Suwako Moriya


Pinnacle of Native Gods

Suwako Moriya's usual outfit. It features traditional Heian clothing with a frog design.

White Tree Frog Who Bestows Rain

Suwako's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

I Bet This Is What Sanae Wants!

Suwako's winter party outfit by Kourindou. "I bought a present for myself too!"

Pinnacle of Native Gods
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Hidden Shrine God
VA: Haruno Anzu
Friendly Native God
VA: Maruoka Wakana
Subdued Wild God
VA: Iwai Emiri

Character Information

Temperament: Tsuyu

Tsuyu refers to the particularly rainy and cloudy period that spans from the fifth to the seventh month of the lunar calendar, as well as the rain that occurs during this period. Rain before the hot summer is a blessing for the earth, but it can also become torrential when combined with other meteorological phenomena. It is a good representation of Suwako's two faces as a god. Suwako is endowed with Earth Phase, from her divinity which allows her to control the earth, and Moon Essence, from how her form can suddenly change. The encompassing and regenerative Earth Phase resists Fire Phase, because fire produces earth, but it is weak to Wood Phase, because wood parts earth. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of creating earthiness

Earthiness is one of the fundamental concepts represented by the eight trigrams. While the specifics of creating earthiness are not well understood, it may be equivalent to creating the concept of earth. It should have something to do with controlling the shape and condition of earth, as Suwako has been seen manipulating the terrain before. Furthermore, the earthiness trigram represents the mother when speaking of the family. Perhaps this is in line with how Suwako supports the foundation of faith from behind the scenes while Kanako is in a more visible position, but this description of the role may be a little bit out of date.


Water Gun

Suwako Moriya's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). A simple attack where she shoots out water at high speed. Is Suwako a frog or not? Who knows? In any case, there is no doubt that her divinity, which is probably older than Kanako's, has some connection to flood control.

  • Lake Water Gun
  • Powerful Water Gun
  • Lake Water Gun
  • Powerful Water Gun
  • Lake Water Gun
  • Rain Water Gun
Frog Stone

Suwako Moriya's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). A barrage of earth and stones spout up from the ground. Apparently, a huge stone called a frog stone lies within Moriya Shrine's premises, but it is unclear where it actually is. A phantom stone whose whereabouts are unknown to everyone... Actually, how far do Moriya Shrine's grounds go anyway?

  • Frog Stone of Unknown Whereabouts
  • Frog Hole of the Toad God
  • Frog Stone of Unknown Whereabouts
  • Frog Hole of the Toad God
  • Frog Stone of Unknown Whereabouts
  • Sealed Toad God
Divine Tool: Moriya's Iron Ring

Suwako Moriya's Spell Card. In her attack, she uses an iron ring, her beloved weapon since ancient times. Some say that the iron ring is just what it sounds like: a large ring made out of iron. Others say that it may actually be some kind of blade, while it is described as something like a hula hoop in a certain magic book.

  • Moriya's Iron Ring
  • Wisteria Vine Cutting
  • Iron Ring
  • Moriya's Iron Ring
  • Wisteria Vine Cutting
  • Iron Ring
Native God: Froggy Braves the Wind and Rain

Suwako Moriya's Spell Card. She makes a curtain of bullets fall down like wind and rain. The little froggy―that is, Suwako―won't let the wind and rain win! Historically, Suwako lost to Kanako, the god of wind and rain, but Suwako has always been revered by the local people as a native god.

  • Rainstorm Bullet
  • Windstorm Bullet
  • Rainstorm Bullet
  • Windstorm Bullet
  • Wind Bullet
  • Rain Bullet
God of Stone or Wood

Suwako Moriya's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). This attack strikes with the mystery that is the source of Moriya's faith. There is a theory that the locals living on the mountain worshipped gods by invoking them in rocks and trees, which became the source of their belief. There are many other theories, but it is clear that rocks and trees were considered to be vessels of gods.

  • Mishaguji's Answer
  • Stone God's Curse Bullets
  • Wood God's Curse Bullets
  • Mishaguji's Answer
  • Stone God's Curse Bullets
  • Wood God's Curse Bullets


Skill: Power From the Sky

Suwako's power from before Kanako's arrival. The energy hovers in the void, like spirit magic.

Skill: Wisteria of the Tenryuu River

Mysterious wisteria that grows from both banks of the river to intertwine above it. It is said that you will be cursed if you cut it.

Skill: Cursed God

A wild god that strikes fear in humanity. They are powerful and can become guardian gods if appeased.

Passive: Old Gods
Passive: Dialogue With the Stone God
Passive: Curse of the Mishaguji