Sanae Kochiya


Deified Human of the Wind

Sanae Kochiya's usual outfit. It features a shrine maiden outfit in white and blue.

Naive Science Club Student

A uniform designed especially for Sanae by Yukari Yakumo, inspired by clothing from the outside world.

Superficial and Shallow Human

A different version of Sanae's usual outfit. There are a few minor changes, like with the tie.

Victory Wind Priestess

Sanae Kochiya's furisode for the New Year. She's going to give it her all and resolve more incidents!

The White Miracle That Brings Good Luck

Sanae's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

Nighttime Breath of Fresh Air

Sanae's Social Club outfit. Modest adult style. It was created by Kourindou with materials from Yukari.

Deified Human of the Wind
Voice Lines
Temperament: Nagi

Nagi refers to a lull in the wind. The temperament befits the wind priestess Sanae, who can calm the wind. Sanae is endowed with Wood Phase, from her carefree nature that deviates from common sense, and Star Essence, from how she is not restrained by anything. The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.

Ability: Capable of causing miracles

A miracle is a rare event that can only occur in the most incredible of circumstances. The bigger the miracle, the longer Sanae has to chant. A quick chant would only grant her a little miracle, whereas chanting for days might cause a miracle at the level of a natural disaster... Normally, Sanae only creates miracles as a way to show her ability, mostly when she is doing missionary work in the village. This ability originally required her to borrow power from Kanako and Suwako, but the wind priestess has become an object of faith herself―a living god―and it is unclear what god is making these miracles happen now.


Cobalt Spread

Sanae Kochiya's Spread Shot. She shoots out frog-shaped bullets―the frogs sacrifice themselves to defeat Sanae's enemies. It is believed that Sanae borrows Suwako's power to perform this attack.

  • Frog Bullet
  • Yin Light Bullet
  • Frog Bullet
  • Cobalt Bullet
  • Frog Bullet
  • Cobalt Bullet
Sky Serpent

Sanae Kochiya's Focus Shot. She shoots out snake-shaped bullets―the snakes snap their jaws down on evil. It is believed that Sanae borrows Kanako's power to perform this attack.

  • Snake Bullet
  • Serpent Bullet
  • Snake Bullet
  • Sky Serpent Bullet
  • Snake Bullet
  • Sky Serpent Bullet
Esoterica: Gray Thaumaturgy

Sanae Kochiya's Spell Card. This attack launches a barrage of star bullets at the target. Apparently, the name refers to a sacrificial art which would normally have already been lost by Sanae's generation. There are rumors that this Spell Card is actually a miraculous ritual that will eventually invoke a divine wind.

  • Ritual of Sacrifice
  • Esoterica
  • Youkai Exorcism Circle
  • Esoterica
  • Youkai Exorcism Circle
  • Ancient Art
Sea Opening: The Day the Sea Parted

Sanae Kochiya's Spell Card. It recreates the crossing of a parted sea and is likely a reference to omiwatari, or the cracks that form across the frozen surface of Lake Suwa. While many believe omiwatari to be the work of fairies, Moriya Shrine claims that it is actually a miracle.

  • Miracle of the Parted Sea
  • Path Atop the Lake
  • Omiwatari
  • Path Atop the Lake
  • Omiwatari
  • Miracle of Omiwatari
Value of a Miracle

Sanae Kochiya's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). Sanae wanted to create her own Last Word, but she was unsure how, even after Kanako and Suwako readily agreed to help. In the end, Sanae completed her Last Word as a cooperative attack that combines hearts as one and unleashes chains of miracles.

  • Miracle of Sanae
  • Power of the God of Warfare
  • Art of the Native God
  • Miracle of Sanae
  • Power of the God of Warfare
  • Art of the Native God


Skill: Healing Miracle

A divine miracle revealing a god's grace and mystery. If you were to experience this, you would think that Sanae had saved your life.

Skill: Moriya Charm

An official charm of protection from Moriya Shrine. It is popular as a souvenir since it is fairly inexpensive.

Skill: Harvest Ritual

This is one of the most requested rituals by visitors from the village. No need to worry though―another god will do it.

Passive: Purification Master
Passive: Exorcism Master
Passive: Blessed by Two Gods