Eternity Larva


The Butterfly Fairy who Approaches God

Eternity Larva's usual outfit. This fabulous dress represents the larva, pupa, and imago stages of a butterfly.

Worm Moon Swallowtail

An outfit perfect for exercise made for Eternity Larva. "It feels good to run on the ground instead of flying for a change!"

The Butterfly Fairy who Approaches God
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Swallowtail Butterfly Fairy
VA: Kubo Yurika
Eternal Larva
VA: Waki Azumi
Extraordinary Lifeforce
VA: Sasahara Yu

Character Information

Temperament: Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect refers to the way small changes can have huge implications. This is an apt temperament for Eternity Larva who, despite being merely a fairy, seems to possess something more. She is endowed with Fire Phase, symbolizing summer, and Sun Essence, due to her love of warmer climates. The formless and passionate Fire Phase resists Wood Phase, because wood feeds fire, but it is weak to Water Phase, because water dampens fire. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of scattering scales

Eternity Larva's ability as a swallowtail butterfly fairy. It truly is an ability fit for a butterfly. However, it seems she also has the powerful ability to manipulate lifeforce. Fairies and lifeforce are fundamentally linked, and it's possible to say that fairies are creatures made of lifeforce. Seeing as they aren't particularly powerful, nor are they especially knowledgeable, they've never been seen as dangerous. That is why it's almost impossible to believe that the miraculous display that Eternity Larva and Clownpiece showed at Hakurei Shrine was accomplished by just two fairies. It's reasonable to assume that this was only possible because Eternity Larva's power is so compatible with Clownpiece's Lunatic Torch, which also draws its power from lifeforce. Even among fairies, Eternity Larva is mysterious. The secret god Okina Matara, who herself is quite the mystery, suspects Eternity Larva may be one of her rivals, the God of Eternal Night. Whether or not she's right is impossible to say, but it certainly makes one question the link between fairies and gods. The God of Eternal Night is also known as the god of Tokoyo no Kuni, described as a silkworm-like insect that lives in a citrus tree. It seems plausible that they could be a swallowtail butterfly larva... It may not be possible to dismiss Eternity Larva's claims that she'll "become the god of the new world" as rambling induced by midsummer heat and the power of the back door.



Eternity Larva's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). She attacks by releasing a foul-smelling odor from the horn-like appendage on her head. It in fact isn't a horn, but an organ that secretes unpleasant odors. This organ possessed by swallowtail butterfly larvae makes them unique among butterflies. It is thought that the larvae use it to intimidate and distract predators, and that the secretion contains a mixture of over fifty chemicals.

  • Smell Bullet
  • Intimidation Bullet
  • Volatile Secretion Bullet
  • Monoterpene Bullet
  • Sesquiterpene Bullet
  • Short-Chain Oil Acid Bullet

Eternity Larva's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). She attacks by intimidating her foe with the eye-like patterns on her wings. The exact pattern varies, but the red marks on a swallowtail butterfly's wings are an example of eyespots. Their larvae are also unique in that they develop this pattern once they reach five years old. The eyespots effectively intimidate predators (especially birds) and serve as a decoy for their heads.

  • Eye Pattern Bullet
  • Ocular Pattern Bullet
  • Mimicry Pattern Bullet
  • Intimidation Pattern Bullet
  • Decoy Pattern Bullet
  • Bull's-Eye Pattern Bullet
Butterfly Sign: Minute Scales

Eternity Larva's Spell Card. She attacks by attaching fine scales to her foe. Butterfly wings are covered in these tiny scales, which are what form their unique patterns. As well as their ability to distract and intimidate predators, the scales are thought to have a number of different functions, such as regulating body temperature by absorbing or releasing heat. They're mainly made of cuticle, which can also be found in animal and human hair.

  • Scale Bullet
  • Vivid Scale Bullet
  • Structural Colored Scale Bullet
  • Heat-Absorbing Scale Bullet
  • Hiding Scale Bullet
  • Intimidation Scale Bullet
Butterfly Sign: Butterfly Dream

Eternity Larva's Spell Card. This mesmerizing attack renders her foes unable to distinguish between dreams and reality. Butterflies have long been thought to possess mystical qualities, with Zhuang Zhou's "Dreams of Being a Butterfly" being a famous tale based on that subject. Butterflies are spiritual creatures, a symbol of rebirth, and the subject of many songs and stories. Humans have admired the butterfly's beauty throughout history and they're said to be the most collected insect.

  • Symbol of Dream Bullet
  • Symbol of Revival Bullet
  • Symbol of Soul Bullet
  • Symbol of Death Bullet
  • Symbol of Beauty Bullet
  • Symbol of Fairy Bullet
Eternal Fruit Fragrance

Eternity Larva's Last Word. Strong-smelling citrus juice bursts forth in this attack. Citrus trees like the mandarin tree are evergreen, making them symbols of eternal youth and longevity. As a result, the fruit they bear is said to be a spiritual elixir that extends the lives of those who consume it, and is referred to as the "fruit of ever-fragrant trees." According to the ancient chronicles of Japanese mythology, the ever-fragrant trees are found beyond the sea in the promised land of Tokoyo no Kuni. Since Tokoyo no Kuni is known as the land of the dead, the fruit of ever-fragrant trees may have some connection to the Yomotsuhegui, the food of the dead.

  • Evergreen Bullet
  • Tachibana Fruit Bullet
  • Tachibana Juice Bullet
  • Eternal Evergreen Bullet
  • Aromatic Evergreen Bullet
  • Tachibana Bullet


Skill: True Metamorphosis

Insects change their form throughout their lives, which drastically changes the way they function to survive.

Skill: Rapid Growth

Even among insects, the butterfly's growth is rapid. Their existence is similar to that of flowers.

Skill: Life Regeneration

All living organisms undergo some process of regeneration. Fairies understand this at an instinctual level through first-hand experience.

Passive: Regular Fairy?
Passive: Summer Tradition
Passive: Curiosity