Kogasa Tatara


The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella

Kogasa Tatara's usual outfit. It features a sky blue vest and a light turquoise skirt.

Sunshine-Praying Umbrella

Kogasa's specialized outfit for generating cheer. She gives everyone energy with her surprising new tricks!

The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Scary Forgotten Umbrella
VA: Asahina Madoka
Surprising Youkai Umbrella
VA: Okajima Tae
Paper Umbrella Tsukumogami
VA: Mineuchi Tomomi

Character Information

Temperament: Kosame

Kosame (a Touhou LW original) refers to rain that lasts for five to six hours with less than 1 mm rainfall per hour. This is an apt temperament for Kogasa, as this is the perfect weather to go outside with an umbrella. Kogasa is endowed with Water Phase, as she is a tool used on rainy days, and with Sun Essence, as she is a tool that blocks rain. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of surprising humans

Kogasa Tatara's ability as a karakasa-obake. When a tool is neither broken nor given a proper sendoff, the god residing within the tool gets angry and becomes a youkai―a tsukumogami. You might think that since Kogasa is a tsukumogami, she would want to make the humans tremble in fear and regret what they have done... but she says her true objective is to surprise people. Apparently, Kogasa is a youkai who eats the spirits of humans by surprising them. This may seem strange at first, but a word that means "to be startled" in Japanese is "tamageru," which can be written with the kanji characters for "soul" and "disappear." It is said that a person's soul disappears when they get surprised... So these souls probably disappear into Kogasa's stomach. Unfortunately, the humans in the village are used to the antics of youkai, so they don't really react to Kogasa's tricks. However, the children love them, and Kogasa works as a babysitter since the job suits her umbrella-holding form. (There is apparently a babysitter with an umbrella in the outside world or something.) Kogasa is on quite friendly terms with the humans for a youkai. Karakasa-obake are also a famous type of youkai who are loved for their cute appearance. However, karakasa-obake are said to be the fallen form of a certain god of blacksmithing. They supposedly inherited their single leg and eye from this god. There is no proof to this claim, but there may be a connection considering how skilled Kogasa is at blacksmithing.


Dripping Umbrella

Kogasa Tatara's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). She shakes the water off her umbrella while hitting her target with it. You should be careful not to spray other people when shaking your umbrella dry. This umbrella is also Kogasa's body, so maybe this attack is actually a full-body tackle.

  • Umbrella Throw
  • Ax Throw
  • UFO Throw
  • Overhand Throw
  • Submarine Throw
  • Tornado Throw
Instant Water-Shedding

Kogasa Tatara's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). She opens her umbrella in the wink of an eye and fires a water laser beam! Most people have probably played with umbrellas that automatically open with the touch of a button. But you could annoy someone if you spray water everywhere, so maybe playing with umbrellas is not the best idea.

  • Sturdy Paper Umbrella Jump
  • Bull's Eye Paper Umbrella Jump
  • Standing Paper Umbrella Jump
  • Folding Umbrella Jump
  • Plastic Umbrella Jump
  • Shared Umbrella Jump
Umbrella Sign: Lightly Falling Large Raindrops

Kogasa Tatara's Spell Card. She rains tears and raindrops down on her target. The rain seeps deep into your soul when you are sad or depressed. It's like the sky is crying along with you... Everyone feels this way sometimes. However, Kogasa might also be skilled at fake crying to try and surprise people. Tears are a weapon!

  • Rain of Tears
  • Rain of Happy Tears
  • Rain of Frustrated Tears
  • Rain of Laughing Tears
  • Rain of Angry Tears
  • Rain of Fake Tears
Halo: Karakasa Surprising Flash

Kogasa Tatara's Spell Card. She opens her umbrella and shoots lasers in all directions. If you suddenly open an umbrella in front of a horse, they sometimes jump up in surprise. "Kasa-odoroki" (umbrella surprise) is an idiomatic expression in Japanese that alludes to this situation. It is used to indicate that someone was surprised by something trivial. However, anyone would be surprised if they saw this umbrella attack. Incidentally, in the Kyogen play "Kogaragasa," another idiomatic Japanese expression was used. "Karakasa-go-kou" (written with the kanji characters for "umbrella," behind," and "light") refers to how it looks like someone has a halo around their head when they hold an umbrella.

  • Surprise!
  • Shocking Flash
  • Astonishing Flash
  • Stunning Flash
  • Jump-Out-Of-Your-Skin Flash
  • Eye-Opening Flash
One-Eyed Dragon of Mt. Tado

Kogasa Tatara's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She summons a storm to rain down the divine power of a dragon onto her target. This dragon supposedly only has one eye and is also a god of wind and rain. There are also theories that karakasa-obake are the form of a fallen god of blacksmithing because they both only have one eye and one leg. This one leg is similar to the body of a snake, which probably led to this god of blacksmithing becoming conflated with the serpentine dragon god. Isn't there a god in Gensokyo with a deep connection to snakes and war...?

  • Pray-For-Rain Cyclone
  • Kogasa's Blacksmithing Apprentice
  • Single-Eyed Dragon Descent
  • Kogasa's Blacksmithing Helper
  • Cyclone Storm
  • One-Eyed Dragon Descent


Skill: Storm Skipping

That soaking wet child is still crying beneath the willow tree.

Skill: Rain Forecast

Wait up. You forgot your umbrella. There's a cute and sturdy purple umbrella right here.

Skill: White Fox Protection

The White Fox left the gift of an umbrella as a thank you. It is resistant to rain (shadows) and fire (sunlight).

Passive: Steel Umbrella
Passive: Mieidou's Protective Charm
Passive: Reforge