Flandre Scarlet


Sister of the Devil

Flandre Scarlet's usual outfit. It features a deep red dress and a white hat.

Devilish Helper

When Sakuya is away, Flandre helps out instead! The outfit is basically the same as Sakuya's but in bright pink.

Forbidden White Apple

Flandre's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

Rainbow Fruit Salad

Flandre's Social Club outfit of destructive cuteness. It was created by Kourindou with materials from Yukari.

Vampire Making a Wish

Flandre's furisode for the New Year. She makes a wish that she and her big sister have lots of fun this year.

Sister of the Devil
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Sheltered Vampire
VA: Kasuga Nozomi
Mad Young Lady of Destruction
VA: Ozawa Minori
Fearsome Younger Sister
VA: Iwai Emiri

Character Information

Temperament: Sekki

Sekki (a Touhou LW original) refers to auroras as they were referred to in old literature. An aurora's rarity and flickering red waves are similar to Flandre. Perhaps because of her non-Eastern origins (or maybe just because of her transcendental way of thinking), Flandre's temperament deviates from the usual laws of Phases and Essences. She is weak against Sun Essence with its governance of day, Water Phase with its barrier properties against vampires, and Wood Phase with its legendary use in defeating vampires. She is strong against Moon Essence and Star Essence with their governance of night as well as Metal Phase with its position as a symbol of universality.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of destroying absolutely anything

An incredibly threatening ability, as the name suggests. Flandre once used this ability with Remilia to destroy a meteorite aimed at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The range of the ability, how it destroys, and the cost for using this ability is not clear, but apparently, every object has something called an "eye" which is where its tension is highest. By moving this eye into her hand and squeezing it, Flandre is able to destroy the object the eye belongs to. Just hearing about this ability is enough to make anyone's chest feel tight.


E. M. Spectrum

Flandre Scarlet's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). Flandre created this shot based on Starbow Break so that she could play with the fairies at the lake. She came up with the name after Sanae saw her practicing the shot and said that it looked like an electromagnetic specter.

  • Red Ball
  • Orange Ball
  • Yellow Ball
  • Green Ball
  • Blue Ball
  • Purple Ball
Sephirothic Fruit

Flandre Scarlet's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). Flandre made this shot based on Forbidden Fruit so that she could have battles of bullets with Marisa and the others. She came up with the name after Patchouli, who had been supervising Flandre's training, suggested that Flandre use the name of the tree of life, since the shot was based on the forbidden fruit.

  • Mulberry Bullet
  • Blueberry Bullet
  • Cranberry Bullet
  • Cranberry Bullet
  • Blueberry Bullet
  • Strawberry Bullet
Taboo: Kagome, Kagome

Flandre Scarlet's Spell Card. She traps her target within a ring of bullets, only to shoot more bullets at them. Perhaps it overlaps with Flandre's own situation of having been in the same room for 495 years. Incidentally, this attack has the danger of becoming impossible to control, which might be why it is taboo.

  • Kagome Bind
  • Disk Bullet
  • Disk Bullet
  • Kagome Bind
  • Hoop Bullet
  • Kagome Bind
Taboo: Laevateinn

Flandre Scarlet's Spell Card. She rotates a long crimson pillar of light and uses it to attack. Apparently, it is a counterpart to Remilia's Gungnir. Laevateinn is a weapon from Norse mythology―perhaps Flandre enjoyed some Norse myths during her long time indoors.

  • Laevateinn
  • Defiant Great Sword
  • Great Sword
  • Defiant Great Sword
  • Defiant Great Sword
  • Bonus Laevateinn
Closing Schwarzschild Radius

Flandre Scarlet's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She created this bullet hell attack based on Spell Cards like Ripples of 495 Years in order to enjoy her battles of bullets more. Marisa gave the attack its name by comparing Flandre to a black hole after reading astronomy books from the outside in the Scarlet Devil Mansion's library.

  • Gravity Wave
  • Playing With Dolls
  • Little Gravity Wave
  • Playing With Dolls
  • Gravity Wave
  • Gravity Wave


Skill: Frenzied Eyes

Something unknown and different dwells within Flandre's eyes. You cannot stay calm with her gaze on you.

Skill: Innocent Rampage

Flandre acts without malice and with only pure motives, but all she leaves in her wake is destruction.

Skill: Vital Check

Everything has an "eye", the spot that is under the most tension. Once she finds the "eye"―it's over.

Passive: Destructive Impulse
Passive: Devil's Little Sister
Passive: Magical Girl Nature