Rin Kaenbyou


Hell's Traffic Accident

Rin Kaenbyou's usual outfit. It features a black gothic-style dress with a green pattern.

Palace of the Earth Spirits' Pawsome Helper

Rin's outfit as a maid trainee. I'll be the one to serve as Lady Satori's Head Maid!

Flame Picara

Rin's outfit as the Five Tails' dependable older sister figure. "Gracefully stealing corpses and treasure!"

Hell's Traffic Accident
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Black Cat of Hell-Fire
VA: Matsuda Satsumi
Corpse-Carrying Cat Cart
VA: Kakuma Ai
Dashing Cat
VA: Otsubo Yuka

Character Information

Temperament: Raigou

Raigou (a Touhou LW original) refers to a peal of thunder. This is an apt temperament for Rin as kasha are said to arrive with a thunderstorm when they come to steal corpses. Rin is endowed with Fire Phase, as a kasha, and Moon Essence, with her resourcefulness. The formless and passionate Fire Phase resists Wood Phase, because wood feeds fire, but it is weak to Water Phase, because water dampens fire. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of carrying away corpses

Rin Kaenbyou's ability as a kasha. Kasha are youkai who steal corpses from graveyards and funerals. There are different theories as to the true identity of this youkai. Some say it is an evil oni from Hell, others that it is a cat youkai like a bakeneko or an envoy from the world of the dead. However, based on Rin's appearance, it can be assumed that she is some type of cat beast youkai. There are various tales and superstitions regarding the connection between cats and corpses, and since Rin is a black cat, this probably led to humans detesting her all the more. Many of the tales involving kasha describe them as beings that come with a thunderstorm and descend down from the sky to steal a corpse, which they then take back up with them. There were probably quite a few instances of corpses being stolen from graveyards and funerals by wild animals back when civilization wasn't as advanced. Bandits could have also stolen corpses for one reason or another. The origins of the kasha most likely lie in false reports from witnesses who couldn't properly see the perpetrator in the night or from being used as an excuse to explain the missing corpses. But this is not very fair on the cats who have been used as scapegoats. Rin collects corpses and carries them to the former Hell of Blazing Fires to use as fuel. Utsuho raises the temperature by adding them to the fire, and if it gets too hot, Rin releases some heat by opening the vent in the ceiling. Thus, the heat in the former Hell of Blazing Fires is regulated. The hot springs in Former Hell are said to be heated by this excess heat released by Rin, and it is speculated that the incident where geysers and vengeful spirits burst forth onto the surface was caused by the former Hell of Blazing Fires overheating. However, Rin also helped cause this in order to help her friend Utsuho who had undergone a change. Rin must have been pretty desperate...


Nitrous Dash

Rin Kaenbyou's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). She crashes into her target with her corpse-carrying wheelbarrow. Don't be fooled by how cute she looks―her wheelbarrow holds quite a few corpses, so there is hefty momentum behind this attack.

  • Cat Cart Dash
  • Danjiri Dash
  • Pushcart Dash
  • Handcart Dash
  • Pull Cart Dash
  • Wooden Ox Dash
Fire Punch

Rin Kaenbyou's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). It's called a punch, but her claws are out, so it's more like a scratch. Rin is a kasha, which means burning cart in Japanese, so her "punches" are enveloped in fire.

  • Fire Cat Punch
  • Blazing Cat Punch
  • Flaming Cat Punch
  • Scorching Cat Punch
  • Burning Cat Punch
  • Hell-Fire Cat Punch
Cat Sign: Cat's Walk

Rin Kaenbyou's Spell Card. A black cat walks about, scattering bullets in all directions. A catwalk is a narrow footway that one has to walk like a cat to cross. An infamous superstition also states it is bad luck if a black cat crosses your path. Tales of black cats as ill omens seem to have originated in western Europe, where they were once thought of as familiars to witches. However, they are considered to be lucky in Japan. An emperor of Japan had a black cat, and there is a famous novel written about them with the cat as the main character.

  • Creeping Cat
  • Tiptoeing Cat
  • Stealthy Cat
  • Shuffling Cat
  • Fleetfooted Cat
  • Tottering Cat
Youkai: Blazing Wheel

Rin Kaenbyou's Spell Card. She attacks with wheels imbued with fire. Rin is a type of youkai called a kasha, which is written with two Japanese characters; the first means "fire," and the second means "cart" or "wheel." There is another type of youkai called a wanyuudou, depicted as a flaming wheel with a tormented face of a man. Perhaps they are related.

  • Fire Wheel
  • Blazing Wheel
  • Flaming Wheel
  • Scorching Wheel
  • Burning Wheel
  • Hell-Fire Wheel
Morgue Street Grand Prix - Dead Heat

Rin Kaenbyou's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). Her wheelbarrow charges forward at full throttle. A morgue is a place used to store human corpses. The term was originally a French word that was used to indicate the place in a prison where new prisoners were kept so they could be easily identified. This meaning correlates to Rin's job in Former Hell, as what is Hell if not a prison for the damned? It is also common for morgues to have crematory facilities.

  • Racing Cat Cart
  • Flywheel KERS
  • Laughing Gas Engine
  • Supercharger
  • Electric KERS
  • Turbocharger


Skill: Zombie Fairy User

Fairies dressed up as zombies. It seems Rin is good friends with them.

Skill: Corpse Cat Cart

A Japanese word for wheelbarrow is nekoguruma, which literally means cat cart. There are many theories about its origin, but it's certainly a fitting name in this case.

Skill: Vengeful Spirit User

Quite a few dwellers of the Underworld can manipulate vengeful spirits. Rin probably gained this ability because she handles corpses.

Passive: Mouryou Glutton
Passive: Black Cat of Ill Omen
Passive: Corpse Appraisal