Sanae Kochiya


Broken Line of Forsaken Rites

The usual outfit of the soulless Sanae from the lost world. It looks similar to a Fantasy Rebirth costume but frayed and tattered.

Broken Line of Forsaken Rites
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Eternally Still Wind
VA: Honnizumi Rina
Traditions Lost Forever
VA: Nakajima Megumi
Miracles Hidden From Sight
VA: Toda Megumi

Character Information

Temperament: Shiroi Nagi

Shiroi Nagi (a Touhou LW original) refers to a white lull in the wind. In a world devoid of wind, a white sea churns chaotically beneath a dark sky. A girl wanders atop the surface of this sea. Is she a divine spirit? A ghost? Or is she a spiritual projection? Perhaps, within her mind, she is continuing her never-ending journey in a faraway world. This girl is a fragment of Sanae Kochiya. She is a shrine maiden of the wind (strong against Wood Phase), a descendant of gods, and a living god (strong against Star Essence).

Ability/Backstory: - Ability Unknown -

The ability of Sanae Kochiya from the lost world of spirits (a Touhou LW original). She has completely lost her ability, and she has forgotten everything about herself. What kind of world did this Sanae come from? Unlike the other universes or multiverses, there is no detailed information about this Sanae's home world because she has lost her memory and ability. So, the only insights into this world have come from observations of her disposition and nature. The only discernible difference (excluding her loss of memory and ability) between this Sanae and the Sanaes of other worlds is that this Sanae has the properties of a ghost. The memories this Sanae has kept are of things that were common knowledge in the outside world before she came to Gensokyo. She has forgotten all about Kanako, Suwako, and Moriya Shrine because these things are directly related to her. So, basically, she knows how to speak, read, and write and possesses knowledge of things like objective facts, scientific theories, and events that were reported in the news during her time in the outside world. This information was used to determine the time and place where she lived, but they were the same as the other Sanaes. What's truly puzzling is how she has no knowledge of Gensokyo. Did this Sanae never move to Gensokyo, or did something cause her to lose these specific memories? This Sanae cannot cause miracles to occur. It's like she's a version of Sanae based on the idea that Sanae is just an ordinary human and that her power to create miracles was merely a blessing bestowed on her by the two gods. Her rituals are meaningless, and her secret rites are ineffective. Her wishes are never granted, and nobody listens to her prayers. This Sanae is forever alone in every sense of the word. Miracles are events of religious significance that have very low odds of occurring. They only happen according to the will of a god, and they are revelatory in nature. No matter how rare an event may be, if no gods were involved, it is merely a coincidence, not a miracle. When it all comes down to it, all the probabilities in the universe are determined by the convergence of waves and particles. It's said that god is in the details, but unless gods exist in quantum gaps―the space between Planck lengths―they are no better than random number generators. For this Sanae, gods do not exist.


Renounced God's Control Rod

The Spread Shot of Sanae Kochiya from the lost world of spirits (a Touhou LW original). Lost sky-serpents attack her foes. This Sanae shouldn't be able to shoot bullets because she is an ordinary human who doesn't possess an ability. She doesn't know how to explain the spooky bullets that appear around her. This Sanae shouldn't be able to fly either because that is something ordinary humans cannot do.

  • Renounced Control Rod
  • Discarded Control Rod
  • Abandoned Control Rod
  • Relinquished Control Rod
  • Disowned Control Rod
  • Forsaken Control Rod
Obsolete God's Empty Cartridge

The Focus Shot of Sanae Kochiya from the lost world of spirits (a Touhou LW original). Lost exploding earth spirits attack her foes. This Sanae shouldn't be able to fly, but she does. The way she unwittingly moves through the air is reminiscent of a ghost. If she is a ghost, that might also explain how she can subconsciously control bullets.

  • Obsolete Empty Cartridge
  • Old Empty Cartridge
  • Faded Empty Cartridge
  • Rusted Empty Cartridge
  • Decayed Empty Cartridge
  • Corroded Empty Cartridge
Broken Thaumaturgy

A Spell Card of Sanae Kochiya from the lost world of spirits (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a lost esoterica. Somehow, Sanae flies, shoots bullets, and unleashes Spell Cards, even though she shouldn't be able to do any of those things. This could all be explained if she was a ghost. You might think that if Sanae was a ghost, she would know about it, but that's the thing with ghosts... most don't know that they're dead.

  • Broken Thaumaturgy
  • Damaged Thaumaturgy
  • Failed Thaumaturgy
  • Incomplete Thaumaturgy
  • Ancient Thaumaturgy
  • Empty Thaumaturgy
Defective Miracle

A Spell Card of Sanae Kochiya from the lost world of spirits (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with a lost miracle. She shouldn't be able to fly and use Spell Cards without an ability, but for some reason, that doesn't stop her. When you see strange shapes out of the corner of your eye, it is caused by eye floaters, and if you see something when you close your eyes, it is merely an afterimage. You can somewhat control these things by moving your eyes around or by blinking harder. It's similar to how you can increase your chances of seeing a lucid dream through practice or control your orientation in zero gravity by swinging your arms and legs about. Humans find causality between their thoughts and the physical results of their actions even when none exists. It's a self-delusion.

  • Defective Miracle
  • Deficient Miracle
  • Unsound Miracle
  • Faulty Miracle
  • Erroneous Miracle
  • Flawed Miracle
Disguised Apostasy

The Last Word of Sanae Kochiya from the lost world of spirits (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with her lost divinity. What is the fate of someone who loses the gods they believed in? This Sanae is the perfect testbed for this thought experiment. If you think of faith as the power of thoughts and emotion, you might assume that faith is easy to gain and lose. However, that does not appear to be the case. Similar to habits or traditional customs, humans have faith to fulfill a need. People do not pray on a whim, nor do they wish for things at random. Humans believe in gods because they have to. Whether gods actually exist or not is irrelevant.

  • Disguised Apostasy
  • Concealed Apostasy
  • Hidden Apostasy
  • Masked Apostasy
  • Feigned Apostasy
  • Fabricated Apostasy


Skill: Lost Memory

This Sanae doesn't remember anything about herself or Gensokyo.

Skill: Rediscovered Name

"It seems my name is Sanae Kochiya. That's the only thing that actually feels right."

Skill: Lost Moriya Shrine

"I'm supposed to be the maiden of Moriya Shrine, a living god, and a wind priestess, but I find that hard to believe..."

Passive: Innocent Prayer
Passive: Self-Deceiving Shrine Maiden
Passive: Lost Miracle