Doremy Sweet


Kaiju of Dreams and Mysteries

The usual outfit of Doremy from the world ruled by kaiju. She's kaiju 150-03, baku-type.

Kaiju of Dreams and Mysteries
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Dream Soul Remote
VA: Sasaki Mikoi
Giant Robot Dream
VA: Kuroki Honoka
Gap Youkai Genome
VA: Aoyama Yoshino

Character Information

Temperament: Kleinchen

Kleinchen is the name given to Earth's theorized, but as-of-yet undiscovered, second moon. This is an apt temperament for this world's Doremy since she's a kaiju. Doremy is strong against Moon Essence because she was designed to combat the Capital. However, since she's a Mark 1 kaiju, combat against the rebels wasn't taken into account. She is weak to Sun Essence due to this inability to maintain perfect order. Kaiju and the youkai they evolved from have always been more of chaos than order, resulting in this world's Doremy and Keine, who is also a Mark 1 kaiju, being far more powerful than the professor predicted they would be. Doremy is strong against Fire Phase since dreams possess the essence of death and spirits (water dampens fire).

Ability/Backstory: Capable of eating and creating dreams (Mutated)

The ability of Doremy Sweet, the kaiju (a Touhou LW original). This ability is significantly different from our world's Doremy. The word "kaiju," as used by those from this world, apparently refers to beings that have undergone a specific process of artificial evolution conducted by Yuuka Kazami. Letting nature play its course does not always guarantee salvation. Who can blame or look down on someone who, when faced with a harsh reality, does everything in their power to defy it? Having lost Gensokyo and the humans who sustained them with fear, these "kaiju" need somewhere to live and a new source of food. This world's Doremy Sweet was given several abilities and memories by the Kaiju Professor. In fact, the extraction and implantation of abilities and memories were only made possible thanks to the existence of this kaiju Doremy and the kaiju Keine Kamishirasawa. Just as the real world is constructed from chemical elements, the unreal world is constructed from temperament. And just as the light that shines in the real world is made of electrical and magnetic waves, the darkness that permeates the unreal world is made of fantasy and dreams. The kaiju did not always take the forms they do now since the kaiju and Kaiju Theory influenced one another as they developed. Yukari Yakumo's ability to manipulate boundaries is the main ability known to have been given to this world's Doremy Sweet, but it's thought she's also been given several unnamed abilities. Yukari's ability was clearly given to her to aid in the construction of a new Gensokyo. Originally, Doremy Sweet possessed and ruled over an expansive Otherworld found within dreams. Via this Otherworld, it was even deemed possible for her to move the Lunar Capital to Earth. If she truly has been given the ability to manipulate boundaries, then the creation of a new Gensokyo is perhaps not so unrealistic. However, that all depends on whether Doremy has sufficient command over the ability.


Sleep Induction

The Spread Shot of Doremy Sweet, the kaiju (a Touhou LW original). She lulls her enemies to sleep in this attack. All complex organisms sleep. It's said that it's to preserve energy or to maintain the nervous system, but the true reason is unknown. Perhaps they sleep because traveling between the real world and the Dream World is just that much fun.

  • Invitation to Sleep
  • Sleep-Inducing Bullet
  • Abyss Hypnosis Bullet
  • Dream-Inducing Bullet
  • Butterfly-Shaped Bullet
  • Fantasy Bullet
Dream Land Interference

The Focus Shot of Doremy Sweet, the kaiju (a Touhou LW original). She interferes with dreams in this attack. Dreams are a visualization of the mind processing information...or so it's said. However, that's nothing more than the scientific world's explanation of dreams. Each person's dreams are connected, and the ruler of dreams is able to interfere with them as she pleases. What's more, it seems this interference can even have an effect on the real world.

  • Entrance to the Land of Dreams
  • World with a Different Temporal Flow
  • Dream Paradise From a Deep Sleep
  • Underworld Inhabited by the Moon's Beasts
  • Highlands Inhabited by Half-Beastmen
  • Ocean Dotted with Islands
Super-Express: Dream Express

A Spell Card of Doremy Sweet, the kaiju. She crashes into her enemies with the dream super-express. There was once a dream of Japan's economy being supported by a network of train lines built around the operation of new super-express trains. After such super-express trains were constructed, that dream became a reality, and now, their usage is a part of daily life. However, back in the day, the children of the past dreamed of riding a super-express and imagined how exhilarating it would be to look out the window and watch the scenery fly by at high speed... These dreams probably still exist somewhere, floating about in the vast multiverse.

  • Dream Super-Express
  • Dream Red Train
  • Dream Black Train
  • Dream Blue Train
  • Dream White Train
  • Dream Yellow Train
Sheep Sign: Nightmare of Chimera

A Spell Card of Doremy Sweet, the kaiju. She spawns a nightmarish chimera in this attack. Chimeras are well-known creatures from Greek mythology and possess the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a snake. Many monsters are, in fact, chimeras. It's thought this is because chimeras, as the fusion of various animals and phenomena, are symbols of fear. On the other hand, chimeras are sometimes created intentionally as good omens or symbols of power and authority. To an extent, this can be seen in fictional creatures like dragons, fenghuang, and qilin. In dreams, are we not simply taking experiences that, in reality, were totally separate and combining them to form something more impactful?

  • Chimera's Nightmare
  • Lion Head's Nightmare
  • Goat Body's Nightmare
  • Snake Tail's Nightmare
  • Uninterpretable Dream
  • Winged Centaur Dream
Tapirus Indicus

The Last Word of Doremy Sweet, the kaiju (a Touhou LW original). She recalls the memory of a prehistoric beast. Do you remember your dreams from when you were a baby? Do you remember your dreams from last night? When we wake, dreams dissolve into nothingness, never to return. As soon as a dream ends, it fades. But don't despair, for Doremy Sweet will make your dreams come true.

  • Dream-Eating Youkai
  • Endangered Fantasy Species
  • Lost Horse Order
  • Lost Tapiridae Family
  • Tapirus Genus
  • Indicus Species


Skill: Dream Remaster

Do you know about lucid dreams? Apparently, they're super lifelike.

Skill: Dream-Maker's Cut

I actually wanted to include this scene. And also this scene.

Skill: Dream Channels

TVs and communications with the spirit world both operate via channels. A similar system is used to determine what dream you see.

Passive: Dream Soul Energy Theory
Passive: Midday Nightmare
Passive: Kaiju Cells (Dream)