Fujiwara no Mokou


Figure of Hourai

Fujiwara no Mokou's usual outfit. It features a white shirt and a women's hakama.

Fiery and Solitary Student

A uniform designed especially for Mokou by Yukari Yakumo, inspired by clothing from the outside world.

Yakitori Stand Chef

This yakitori stand chef is exceptionally skilled with fire. Thanks to Kourindou, the costume is durable and a perfect fit.

Burning White Phoenix

Mokou's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

Figure of Hourai
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Crimson Guide
VA: Nitta Saki
Guardian of the Bamboo Forest
VA: Watanabe Haruka
Blazing Person of Hourai
VA: Sarah Emi Bridcutt

Character Information

Temperament: Taiyouchuu

Taiyouchuu (a Touhou LW original) refers to the light pillar that sometimes appears above the sun at sunrise and sunset. Mokou fights with her body enveloped in flames, so this temperament is a perfect match for her. Mokou is endowed with Fire Phase, from the intense emotions swirling within her, and Sun Essence, from the strong will she uses to control those emotions. The formless and passionate Fire Phase resists Wood Phase, because wood feeds fire, but it is weak to Water Phase, because water dampens fire. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of eternal youth and immortality

Just as the ability says, Fujiwara no Mokou is eternally young and immortal. This is the power of the people of Hourai. If you take the Hourai Elixir, your soul becomes immortal, so even if your body is completely destroyed, your soul becomes your core and completely regenerates your body. In other words, the life of a person of Hourai does not depend on their body at all. You could even say that their life transcends that of an ordinary human. That is the wish of all humans everywhere, but for Mokou, the moment she obtained this ability and the hardships of her life to come only made her feel fear and loneliness, and she had a long period where she was overcome with despair. That she can live positively as a regular girl now even with that kind of past is probably due to Gensokyo's accepting nature and the relationships she keeps.


Mind of Fire

Fujiwara no Mokou's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). She shoots phoenix feathers at her target in this attack. The mind of fire referred to here is a state of concentration in which you burn away all your earthly desires, but in Mokou's case, it probably just means that she burns everything around her.

  • Firebird Feather
  • Firebird Down
  • Firebird Tail Feather
  • Firebird Plume
  • Firebird Tail Feather
  • Firebird Flight Feather
Blazing Bamboo Tubes

Fujiwara no Mokou's Focus Shot. She throws hidden bamboo tube bombs (are they dynamite or Molotov cocktails or...?) and makes them explode. Since she lives in a bamboo forest, these bamboo tube bombs are probably handmade.

  • Bamboo Bomb
  • Bomb Blast
  • Extra Explosives
  • Bomb Blast
  • Extra Explosives
  • Bamboo Bomb
Regretful Life: Immortality's Reckless Sacrifice

Fujiwara no Mokou's Spell Card. She envelops her body in flames and charges at her target. Normally, this would be self-destructive, but she is an immortal person of Hourai, so she can use this as an attack. However, she often ends up crashing into corners either because she cannot see in front of her or she is going too fast... It probably hurts a lot.

  • Desperate Charge
  • Tackle
  • Blazing Heat
  • Tackle
  • Vigor
  • Mokou's Full-Body Tackle
Hourai: South Wind, Clear Sky -Fujiyama Volcano-

Fujiwara no Mokou's Spell Card. She shoots heat and bullets at her target like the eruption of a sacred volcano. There is a theory that the Mount Hourai of ancient Chinese legend refers to Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji is also a place very close to Mokou's heart.

  • Volcano Bullet
  • Rock Block
  • Lava Block
  • Lava Block
  • Rock Block
  • Volcano Rock Block
Phoenix Rebirth

Fujiwara no Mokou's Last Word. This bullet hell attack flies on the wings of a phoenix and blasts out incredible heat. It is said that when a phoenix reaches the end of its life, it burns up and is reborn in its ashes. Could any legend be more fitting for Mokou?

  • Last Blaze
  • Ultra-Hot Air
  • Last Blaze
  • Ultra-Hot Air
  • Ultra-Hot Air
  • Explosive Birth


Skill: Remote Ignition

She sends out flaming feathers to instantly set her target on fire, while taking care not to let the fire spread to the bamboo forest.

Skill: Immortal Intimidation

An immortal essentially has nothing to fear except solitude and eternity.

Skill: Fate of the People of Hourai

Does infinite regeneration allow Mokou to really experience life? Her sense of pain is no different from a regular human's.

Passive: Revenger
Passive: Accidental Fire-Starting
Passive: Phoenix Nature