wedge Bullet
  • Pineapple Slice Bullet
  • Fizzy Soda Bullet


Skill: Triple Service

Would you like to relax on the beach with a cold drink in hand? Lie in a hammock and enjoy the shade of a beach umbrella too.

Skill: Gap Hammock

Gaps are very useful. Huh? This is an actual hammock!

Skill: Blue Hawaii

Blue and refreshing tropical juice. What does Blue Hawaii taste like?

Passive: Sage of Eternal Summer
Passive: Gap Fold-Up Beach Umbrella
Passive: Sunscreen