Takane Yamashiro


Business Youkai of the Mountain's Recess

Takane Yamashiro's usual outfit. It is similar to Nitori's outfit but features camouflage to blend in with the forest.

Forest Fried Rice Delivery

Takane's delicious delivery service uniform. Yamawaro love fried rice.

Business Youkai of the Mountain's Recess
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Mountain Marketing
VA: Takeda Hana
Money Yamawaro
VA: Fairouz Ai
Scoundrel Sales
VA: Matsui Akiha

Character Information

Temperament: Yamakaze

Yamakaze (a Touhou LW original) refers to the wind that blows down from the mountains. There is no more suitable temperament for a Yamawaro, as they are youkai of the mountains. Takane is endowed with Wood Phase, as a forest-dwelling youkai, and Moon Essence, as a two-faced businessperson. The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating forest qi

This is Takane Yamashiro's ability as a yamawaro. Yamawaro are said to live deep in the mountains, be very knowledgeable about forests, and be skilled with technology and commerce. Takane appears to be a leader of the yamawaro because she speaks just a tiny bit more politely than others of her kind. Priorities and common sense differ between youkai and humans, so maybe that is all one needs to become a leader of youkai. The inherent nature of yamawaro as youkai resembles that of the kappa. Particularly in how they are both skilled with technology and commerce. They could both belong to the same overarching species of youkai but live in different habitats, like subspecies for animals. It is said that kappa resemble amphibians, whereas yamawaro resemble monkeys, but there are also tales of kappa who look like monkeys when they are on land. There are many youkai who are thought to be relatives of the kappa, such as kawatarou and gaoro, but many of them also bear characteristics reminiscent of yamawaro, such as the yamatarou and kashanbo. It is particularly interesting how kappa and yamawaro switch places with each other during the spring and autumn equinoxes. This is similar to the relationships between gods of the fields and gods of the mountains, and between water dragons and sky dragons. The phenomenon is also similar to the migration of birds. The kappa and yamawaro in Gensokyo continually insult each other even though the yamawaro rely on the kappa's technology and the kappa rely on the yamawaro's business acumen. There are various legends about bowl-lending that detail trades between humans and kappa or yamawaro. This may explain why these youkai have such a thorough understanding of commerce. The yamawaro of Gensokyo are also involved in the money-lending business at gambling dens, indicating how far their economy has developed. Apparently, yamawaro also demand payment for helping out with work done on the mountain. Although, some people say that they just steal food. They have a particular fondness for powdered roasted rice called hattai and onigiri. The yamawaro helped in the construction of Moriya Shrine's aerial tramway, so perhaps they were paid for this service with hattai. Just like kappa, yamawaro also like to eat cucumbers. It's a little-known fact, but kappa also like eggplants. Perhaps Yamawaro favor eggplants over cucumbers to compete with the kappa's enthusiastic love for cucumbers. There are also accounts of yamawaro liking freshwater crabs and prawns.


Forest Qi

Takane Yamashiro's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). She attacks by manipulating the qi of the forest. For humans, large forests like those in the mountains are ancient areas where monsters live. That is why the majority of humans used to and continue to live on flat plains. Hills are a boundary.

  • Forest Qi Bullet
  • Thicket Qi Bullet
  • Woodland Qi Bullet
  • Super Forest Qi Bullet
  • Mountain Qi Bullet
  • Ultimate Forest Qi Bullet
Leaf Spin

Takane Yamashiro's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). She attacks by manipulating tree leaves. The way she makes the leaf-blades dance on the wind resembles the techniques employed by ninja. This is somewhat fitting as ninja have a close relationship with the people who live in the mountains and the concepts of yin, yang, and the Five Phases.

  • Leaf Spin Bullet
  • Needle Leaf Spin Bullet
  • Seed Leaf Spin Bullet
  • Big Leaf Spin Bullet
  • Tree Leaf Spin Bullet
  • Broad Leaf Spin Bullet
Forest Sign: Tree-Veiling Technology

Takane Yamashiro's Spell Card. She shows off the technology possessed by the youkai who live in the mountain's recesses. Yamawaro are youkai that live in the mountains, and just like other mountain-dwelling youkai, they share the aura of danger and terror inherent to the mountain on which they live. The mountains are home to wild animals, people who oppose those who live in the flatlands, people exiled from the flatlands, criminals, and those whose profession requires that they live there. Beings that possess the magic of oni or the wind may also make their home in the mountains. All of these beings are mysterious, so they could all be youkai.

  • Yamawaro Camouflage
  • Yamawaro Stealth
  • Forest Camouflage Bullet
  • Secret Yamawaro Camo Technique
  • Mountain Camouflage Bullet
  • Secret Yamawaro Stealth Technique
Leaf Skill: Green Spiral

Takane Yamashiro's Spell Card She attacks with a whirlwind of forest qi. Leaves and wind are things of nature composed of qi from the Wood Phase. The deep connection between Wood Phase and the wind is clearly shown by the yin-yang Five Phases creation theory.

  • Green Spiral Bullet
  • Gale Bullet
  • Green Gale Bullet
  • Heaven Wind Bullet
  • Green Gust Bullet
  • Gust Bullet
Dynamite Armor

Takane Yamashiro's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She brings out the mech she uses for engineering projects. It is said that yamawaro dislike the sounds of explosions, but there are also accounts of yamawaro creating dynamite-like explosive sounds. There are also accounts of them disliking metal, even though there are accounts of yamawaro working with metal tools in the mountains. These may seem like contradictions at first glance, but they could indicate the incredible adaptability of yamawaro as youkai, who live close to humans. Yamawaro show interest in the technology of humans that is brought into their territory, and they can incorporate this technology into their own culture. Incidentally, the act of charging into the enemy and self-destructing was not one of the intended uses of this machine.

  • Dynamite Missile
  • Dynamite Attack
  • Dynamite Cannon
  • Dynamite Tackle
  • Dynamite Rocket
  • Dynamite Self-Destruct


Skill: Anti-Kappa Fence

It's particularly effective against those who dwell in water because it's an electric fence. What would happen if she used it against Nitori...?

Skill: Military Rations

Old-fashioned military rations are packed with adventure. It doesn't matter how they taste or look.

Skill: Prospector Lecture

Yamawaro have a thriving monetary economy even though they live in the hard-to-reach places on the mountain. They also seem to understand the concept of loans.

Passive: Forest-Dwelling Youkai
Passive: Bandit Technology
Passive: Safety Area