Sunny Milk


Shining Sunlight

Sunny Milk's usual outfit. It features a long-sleeved white blouse and a long red skirt.

White Sun Fairy

Sunny Milk's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

Radiant Rides

"I'll show you around Doremyland! Everyone's welcome in the bright and blissful Dream World!"

Shining Sunlight
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Bending Sunlight
VA: Kasuga Nozomi
Dashing Fairy
VA: Amasawa Kanna
Prank Master
VA: Watanabe Haruka

Character Information

Temperament: Nihonbare

Nihonbare (a Touhou LW original) can also be read as Nipponbare and refers to clear skies with not a cloud to be seen. This temperament is an accurate description for Sunny Milk, the fairy of sunlight. Sunny Milk is endowed with Fire Phase, from her bright and cheerful personality, and Sun Essence, since she is (somehow) the leader of the Three Fairies of Light. The formless and passionate Fire Phase resists Wood Phase, because wood feeds fire, but it is weak to Water Phase, because water dampens fire. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of refracting light

Sunny Milk's ability might not sound like much at first, but it should not be underestimated. Reflecting light can change what people see, so she can use it to hide herself―a perfect ability for a prankster. She can also observe situations from the shadows without revealing herself and make people see things that do not actually exist. She even used this ability to avoid a light bullet from a formidable foe once. However, lights are still waves in the end, so this ability cannot stand up against someone who can interfere with waves... It can also be easily detected in certain conditions, like when it is raining.


Plasma Dust

Sunny Milk's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). This attack releases a barrage of smoothly refracted light particles. Sunny Milk came up with this easy-to-use attack when she saw light shimmering through tree leaves on a sunny day.

  • Sparkly Dust
  • Sparkly Dust
  • Glittering Dust
  • Sparkly Dust
  • Glittering Dust
  • Sun Dust
Sidereal Cannon

Sunny Milk's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). Sunny Milk shoots out a beam of sunlight in this attack. Apparently, she practiced this attack a lot with Luna Child and Star Sapphire so that she could easily use it for pranks.

  • Sunny Bullet
  • Bright Sun
  • Shade Bullet
  • Bright Sun
  • Shade Bullet
  • Direct Sunlight
Sun Sign: Aggressive Light

Sunny Milk's Spell Card. Piercing rays of sunlight burst out in rapid succession. The sun is the mother of all earthly blessings, but at times, the sun's rays can also be the arbiter of life, causing drought and then famine. It might be unwise to write Sunny Milk off as just a fairy.

  • Aggressive Sunlight
  • Piercing Sunlight
  • Piercing Sunlight
  • Aggressive Sunlight
  • Piercing Sunlight
  • Piercing Sunlight
Sunlight: Sunshine Blast

Sunny Milk's Spell Card. She shoots out a huge number of intense light bullets all at once. Sunlight is not the only thing the sun pours down on the earth. Sometimes, it sends charged particles with incredible heat and mass to the earth's atmosphere and the moon's surface. Sunny Milk probably doesn't know anything about this though.

  • Sun Gust
  • Sunlight Bullet
  • Sunlight Bullet
  • Sunlight Bullet
  • Sunlight Bullet
  • Sunlight Bullet
Solar Storm

Sunny Milk's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). A bullet hell attack of light bullets and powerful lasers. On rare occasions, the sun can create intense storms. These storms of light and particles are said to cause tremendous damage if they reach the earth's surface. There is no way for Sunny Milk to know this, but she could probably unleash at least one shot with the same amount of power.

  • Solar Storm
  • Sunny Bullet
  • Sunlight Bullet
  • Super Bright Light
  • Sunlight Bullet
  • Super Bright Light


Skill: Smokescreen

A distraction that uses intense sunlight to blind the target. A must-have for any prankster on the run.

Skill: Random Disruption

Sunny Milk just refracts light everywhere she can. A great tactic for confusing her targets, but unfortunately, she ends up confusing herself as well.

Skill: Light Control

Sunny Milk refracts light to try to get her target to make a mistake, but it makes her fairly easy to spot.

Passive: Laser Refraction
Passive: Light Bullet Refraction
Passive: Escape Artist