Keiki Haniyasushin


The Sculptor God Crafted by Utter Isolation

Keiki Haniyasushin's usual outfit. It features a dark green headkerchief and apron and a brown skirt.

Flour, Eggs & Milk Are All I Need!

Keiki's cooking armor. It's technically earthenware, but it's somehow quite flexible.

The Sculptor God Crafted by Utter Isolation
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Super Haniwa Sculptor
VA: Ichinose Kana
Primate Spirit Garden Idol Maker
VA: Arai Satomi
Divine Earth and Water Artisan
VA: Yamazaki Haruka

Character Information

Temperament: Jinkou-kishou-jikken

Jinkou-kishou-jikken (a Touhou LW original) refers to experiments that artificially engineer meteorological phenomena. This is an apt temperament for the divine spirit, who appeared to answer the fervent prayers of the human spirits. Dwellers of the Animal Realm seem to lack the three Essences because this chaotic realm is far from Heaven. Keiki is endowed with Fire Phase, the element that hardens and processes earth, and Earth Phase, as a sculptor god. The formless and passionate Fire Phase resists Wood Phase, because wood feeds fire, but it is weak to Water Phase, because water dampens fire. The encompassing and regenerative Earth Phase resists Fire Phase, because fire produces earth, but it is weak to Wood Phase, because wood parts earth. The combination of Fire Phase and Earth Phase cancels out any resistance or weakness to Wood Phase.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of creating idols

Keiki Haniyasushin's ability as a sculptor god. According to a certain magician, this ability is "virtually the same as being able to create gods." In order to understand the concept of idols, one must first understand the concept of faith in a god. Ancient gods all over the world are often defined as something that cannot be seen. This is an expression of their holiness. Even in Japan, it took a long time for any of the gods to be depicted in a definitive form, and this only happened to a few of them. The concept of idols is integral to how gods came to be drawn and sculpted in such forms. This is similar to how the domains of a god become fixed when they are given a name. The concept of icons is also involved in the process of turning a god that cannot be seen into an idol. An icon is a terminal through which people can worship a god. Just like how there are no people speaking within telephones, and there are no actors within TVs, icons are not the gods themselves. However, terminals are still effective tools for people to experience a feeling of closeness to other beings. It is called idolatry or idol worship when an object that was created to function as an idol is instead worshiped as the god itself. Statues that were originally created for the purpose of being worshipped are also called idols. From the perspective of religious organizations that have clear and distinct centralized beliefs, idolatry is an act that deviates from the true faith. However, for decentralized beliefs that value diversity of faith over any distinct teachings, idolatry is another accepted practice of faith. Gods are in the details. When human spirits exult in the accomplishments of Mayumi and the other haniwa (the idols), the divine spirit who hides behind the scenes can satisfy her need for faith. This is her cult. Her project.


Square-Shaped Sculpting

Keiki Haniyasushin's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with bullets in square-shaped patterns. There are hardly any perfect squares in nature. They are symbols of security crafted by civilizations that are regularly seen in cities and machines.

  • Perfect Square
  • Precise Square
  • Trusted Parallelogram
  • Secure Trapezoid
  • Just Rhomboid
  • Convenient Kite
Perfect Circle Sculpting

Keiki Haniyasushin's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with bullets in perfect circle patterns. It is extremely rare for perfect circles to exist in nature. They are symbols of order crafted by technology that are essential for the efficient use of energy.

  • Blatant Sphere
  • Displeased Cylinder
  • Solitary Cone
  • Sycophantic Torus
  • Jealous Ellipsoid
  • Inscrutable Prolate Spheroid
Haniwa: Horse-and-Rider Idol Sculpting Art

Keiki Haniyasushin's Spell Card. Horse-and-rider idols created by Keiki charge into her target. Wild animals are primordial gods, but domesticated animals are the gods of a new era. They have become a weapon of war that eternally protects the lives of humans. Humans themselves might be something similar.

  • Horse Haniwa
  • Keikou Armor Warrior
  • Sitting Cross-Legged Haniwa
  • Tankou Armor Warrior
  • Ceramic Pointed Arrowhead Bullet
  • Ceramic Sharp Arrowhead Bullet
Oni-Shaped Sculpting Art

Keiki Haniyasushin's Spell Card. She attacks with a peculiar sculpting art. Nowadays, it is normal for bizarre and eccentric creations to be called art. It is not often mentioned, but this art is the same as an "artifact," an object brought about by skill or craft. While these artworks may seem odd to some people, they might convey a message to others.

  • Oni-Shaped Sculpting Art
  • Deformed Sculpting Art
  • Abnormal Sculpting Art
  • Monstrosity Sculpting Art
  • Outlandish Sculpting Art
  • Aberrant Sculpting Art

Keiki Haniyasushin's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She reshapes her opponents with earth and water. When earth is combined with water, it becomes clay―a material that can be shaped into any form. When fire is added, the water evaporates, and the earth is baked into a hard ceramic. The manipulation of the Five Phases centered on the Earth Phase creates a body more perfect than any form composed of flesh. Perhaps this heralds the coming of a new plain-faced age where humans ensure that other humans constantly worship and dedicate faith solely to the Sculptor God.

  • Idolization Plan
  • Artificial Evolution Philosophy
  • Longevity Enhancement
  • Technological Immortality
  • Cyborgism
  • Mind Transference


Skill: Planned Production

Her creations are a product. She might have carved her signature into them somewhere.

Skill: Divine Authority

Ancient gods have authority and power over many different domains. Keiki might still be hiding some of her power as a sculptor god.

Skill: Idolization

She destroys flesh and remakes the body into an idol with earth and water. Sintered bodies are light and powerful.

Passive: Haniyasuhime
Passive: Re: Create
Passive: Primate Spirit Garden Faith