Marisa Kirisame


LostWord LIVE 2024

The usual outfit of Marisa from the world of music festivals. Kourin made full use of his tailoring talents.

LostWord LIVE 2024
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Musical Magician
VA: Koshimizu Ami
Shooting Star Stage
VA: Kokubun Yukari
Prayer for Magical Pursuits
VA: Matsuda Risae

Character Information

Temperament: Ame-iwai

Ame-iwai (a Touhou LW original) refers to a joyous rain that falls after a period of drought. This is an apt temperament for Marisa, a magician who enjoys festivals. Her singing is enchanting (Water Phase) as well as being unique and recognizable (Star Essence). The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of using magic (Festival)

The ability of Marisa Kirisame from the world of music festivals (a Touhou LW original). It's basically the same as the abilities belonging to most other Marisas. After observing and learning from multiple failed attempts to prevent the Lost Word Incident from spreading, the denizens of this world have decided to try and resolve it by holding music festivals. There's nothing particularly special about this world's Marisa. Like the majority of the other Marisas, she lives in Gensokyo and gets involved whenever an incident occurs. The only real difference is that this world's battles of bullets are much more musical. To become the strongest, you can't rely on haphazard shouting or cheap gimmicks―your music has to truly captivate everyone who hears it. Marisa wasn't all that interested in singing at first, but she decided to give it a go and try to improve at her own pace. By researching new techniques, her singing firepower increased bit by bit, seemingly without limit. She didn't really care what other people thought, not just because her audience was mostly forest mushrooms, but because she firmly believed her best performances were the ones she herself was happy with. Alice's critique might be kind of harsh, but she'd still compliment her singing, and Patchouli would listen without complaining about the noise. Enoko and Narumi loved her performances... and Marisa felt that was good enough for her. That was until she heard Reimu sing. Ever since they were little, Marisa has been jealous of Reimu's natural talent. Reimu was good at everything without even trying, but her singing seemed to go beyond this. She couldn't actually be training seriously for once, could she?! That'd make her practically unbeatable! Fortunately, watching Reimu perform gave Marisa the hint she needed. She finally realized that to master singing and bring out the most firepower from her songs, she'd first have to know and better understand herself. "You really are the best, Reimu!" Reimu was already one step ahead, but Marisa was determined to stage a comeback.


Verbal Strike

The Spread Shot of Marisa Kirisame from the world of music festivals (a Touhou LW original). She unleashes her starlight song. It's kind of like a shout attack. By using her mini hakkero in its microphone form, she can combine her star magic with the natural power of her voice. Her mini hakkero really can do anything. It was Patchouli who suggested that she should try to find other sources of magical power.

  • Verbal Strike
  • Blue Verbal Strike
  • Red Verbal Strike
  • Yellow Verbal Strike
  • White Verbal Strike
  • Black Verbal Strike
Flashing Meteor

The Focus Shot of Marisa Kirisame from the world of music festivals (a Touhou LW original). She shoots colorful, shining meteors at her opponent. Marisa has always favored flashy attacks that utilize many different colors. However, it seems Alice gave her some stern advice about which particular colors she should use. That's the Seven-Colored Magician for you. As an artist and creator, she has an eye for the finer details.

  • Flashing Meteor
  • Blue Flashing Meteor
  • Red Flashing Meteor
  • Yellow Flashing Meteor
  • White Flashing Meteor
  • Black Flashing Meteor
Light Sign: Earthlight Rayish Smoke Refraction

A Spell Card of Marisa Kirisame from the world of music festivals (a Touhou LW original). She puts on a show using lights reflected off the Earth. This might be the best Spell Card for illuminating yourself. In order to compete against the extraordinarily gifted Reimu, Marisa has to pull out all the stops for every performance, and even then, there's no guarantee of victory. Alice would never say this to her, but she secretly admires Marisa's tenacity and ambition. That's why she lends her extensive knowledge to help plan Marisa's performances.

  • E. Smoke Refraction
  • Blue E. Smoke Refraction
  • Red E. Smoke Refraction
  • Yellow E. Smoke Refraction
  • White E. Smoke Refraction
  • Black E. Smoke Refraction
Star Sign: Satellite Illusionary Moonlit Flower

A Spell Card of Marisa Kirisame from the world of music festivals (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with fantastical, light-emitting satellites. Seeing how Marisa wanted to use multi-colored lights in her performances, Patchouli gave her some advice. "The elements of the Five Phases correspond to five primary colors, so read up on elemental magic." Patchouli would never admit this, but she's constantly impressed with how Marisa slowly but surely improves at whatever she sets her mind to through consistent practice.

  • S. Moonlit Flower
  • Blue S. Moonlit Flower
  • Red S. Moonlit Flower
  • Yellow S. Moonlit Flower
  • White S. Moonlit Flower
  • Black S. Moonlit Flower
Moving Spotlight Master Spark

The Last Word of Marisa Kirisame from the world of music festivals (a Touhou LW original). She brings the concert to a triumphant finish. Marisa realized that Reimu's talent comes naturally to her. It's a kind of magic, an innate charisma. Marisa could love that about her, but she couldn't replicate it. She couldn't compete by just "trying" to be herself. That doesn't mean she was giving up, though. It would be challenging, but she was determined to study and evaluate her own heart and mind to truly understand who she was. It's a lifelong pursuit that would, in time, become its own kind of magic―the kind that Marisa wanted to share with the world. The moment Reimu's voice touched her soul, she knew she was on the right track.

  • M.S.M.S. Bullet
  • Blue M.S.M.S. Bullet
  • Red M.S.M.S. Bullet
  • Yellow M.S.M.S. Bullet
  • White M.S.M.S. Bullet
  • Black M.S.M.S. Bullet


Skill: Ritual Performance

The art of magic can trace some of its roots back to musical performances. So, it's no wonder music can be so enchanting.

Skill: Incantation Song

Ancient gods and devils were great singers. That's why magical incantations sound so similar to songs.

Skill: Magic Voice

A witch's singing voice has the power to bewitch and beguile. The way it taps directly into your soul cannot be explained with logic.

Passive: Hakkero Mic
Passive: Star Charm
Passive: Witch Concert Outfit