Doremy Sweet


Ruler of Dreams

Doremy Sweet's usual outfit. It features a black-and-white dress with pom-poms and a red nightcap.

Sweet White Daydream

Doremy's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

Welcome to Doremyland

"Welcome to Doremyland―the wonderful land of fun and adventure! Gimme a Dream World high five!"

Ruler of Dreams
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Sweet-Dream Dwelling Youkai
VA: Suzushiro Sayumi
Ruler of the Dream World
VA: Kuwahara Yuuki
Dream Eating Baku
VA: Ishihara Kaori

Character Information

Temperament: Kami no Tsuki

Kami no Tsuki (a Touhou LW original) refers to a moon made of paper―a false or counterfeit moon. An apt temperament for Doremy, who rules over the world where everything is naught but a dream. Doremy is endowed with Earth Phase, of the Dream World, and Star Essence, with her free-spirited nature. The encompassing and regenerative Earth Phase resists Fire Phase, because fire produces earth, but it is weak to Wood Phase, because wood parts earth. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of eating and creating dreams

The ruler of the Dream World, Doremy Sweet's ability. At first glance, the two facets of her ability to eat dreams and create dreams seem like they would cancel each other out. However, if you look at it in relation to Keine's similarly worded ability, the two facets may work in unison, which would allow Doremy to edit, maintain, and conserve dreams. However, it is unclear exactly how similar Doremy's ability is to Keine's. The power and scope of Doremy's ability are apparent, considering the feats she has accomplished in past incidents. She once recreated the Lunar Capital in the Dream World and evacuated all the citizens there. And in a separate incident, it was shown that she could freely bring out and dismiss Dream World personalities. Although Doremy is a youkai, she seems fairly good-natured as she has helped resolve incidents and other troubles. This is fortunate for the humans of Gensokyo because if she ever turned evil―it would be a literal nightmare.


Doremy Popping

Doremy Sweet's Spread Shot. She pops out sheep bullets from her dream soul and makes them charge into her targets. Because of the distance between her and her target, she forgoes the usual body press onto her dream soul. Counting sheep is a stereotypical mental exercise for putting oneself to sleep. However, it is theorized that this may not work in Japanese, as the rhythm changes with the change in language. One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep... Zzzzz.

  • Five Sheep
  • Seven Sheep
  • Nine Sheep
  • Eleven Sheep
  • Thirteen Sheep
  • Fifteen Sheep
Hypnagogic Shoot

Doremy Sweet's Focus Shot. She shoots out multiple fantastical beds that look like dream souls. She has increased the number of beds this time so that everyone can enjoy them. Doremy is famous for her cute and unorthodox methods of attack, and this Shot is no exception. But can anyone actually use these beds to fall asleep during battle?

  • Soft and Fluffy Dream Soul Bed
  • Dream World Remilia's Bed?
  • Dream World Flandre's Bed?
  • Dream World Merlin's Bed?
  • Dream World Lyrica's Bed?
  • Dream World Lunasa's Bed?
Dream Sign: Eternally Anxious Dream

Doremy Sweet's Spell Card. She unleashes a cascade of bullets that appear to originate from dreams. An anxious dream is a dream where you are plagued with troubles or haunted with grief. This Spell Card is an eternally anxious dream, so it may very well be a dream from which you cannot wake. Incidentally, there is a certain rabbit who is anxious about her job. Maybe there is a reason for that...

  • Anxious Dream Bullet
  • Miserable Dream Bullet
  • Restless Dream Bullet
  • Sorrowful Dream Bullet
  • Melancholy Dream Bullet
  • Lonely Dream Bullet
Dream Sign: Azure Dream Catcher

Doremy Sweet's Spell Card. She catches her target's dream (probably their dream soul). Dream catchers are charms of protection against bad dreams used by certain indigenous cultures. Doremy can shoot bullets out in a web-like pattern imitating these charms, but it seems like this time she has decided to use the vacuum cleaner (her transformed dream soul?), which she once used in a past incident. And we all know vacuum cleaners are great at sucking up incorporeal beings―be they ghosts or dream souls.

  • Dream Soul Absorption
  • Dream Soul Reversal
  • Dream Soul Gathering
  • Dream Soul Accumulation
  • Dream Soul Compression
  • Dream Soul Explosion
Pillow Agarta

Doremy Sweet's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). A terrifying attack, where she invites her targets into the Dream World through a pillow... Then destroys everything along with their dream! Humans spend a great deal of time resting their heads on pillows, as they are an essential tool for a sound sleep. This has apparently led to pillows taking on a certain kind of mysticism in Chinese culture, with some pillows even designed in the shape of a baku. It is believed that the world of dreams (or perhaps its entrance) is located within pillows, which could explain another theory that when someone sleeps, their soul descends deep down into the earth. The Dream World may seem like a paradise, but it is as otherworldly as the dragon palace beneath the sea or the lands of the dead.

  • Welcome to the Land of Dreams!
  • World Market
  • Land of Adventure
  • Land of Fantasy
  • Land of Tomorrow
  • Time to Leave


Skill: Sweet Sleep Pillow

I give you the gift of a perfect sleep... Oh? Have I met you before?

Skill: Dream Soul Manipulation

I'll put this dream soul in that one, and that one... Huh? Why doesn't it go back to how it was?

Skill: Dream Diary

A diary that details the events of the Dream World. With it, you may be able to experience a lucid dream!

Passive: Dream Interpretation
Passive: Dream Eater
Passive: REM Sleep