Marisa Kirisame


Witch of Scarlet Dreams on Vacation

The usual outfit of Marisa (Z1) from the world delirious with eternal summer. Her hakkero rifle shoots out scalding hot water.

Witch of Scarlet Dreams on Vacation
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Lover of Spicy Foods
VA: Fukuhara Kaori
Harsh Bullet Battle Instructor
VA: Nakagawa Akiko
Red Midsummer Star
VA: Mori Nanako

Character Information

Temperament: U-in

U-in (a Touhou LW original) refers to a rain shadow, the phenomenon where rainfall upwind causes an area downwind to dry out. This is an apt temperament for the world of eternal summer's harsh bullet battle instructor. This Marisa's temperament had already completely diverged from the usual Phase and Essence endowments (Strong against Sun, Moon, and Star Essence but weak to Wood Phase), but now she also has water temperament (Strong against Metal Phase but weak to Earth Phase).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of using magic? (Beach)

The ability of Marisa Kirisame (Z1) from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). It doesn't appear to have diverged much at all from the ability belonging to the Z1 Universe Marisa. And thanks to her extraordinary resistance to the heat, her personality hasn't really been affected by the world of eternal summer. Well, apparently. In most parallel worlds, this Marisa was the first helper called by Yukari Yakumo to investigate the world of eternal summer. She was mainly tasked with whipping the lazy natives of this world into shape. And she took to this task immediately. She enjoys it. There are many different versions of Marisa across all the different worlds, but the red Marisa takes things a bit more seriously than most. This might be because she focused on her research while having to suffer through an extraordinarily long ordeal. Coming to the world of eternal summer is probably a pleasant change of pace for her. Luckily, no one seems to mind that one of her ways of letting off steam is yelling orders at everyone. She transformed her broom into the Sniper Soaker with the mini hakkero attachment. It allows her to focus more magic into her bullets. The usual Marisa has also used her broom like a gun in the past. However, the Sniper Soaker is still just a water gun, so this is all in the name of fun. That said, having fun can mean everything to the people who live in Gensokyo. This Marisa has several scars. These are from the injuries she suffered when the heat of a blazing star exploded out of her body. She has another big scar on her back, but she usually keeps it hidden under her jacket. It's from when the heat first welled up inside her and large wings of fire burst out of her back. The red Marisa realized she liked spicy food after she came to this world. The spicier, the better. Whenever she shares her favorite super spicy hot sauce with someone, it sets their mouth on fire. It's said that spiciness and pain are linked, so perhaps everything she's been through has built up her tolerance for both. "When I find Reimu, I'm gonna make her eat one of these spicy hot dogs!" It remains to be seen whether Reimu will thank her for that.


Hot Water Gun

The Spread Shot of Marisa Kirisame (Z1) from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She shoots out scalding hot water in this attack. The primary use of the mini hakkero is to heat things up. (The "ro" part of hakkero uses the Japanese character for "furnace.") Marisa can freely adjust its heat to do anything from cooking miso soup to shooting Master Sparks... though, like all Marisas, she prefers her attacks to have as much firepower as possible. Luckily, water can't usually get any hotter than 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius).

  • Hot Water Gun
  • Hot Rain Gun
  • Hot Splash Gun
  • Hot Geyser Gun
  • Hot River Gun
  • Hot Spring Gun
Ice Bullet

The Focus Shot of Marisa Kirisame (Z1) from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She shoots out bullets of ice that she made with vaporization freezing. Gathering heat in one place causes another place to become colder. This attack makes use of the chunks of cold temperament expelled by the mini hakkero that would otherwise be wasted. It's just like Marisa to turn magical waste into an attack. Some people might actually enjoy getting hit by these bullets in summer.

  • Ice Bullet
  • Frost Bullet
  • Cold Bullet
  • Snow Bullet
  • Hail Bullet
  • Glacier Bullet
Astrologic Sign: Orrery's Red Sun

A Spell Card of Marisa Kirisame (Z1) from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with the model of a bright red summer sun. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Astrologic Sign: Orrery's Sun." Sunlight is white, but it can appear to have a reddish hue in the morning or the evening. This is due to Rayleigh scattering, but people have long enjoyed these colorful skies before that was ever figured out.

  • Orrery's Red Sun
  • Orrery's Mira
  • Orrery's Aldebaran
  • Orrery's Betelgeuse
  • Orrery's Antares
  • Orrery's Garnet Star
Red Magic Cross: Hot Southern Cross

A Spell Card of Marisa Kirisame (Z1) from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). This attack was inspired by the summer Southern Cross. If history had followed its proper course, this Spell Card would have probably been called "Magic Cross: Grand Cross." Constellations like the Southern Cross that can only be seen from the opposite side of the world evoke a sense of mystery and adventure. They make you think about what wondrous things Marisa and the others must've seen on their travels across different universes.

  • Hot Southern Cross
  • Hot Acrux
  • Hot Mimosa
  • Hot Gacrux
  • Hot Imai
  • Hot Ginan
Final Summer Spark

The Last Word of Marisa Kirisame (Z1) from the world delirious with eternal summer (a Touhou LW original). She ends summer with this laser attack. Well, this Spell Card won't truly cause summer to end, but it is imbued with that dream. The red Marisa is in the world of eternal summer to solve its mysteries because no one even knows how the world became the way it is. She's the first otherworldly helper brought here for that reason. This Marisa is known for keeping a cool head and taking things more seriously than other Marisas, and since she's more than accustomed to hot environments, she should be able to endure the summer's heat without going crazy. Everyone's counting on you, Marisa!

  • Start of Summer MS Bullet
  • Early Summer MS Bullet
  • Mid-Early Summer MS Bullet
  • Summer Solstice MS Bullet
  • Mid-Late Summer MS Bullet
  • Late Summer MS Bullet


Skill: "Line up, rookies!"

Marisa has to force herself to be a strict battle of bullets instructor. She's usually much more easy-going.

Skill: Under the Blazing Sun

She trains her new recruits hard in the sweltering heat. But she also makes them take water breaks when they need one.

Skill: Ultimate Hot Dog

They're called "hot" dogs, so they have to be spicy. It seems Marisa got hooked on them after she came to this world.

Passive: SAO 49941
Passive: FK5 699
Passive: LTT15795