Utsuho Reiuji


Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame

Utsuho Reiuji's usual outfit. It features a white blouse with a green skirt.

Palace of the Earth Spirits' Feathered Helper

Utsuho's outfit as a maid trainee. I'll be the one to serve as Lady Satori's Head Maid!

Occasionally Non-Operational Underworld Sun

Utsuho's outfit for enjoying the Former Hell hot springs. The T-shirt she's wearing is on sale at the Palace of the Earth Spirits.

Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Hell of Blazing Fires' Keeper
VA: Kakuma Ai
Yatagarasu Incarnate
VA: Fukuhara Ayaka
Exciting Nuclear Fusion
VA: Kiyoto Arisa

Character Information

Temperament: Retsujitsu

Retsujitsu refers to bright sunlight on a summer day. This is an apt temperament for Utsuho, who is a vessel for Yatagarasu, the avatar of the Sun. Utsuho is endowed with Fire Phase, as a Hell raven, and Sun Essence, as a vessel for Yatagarasu. The formless and passionate Fire Phase resists Wood Phase, because wood feeds fire, but it is weak to Water Phase, because water dampens fire. The alluring and arrogant Sun Essence resists the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence, but it is weak to the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating nuclear fusion

Utsuho Reiuji's ability as a vessel for the divine spirit Yatagarasu. As the name suggests, she can control nuclear fusion. It is an immeasurably powerful ability. It is no exaggeration to say that the generation of stable energy through nuclear fusion reactions would be the greatest theses of physical science. Nuclear fusion is sought after as it would be a much more efficient and clean source of energy. At the same time, prospects for making it a reality with current technology are not bright. But it is often featured in sci-fi stories as a fantastical source of energy. The reason Utsuho can control such power on her own is because she has Yatagarasu, the Sun God Amaterasu's envoy and avatar for sunspots inside of her. Nuclear fusion is the power of the sun and an ultimate aspiration of mankind, so who could have possibly given her Yatagarasu? ...Gods with an interest in scientific engineering and devoted to gaining control of faith are to blame. Because Utsuho is pure and straightforward, she isn't likely to abuse such power. If she had been wiser, then the incident involving vengeful spirits emerging from geysers on the surface world may have gotten more complicated. It's not clear whether these gods (who live atop a mountain) took this into account, but as a result, Utsuho's friend Rin had to rush to and fro to try and resolve the problem. That's proof of Utsuho's character. She is guilty of no sin... probably.


Rocket Dive

Utsuho Reiuji's Spread Shot. She charges into the enemy with great force, akin to a rocket. Furthermore, there is apparently a theoretical design for a rocket driven by fusion propulsion called a Fusion Driven Rocket.

  • Rocket Dive
  • MC Rocket Dive
  • IFC Rocket Dive
  • MTF Rocket Dive
  • IEC Rocket Dive
  • ACNPP Rocket Dive
Hell Wave Cannon

Utsuho Reiuji's Focus Shot. A Shot that unleashes hellish waves. Nobody knows the makeup of the attack. Even Utsuho may be unaware. Judging by the name, the waves may derive from the power innate to all Hell ravens as they can endure the scorching heat of Hell.

  • Hell Wave Cannon
  • Convergence Hell Wave Cannon
  • Spread Hell Wave Cannon
  • Expansion Hell Wave Cannon
  • T Hell Wave Cannon
  • New Hell Wave Cannon
Explosion Sign: Mega Flare

Utsuho Reiuji's Spell Card. An extremely large bullet of light similar to the Sun that strikes the enemy. Because there are many parallels between Utsuho's bullets' nuclear fusion and the Sun, it is possible that the flare in this Spell Card's name is a reference to solar flares, the explosions that occur on the surface of the Sun. They are the largest explosions in the Solar System, and the solar storms that they produce can even affect the Earth.

  • 10^6 Flare
  • 10^12 Flare
  • 10^15 Flare
  • 10^18 Flare
  • 10^21 Flare
  • 10^24 Flare
Atomic Fire: Uncontainable Nuclear Reaction Dive

Utsuho Reiuji's Spell Card. She loses control and rushes recklessly into her target. While the Spell Card's name may suggest danger, being uncontainable is kind of normal for Utsuho, as she tends to act of her own accord anyway. However, this is an attack of immense power, made with the ultimate energy of nuclear fusion―It is far from the norm.

  • Sun Engine Dive
  • Mercury Engine Dive
  • Venus Engine Dive
  • Mars Engine Dive
  • Jupiter Engine Dive
  • Saturn Engine Dive
Primordial Sun

Utsuho Reiuji's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). Manifests a young star. The Primordial Sun is the Sun when it was first born 4.6 billion years ago. It is believed that at first, it gave off light not by nuclear fusion but by gravitational collapse of interstellar matter. In a way, the name could be describing the time when Utsuho first became a vessel for Yatagarasu and was overflowing with power―both divine and her innate power as a Hell raven.

  • Elemental Cloud Core
  • Primordial Star Core
  • Primordial Star
  • Star in Hydrostatic Equilibrium
  • T Tauri Star
  • Main Sequence Star


Skill: Leg of Decomposition

Utsuho's left leg. It is surrounded by mysterious particles. The limit of decomposition is elementary particles.

Skill: Leg of Fusion

Utsuho's right leg. It has minerals clinging to it. The limit of fusion is heavy metals.

Skill: Third Leg

A mysterious pole attached to Utsuho's right hand. It looks like a pole belonging to a certain goddess.

Passive: Yatagarasu's Protection
Passive: Hell Raven's Constitution
Passive: Red Eye