Koishi Komeiji


Spontaneous White Beauty

The usual outfit of Koishi from the buried city. Those who live in lightless environments lose their color.

Spontaneous White Beauty
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Colorless Eyes of Love
VA: Shiraishi Haruka
White Noise of the Heart
VA: Shimoji Shino
Static Little Sister
VA: Takada Yuuki

Character Information

Temperament: Chikyuu-kuudou-setsu

Chikyuu-kuudou-setsu (a Touhou LW original) refers to the theory that another world exists beneath the surface of a hollow planet Earth. The Underworld is made from the memories of the Earth, and the deeper you delve, the older the memories you will find. The planet Earth is like a colossal brain, and the Underworld contains the more primal and bestial components. This includes things like dreams, the collective unconscious, and delusions, which all intertwine in a complex array. Because of this Koishi's peculiar circumstances, her Phase and Essence endowments are entirely different from the usual. Koishi is a being in the form of an optical illusion shown by the unconscious mind, so she is resistant to Sun Essence (surface laws), Moon Essence (surface changes), and Star Essence (surface freedoms), as the three celestial Essences are all surface-level perceptions. However, she appears to be weak against Fire Phase because it is the element of intense emotion.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating the unconscious mind?

The ability of Koishi Komeiji from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). This Koishi Komeiji was a world-hopping ally of the blue Reimu. However, a mistake occurred when she tried to cross between worlds, which resulted in her becoming the first youkai to ever exist in the Underworld that is destined never to connect with the surface. The plant-like thing that accompanies her is the remnant of the multi-dimensional neural network... an organism that has undergone Convergent Rebirth. This being has not retained its original form, but it acts in pretty much the same manner as blue Reimu's divine spirit, which is the spitting image of Suika... There is no way to determine what this being's original form was since even Koishi herself does not remember. There is not even a clear definition of what exactly the multi-dimensional neural network was or is. If only there was a way to figure out what kind of Satellite Koishi brought with her before she ended up like she is now. That would enable further research into the nature of the Satellites and the Omni-Incident Organism... But the world-hoppers don't like to talk about their Satellites, which is why the blue Reimu and the other world-hoppers don't know much about Koishi's Satellite even though they used to work together. The Satellites could potentially be the world-hoppers' greatest weakness. That is why the Spell Cards that utilize these Satellites are always Last Words. There is no doubt that the central figure of the world-hoppers is that tiny Yukari Yakumo. But somehow that Yukari Yakumo was forced into a corner. The world-hoppers hurried to perform an emergency escape, but some of them didn't manage to escape successfully... They were impeded by someone or something. This Koishi was one of those world-hoppers. Koishi should have been able to escape unnoticed by everyone, so who or what could have possibly caught her? Regardless, this resulted in Koishi getting pulled into a vortex that transcended time, space, possibilities, and even the gaps between dimensions. The only consolation was that she happened to awaken in a world where the fundamental laws and format of history were almost the same as the world she left. However, that is where this Koishi Komeiji's luck ran out. She awoke firmly trapped within the center of Earth's crust, right in the middle of a stone, during the beginning of the Age of the Gods. There still wasn't even a single hint of any intelligent life on the surface, and the primeval cells were just about to begin their bitter fight for survival. Koishi had expended all of her magic, and there was little hope of her recovering any in this age where the concept of mysteries hadn't even been born. She would have to wait hundreds of millions of years to escape her prison. She couldn't possibly endure this if she wasn't an unconscious youkai. However, youkai cannot survive unless someone fears them... so does that mean someone feared Koishi? The multitudes of different primeval lifeforms were the ones who supported Koishi's existence. They were mere sparks without a single conscious thought that would get extinguished by the slightest breeze. However, the network of microscopic lifeforms harbored a vague fear of death. This was different from the unconscious mind from which she originally drew her power, but her altered Satellite... the multi-dimensional neural network, saved her. Time flowed. And as the years rolled by, various things fell down to the Underworld―the tools of gods that were no longer used after the Age of the Gods had concluded, fossils of extinct creatures, strata records created by the planet... and sealed youkai. Even the memory of an unconscious youkai fades over time, so she should have long since forgotten the face of her older sister, whom she earnestly sought... but she did not.


Stinging Mind

The Spread Shot of Koishi Komeiji from the buried city. She attacks with Underworld roses. Unintentionally hurting others is a common trait between roses, humans, and even youkai. Doing this is not a sign of aggression or hostility, but it might be how they express themselves. You know what they say... Every rose has its thorns.

  • Thorns of the Heart
  • Desire for Self-Aggrandizement Thorns
  • Desire for Recognition Thorns
  • Inferiority Complex Thorns
  • Feeling of Attachment Thorns
  • Psychological Trauma Thorns
Growing Pain

The Focus Shot of Koishi Komeiji from the buried city. She attacks with Underworld roses. The feeling of pain provides information that is essential for survival. Once you are an adult, you forget that growing and pain go hand in hand. You could even say that various cultures were formed from the feeling of pain. The mechanics of this feeling are also exploited in battles and warfare.

  • Youthful Growing Pains
  • Thigh Growing Pain
  • Knee Growing Pain
  • Calf Growing Pain
  • Shin Growing Pain
  • Ankle Growing Pain
Subterranean Rose

A Spell Card of Koishi Komeiji from the buried city. She attacks with the prickly and thorny part of her heart. Everyone has a secret or two that they wish to keep hidden deep within their heart. However, the secrets kept within your unconscious mind are hidden from everyone, including yourself. The unconscious mind is like a sealed room, and a psychological examination is a way to peek through the keyhole of someone's heart. So, what color are the Underworld roses?

  • Underworld Affection Roses
  • Underworld Integrity Roses
  • Underworld Jealousy Roses
  • Underworld Trust Roses
  • Underworld Purity Roses
  • Underworld Love Roses
Heart Sign: Selfless Love

A Spell Card of Koishi Komeiji from the buried city. This is the attack of a satori youkai who cannot read minds. Sometimes when you focus too much on something, you can forget and lose sight of yourself―particularly when you are fully absorbed in creating something or when you are seriously deliberating some critical conundrum. You forget time and hunger, and you are freed from all the worries of the material world. It is almost like attaining enlightenment.

  • Atman of Breath
  • Atman of Life
  • Atman of Consciousness
  • Atman of Body
  • Atman of Self
  • Atman of True Self
Ego Reduction

The Last Word of Koishi Komeiji from the buried city (a Touhou LW original). Her sense of self degenerates in this attack. Is love a conscious emotion, or does it come from the unconscious? This Koishi managed to survive countless ages by sheltering her heart and mind within the innermost part of her being. The history of humans and youkai is recent news compared to the history of the planet. It might finally be the right time for her to open her heart. However, the door that was sealed shut long ago has completely rusted over and will not budge. What should she do? She merely needs to reduce her ego and use that difference in pressure to blast through the door that seals her heart.

  • Ego Reduction Bullet
  • Narcissism Dampening Bullet
  • Great Ego Reduction Bullet
  • Great Narcissism Dampening Bullet
  • Super Ego Reduction Bullet
  • Great Narcissism Dampening Bullet


Skill: Neurological Zombie

She is indistinguishable from Koishi Komeiji, so she must be Koishi Komeiji.

Skill: Panpsychism

There is nothing special about lives or minds. They are everywhere.

Skill: Plant Cognition

There are many more beings with sentience than you might imagine. They are watching you right now.

Passive: Neural Network Travel
Passive: Conceptual Plant
Passive: Word Legacy