Saki Kurokoma


Matriarch of the Keiga Family

Saki Kurokoma's usual outfit. It features a white scarf and a cool cowboy hat.

Swift Black White Horse

Saki's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

Famed Horse's Harmony

Saki Kurokoma's fancy outfit. Running in your favorite clothes feels even more exhilarating than usual!

Strong-Legged Gift Horse

Saki's Social Club outfit. Kung fu is best enjoyed by adults. None can stand in the way of Saki's powerful legs and black tonfa.

Matriarch of the Keiga Family
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Strongest Animal Spirit
VA: Kimura Juri
Wolf Spirit Boss
VA: Sembongi Sayaka
Legendary Black Pegasus
VA: Morinaga Lika

Character Information

Temperament: Gufuu

Gufuu (a Touhou LW original) refers to a violent gale or the strong wind from a tropical cyclone. This is an apt temperament for Saki, who climbed to the top of the dog-eat-dog world of the Animal Realm. Dwellers of the Animal Realm seem to lack the three Essences because this chaotic realm is far from Heaven. Saki is endowed with Fire Phase, with her burning passion, and Wood Phase, as her strength is unyielding. The formless and passionate Fire Phase resists Wood Phase, because wood feeds fire, but it is weak to Water Phase, because water dampens fire. The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood. The combination of Fire Phase and Wood Phase cancels out any resistance or weakness to Water Phase.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of having unmatched leg strength

Saki Kurokoma's ability as the legendary black horse that gallops through the sky. Saki has a glorious pair of wings, even though the horse in the legends was described as flying through the air only by the power of its legs. However, Saki is the type who would boast that she could walk on air just by moving her legs, so she might be able to fly even without her wings... though this has yet to be proven. The matriarchs of the Animal Realm are animal spirits, so they do not possess a corporeal body and are probably beings that have died. It is interesting how Saki still respects physical strength so much despite this. Based on what is known about Saki, she is probably one of the kurokoma of Kai and most likely the beloved steed of Prince Shoutoku that is featured in the legends. It is said that the prince saw that amongst the many horses that were presented to him, there was a divine horse, so he chose it as his steed. She is probably quite familiar with Toyosatomimi no Miko and her retainers.


Flight Over Mount Fuji

Saki Kurokoma's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). She attacks with gusts of wind created by her wings that are so powerful they could carry her over Mount Fuji. It is said that Prince Shoutoku's beloved steed, one of the kurokoma of Kai, flew over Mount Fuji to land in Shinano with the prince on her back. However, perhaps flying is not the best way to put it, as the horse used its legs to leap and gallop through the air atop clouds. This is quite an extraordinary way to fly, even for a pegasus.

  • Flight Rank: Mount Yari
  • Flight Rank: Mount Okuhotaka
  • Flight Rank: Mount Aino
  • Flight Rank: Mount Kita
  • Flight Rank: Mount Fuji
  • Flight Rank: Youkai Mountain
Ultimate Prince Shoutoku Road

Saki Kurokoma's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). She sees the area before her as a Prince Shoutoku Road and gallops forward at full speed. Prince Shoutoku Roads, or Taishimichi in Japanese, are the ancient paths that were once trodden by Prince Shoutoku. There are a number of these roads in Japan, but the most famous one is the path connecting Ikaruga to Asuka. It is said that the kurokoma of Kai traveled this path countless times with the prince and his retainer, Choushimaro. Perhaps the three of them were great friends.

  • Prince Road Walk
  • Prince Road Jog
  • Prince Road Run
  • Prince Road Dash
  • Prince Road Sprint
  • Prince Road Tackle
Agile Skill: Black Pegasus Meteor Shot

Saki Kurokoma's Spell Card. She uses her extreme speed to punch out meteor-like bullets. But why would moving fast make it look like a meteor shower is being shot out of her fist...? The most famous winged horse would have to be the mythical beast from the far west that became a constellation in the night sky. This is probably why this Spell Card is so reminiscent of space. Only Saki is capable of such an exciting and ambitious attack.

  • Meteor Jab
  • Meteor Hook
  • Meteor Straight Punch
  • Meteor Uppercut
  • Meteor Cross-Counter
  • Meteor Corkscrew Punch
Deeds of Devilish Beasts

Saki Kurokoma's Spell Card. In this attack, Saki shows her ambition as an animal spirit and the matriarch of the Keiga Family. The way of hungry ghosts (preta) and animals are seen to be lesser than the way of humans. This is why when you say someone has "acted like an animal," you mean that their actions are too cruel or despicable for them to be a human. However, Saki used to be an animal and is now an animal spirit, so saying she doesn't act like a human could be a compliment.

  • Wild Rule
  • Natural Rule
  • Primitive Rule
  • Animal Rule
  • Beast Rule
  • Monster Rule
Oharida Palace Stomp

Saki Kurokoma's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She messes up her landing and steps on her opponent. It is said that the kurokoma of Kai had an accident on the way to the Oharida Palace (the Imperial Palace during the early seventh century). The horse broke a hole in the path with its hoof while bearing the prince. Perhaps feeling guilty, the kurokoma of Kai refused to eat anything until the prince ordered the horse to eat again. Saki doesn't seem to be so weak-willed nowadays, but her legs are still incredibly powerful.

  • Oharida Drop Kick
  • Oharida FBA
  • Oharida FL
  • Oharida FWK
  • Oharida JKB
  • Oharida FBSD


Skill: Fine Ancient Steed

The kurokoma of Kai were the finest horses of the Kofun (300 to 538) and Asuka (592 to 645) periods. Of course, Saki is also brilliant.

Skill: Imperial Derby

The legendary horse loved by Prince Shoutoku. This horse saw all of the prince's noble deeds by his side.

Skill: Wolf Spirit Assist

Her main animal spirit underlings are wolf spirits. They swear absolute loyalty to Saki... but will they keep that oath?

Passive: Strongest in the Animal Realm
Passive: Pump Up
Passive: Keiga's Pride