Yatsuhashi Tsukumo


Tsukumogami of an Aged Koto

Yatsuhashi Tsukumo's usual outfit. It features a white blouse and a black skirt.

Rebel Koto Guitarist

Yatsuhashi's mysterious band costume. She used magic to transform her koto into a guitar.

Pure and Radiant White Camphor

Yatsuhashi's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

Tsukumogami of an Aged Koto
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Tsukumogami of a Koto
VA: Matsuda Satsumi
Cheerful Little Sister
VA: Ozawa Ari
Echoes of a Transient World
VA: Naganawa Maria

Character Information

Temperament: Haru-urara

Haru-urara (a Touhou LW original) refers to how the sunlight on a clear spring day shines down on everything and makes the world sparkle. This is an apt temperament for the energetic Yatsuhashi who was made into a tsukumogami by the magic of the Miracle Mallet owned by the Shining Needle Castle's mistress. Yatsuhashi is endowed with Wood Phase, with the koto being an instrument made out of wood, and Star Essence, with her carefree attitude. The strong and kind Wood Phase resists Water Phase, because water nourishes wood, but it is weak to Metal Phase, because metal carves wood. The diverse and uncooperative Star Essence resists the cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence, but it is weak to the charming and arrogant Sun Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of making sounds and performing on her own

This is Benben and Yatsuhashi's ability as tsukumogami of instruments. By being able to make sounds and perform on their own, they are able to actively perform not just as instruments but as musicians. Yatsuhashi is especially happy with becoming a tsukumogami as it has made it possible for her to have a sisterly relationship with Benben and to communicate with others. The Tsukumo sisters are recognised as music artists by the humans and youkai of Gensokyo and there are quite a few fans looking forward to their next song. The sisters seem to have turned over a new leaf when their once temporary change into tsukumogami became permanent.


Saung-Gauk Timbre

Yatsuhashi Tsukumo's Spread Shot (a Touhou LW original). This attack reproduces the timbre of a certain string instrument that is similar to the koto. Harp instruments are used by many different cultures throughout the world and a few of them are very similar to the Japanese koto. Furthermore, the harp is treasured as an instrument of import in most of these cultures. Another similarity between all the varieties of harp is that they all have a kind of melancholic timbre.

  • Koto Timbre
  • Traditional Koto Timbre
  • Harp Timbre
  • Traditional Harp Timbre
  • Spirit Tree
  • Saung-Gauk Timbre
Harp of Warning

Yatsuhashi Tsukumo's Focus Shot (a Touhou LW original). This attack plays a koto tune that carries and conveys a divine message. Using a koto for communication has a long and storied tradition, with it even being mentioned in Japanese mythology.

  • Koto Tune
  • Divine Decree
  • Divine Koto Tune
  • Imperial Koto Tune
  • Divine Imperial Koto Tune
  • Imperial Decree
Koto Sign: Sounds of Anicca's Koto

Yatsuhashi Tsukumo's Spell Card. In this attack, she plays a tune inspired by a classic military epic. Impermanence is a major theme in the Tale of the Heike. All things are transient and nothing is constant or permanent. The tsukumogami may have taken this as inspiration in regards to Gensokyo's existing system (the relationship between youkai and the Human Village) in a past incident.

  • Volume Seven
  • Volume Eight
  • Volume Nine
  • Volume Ten
  • Volume Eleven
  • Volume Twelve
Koto Music: Social Upheaval Requiem

Yatsuhashi Tsukumo's Spell Card. As the name may indicate, this is an attack that utilises rock music. The koto and biwa are both string instruments and could be thought of as distant relatives to the guitar and bass guitar. This could explain why the Tsukumo sisters shouted social satire and about reform when they wished to overturn society, as these are the same expressions that rock music often embodies.

  • Melody of Social Upheaval
  • Melody of Opposition
  • Melody of Defiance
  • Melody of Resistance
  • Melody of Rebellion
  • Melody of Revolution
Koto Tree Hill

Yatsuhashi Tsukumo's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). A gigantic tree shoots up out of the ground in this attack. There is a story about a koto youkai that turned into a tree after it was placed on a hill. Most trees live much longer than humans, so they can act as a monument for subsequent generations, which is why many folktales feature various things turning into trees.

  • Koto Tree
  • Palatial Feast
  • Large Koto Tree
  • Huge Koto Tree
  • Giant Koto Tree
  • Palatial Celebration


Skill: Kumiuta: Shiki no Kyoku

Song of The Four Seasons. An ancient kumiuta composed by Yatsuhashi Kengyo. This arrangement of short songs is about the beauty in each of the seasons.

Skill: Kumiuta: Ogi no Kyoku

Song of a Fan. This kumiuta is one three masterpieces. It has been passed down through history from master koto players to their students.

Skill: Kumiuta: Kumoi no Kyoku

Song of the Distant Sky. The words in this song are all about love. Perhaps you could say that makes it similar to modern day rock songs.

Passive: Tsukumogami Music
Passive: Woohoo!
Passive: Childlike Innocence