Yuyuko Saigyouji


Ghost Girl in the Netherworld Tower

Yuyuko Saigyouji's usual outfit. It is a light blue kimono that flutters in the wind.

Stationary Ghost

Another one of Yuyuko Saigyouji's usual outfits. There is only a slight difference, but it is a matter of taste.

Bunny Ghost Hoping for Resurrection

Rinnosuke says this rabbit costume raises Yuyuko's sword aura. An unusual way of wearing clothes.

National Peace Ghost

Yuyuko Saigyouji's furisode for the New Year. Let there be peace for Youmu and the Nation.

White Snow and White Cherry Blossoms

Yuyuko's Fantasy Rebirth outfit. It was fashioned at Kourindou based on information in the journal.

Ghost Girl in the Netherworld Tower
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Butterfly in the Netherworld
VA: Uesaka Sumire
Lady of Hakugyokurou
VA: Ishiguro Chihiro
Ghost Under the Cherry Blossoms
VA: Nakamura Sakura

Character Information

Temperament: Yuki

Yuki refers to snow, ice crystals that mostly fall in the winter. Apparently, Yuyuko altered this temperament herself. Perhaps she was overlaying her own experience as a ghost and an incident where the snow stayed long past its time... Yuyuko is endowed with Water Phase, the temperament of the dead, and Moon Essence, from her aloof personality. The flexible and patient Water Phase resists Metal Phase, because metal collects water, but it is weak to Earth Phase, because earth directs water. The cooperative and indecisive Moon Essence resists the alluring and arrogant Sun Essence, but it is weak to the diverse and uncooperative Star Essence.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating death

A simple yet terrifying ability that allows Yuyuko to unilaterally end the life of her target, be they a human or a youkai. However, she has never been seen using this power. It also does not work on immortals like the people of Hourai. Incidentally, she had a different ability when she was still alive.


Deadly Butterfly

Yuyuko Saigyouji's Spread Shot. She summons spirit butterflies to bombard her target. Butterflies are said to represent souls and be messengers from the realm of the dead even in other countries.

  • Death Butterfly
  • Night Butterfly
  • Death Butterfly
  • Resurrection Butterfly
  • Death Butterfly
  • Death Butterfly
Lights of the Unborn

Yuyuko Saigyouji's Focus Shot. She shoots out an intense and strangely cherry-blossom pink light. With reincarnation, souls that have not yet been born may be the closest to souls that have died and been purified.

  • Lights of the Unborn
  • Laser of Guf
  • Penetrating Lights of the Unborn
  • Laser of Guf
  • Penetrating Lights of the Unborn
  • Laser of Guf
Death Sign: Ghastly Dream

Yuyuko Saigyouji's Spell Card. She unleashes a multitude of spirit butterflies in this nightmarish attack. It is said that people's dreams are all connected, as are the afterlife and the world beyond. Butterflies are the guides that connect the dreams.

  • Dreadful Dream Butterfly
  • Bad Dream Butterfly
  • Death Dream Butterfly
  • Bad Dream Butterfly
  • Dreadful Dream Butterfly
  • Dead Dream Butterfly
Butterfly Sign: Deadly Lance of the Swallowtail Crest

Yuyuko Saigyouji's Spell Card. A barrage of spirit butterflies and lances of light that pierce through the target. Get attacked by this spear and you will end up scattering like a dream on a spring night.

  • Swallowtail Crest Deadly Lance
  • Wicked Butterfly
  • Piercing Deadly Lance
  • Wicked Butterfly
  • Piercing Deadly Lance
  • Doomed Wicked Butterfly
Saigyouji Parinirvana

Yuyuko Saigyouji's Last Word. She lets out bursts of powerful light and resurrection butterflies in this manifestation of the return of the soul and death. This Spell Card signifies that the Saigyou Ayakashi is at its full bloom, which also signifies Yuyuko's death. Is Yuyuko herself aware of this?

  • Light of Parinirvana
  • Dance of the Resurrection Butterfly
  • Light of Nirvana
  • Dance of the Resurrection Butterfly
  • Light of Parinirvana
  • Death Butterfly


Skill: Spirit Service

The spirits that serve Yuyuko at Hakugyokurou. Since they are waiting for reincarnation, they are honest and obedient.

Skill: Soul Torch

An item for collecting spirits that was once lent to Youmu. It is very valuable, so be careful not to drop it.

Skill: Under the Flowers

Yuyuko's thoughts toward the Saigyou Ayakashi. It calms her mind and increases her focus (but it slows her down).

Passive: Ghostly Tendencies
Passive: Netherworld Manager
Passive: Boundary Between Life and Death